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Posts posted by Davidson

  1. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm glad people have enjoyed these. Next up, it's St Helens. The Saints play in the English (and a bit French) Super League and current World Club Champions.


    St Helens RLFC logo suffers slightly from the Liverpool FC crest (from just down the road) in that it has grown in size and complexity as a series of outer crests have been added to the original.

    This design comprising just the core brand elements of the monogram and the chevron from the jersey seeks to reduce it back to a simple original look.


    Original Logo



    St Helens



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  2. 1 minute ago, the_grateful_ted said:

    Outstanding can’t wait to see more! Wouldn’t be surprised if that roosters concept is still my favorite when the series gets wrapped up 🐔 

    Ha, damn. It's my favourite, thats why I posted it first. Enjoy the downhill slope...

  3. Hello CCSL,

    Been a while since I was last here, ten years it seems!

    I have moved away from sports branding in recent years as I have been running an animation company.

    We work a great deal in sports (we work with F1, the NFL, Canadian Olympic teams, Rugby, Baseball, Basketball etc), but I have had little chance to work in sports branding in recent times.



    Recently I have wanted to get more involved in sports design and as such decided this month (with a little down time) that I'm going to work on a small project.


    This project brands all the top grade footy teams of the NRL and Super League (domestic Rugby League competions of Australia and the UK). I hope you enjoy, I'm trying to post one a day.

    Click on the team link to take you through to Dribbble to see the accompanying animations for each team. Stills of the Logo and Uniform, I'll post here. I hope you enjoy.


    First up, the Sydney Roosters, bonus points for identifying the local icons.


    Original Logo




    Sydney Roosters


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  4. Not a full uniform, but...


    The somewhat infamous original logo for the Jacksonville Jaguars, bound to be the franchise's primary logo but unused due to a potential lawsuit by Ford.

    Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo.

    ...and who owns jaguar?...

    Tata Motors

    true that. till 08 and at the time of the jags, twas ford.

    I know. I was attempting to be a smart ass.

    Interesting how Jaguar went from being owned by a bunch of asses to being owned by boobies.

    its sad, this is the way the entire british car industry has gone.

    jaguar - tata

    land rover - tata

    mini - bmw

    bentley - vw

    aston martin - still sort of british but owned by kuwaiti consortium

    mclaren - daimler and ron dennis and tata

    tvr - russian guy

    mg - Nanjing Automobile Group

    only car manufacturers left are bristol caterham, morgan, nobel, ascari and a few others even ive never heard of.

  5. Not a full uniform, but...


    The somewhat infamous original logo for the Jacksonville Jaguars, bound to be the franchise's primary logo but unused due to a potential lawsuit by Ford.

    Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo.

    ...and who owns jaguar?...

    Tata Motors

    true that. till 08 and at the time of the jags, twas ford.

  6. Not a full uniform, but...


    The somewhat infamous original logo for the Jacksonville Jaguars, bound to be the franchise's primary logo but unused due to a potential lawsuit by Ford.

    Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo.

    ...and who owns jaguar?...

  7. okay, so not the worlds best example but this is how i do it.

    quick sketch of the face and then block it in.

    kneck, chin and jaw


    nose and those lines around your mouth and

    mouth and detail.

    its impossible to just draw a face from just the shapes. you need some sort of a sketch.

    well i do anyway.


  8. no idea what mesh objects are. the sad fact is i reckon you need to do a bit of drawing. not too much, just basic facial structure. nose, brow, eyeline, chin and cheeks etc. that helps.

    i started drawing myself in the mirror and then seeing how simple i could make the shapes and still have them recognisable. ill try and do a tutorial or something helpfull

    at some point.

  9. OK...here's what i would like help with if someone would like to take the time to show me.

    I've been seeing this effect done on various things like the NHL logo's and what not...i'd like to know how to achieve that look.

    Here's an example of what i'm talking about incase anyone is lost...


    well people achieve the so called web 2.0 'look' a few ways. in this case, the overleyed shape is on the bottom

    and is the rectangle with the concave edge.

    its an overlay with a black to mid grey gradient with an overlay transfer mode.

    you see this sort of thing with screens and multiply gradients too.

  10. Does any know where I can go to find Illustrator cheap? The disc that I dug up a little while back was no good and the program wouldn't load.

    Or is anyone willing to sell and old version of Illustrator they don't need anymore?

    I just fool around with making logos and stuff in my spare time so I'm not really looking to make the investment required to get the newest version.

    If anyone is interested you can PM me or e-mail me at: undergrounddyer@yahoo.com


    download inkscape instead. ive tried it. seems good for free.

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