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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. The Rams get credit for at least looking good from the neck up, and realizing basically halfway into their first season with them that the bone duds were lousy. They added the yellow pants and then the fauxback white jersey, which pretty much became their road look, and likely will be cemented as such now that they've won a Super Bowl in it. There is no reason to believe Danny Snyder will be inclined to tweak these atrocities into something marginally better. There is every reason to believe he'll trot out something even worse when he's allowed to five years from now.
  2. USFL owners suing somebody for damages? Oh, this always goes well.
  3. Wausau Woodchucks unveiled their road jersey - or a replica version of it, at least. Game hats have not been released yet, so this is a tonal fashion hat.
  4. USFL replicas are selling for $80 on their online shop. There's no actual pics of them though, just graphics, and they show some differences from the actual unveiled jerseys. So you may want to hold off until actual product photos start hitting.
  5. First look at a Panthers jersey outside of an edited professional shoot:
  6. From the neck down, they're fine. Nice stripe consistency and color usage. The helmet is garbage, the logo is a joke, and the name cannot be used for any team or league seeking legitimate national exposure in 2022. We're a quarter-century removed from "Bullets" and several years from the Calgary Stampeders using crossed pistols as an alternate logo.
  7. Whoa whoa whoa, one scam at a time there, pal.
  8. This makes me want one little addition to the new Panthers jersey - light blue pinlines in the numbers.
  9. Look, I think we should give the new USFL credit. Because when it comes to an upstart football league, seeing red everywhere is basically truth in advertising.
  10. Holy cow, I was actually right about something!
  11. For 1984, the Arizona Wranglers also had a red jersey paired with metallic (copper) helmets and pants, but they ended up wearing white at home and on the road for the entire season. So that's 7 out of 18 wearing the same primary color.
  12. Football for a Buck has a lot more stories from the field and the players. The $1 League is almost 100% focused on ownership and the league office, and fills in a lot of the picture that I haven't read or heard in other places. It makes you understand how the league really was going on a wing and a prayer for its entire existence, even pre-Trump, and while he was definitely the main accelerant on the dumpster fire, he was far from the only big problem in the room. You will come away knowing what a lying sleaze Eddie Einhorn was, for one.
  13. I think the last one you listed there answers your question.
  14. The $1 League is the name of the book, written by USFL exec Jim Byrne as the ashes were still cooling in 1986. It is the most thorough and unsparing look at all the years of poor decisions and self-delusion that led up to the famous verdict.
  15. My favorite Gunslingers stories are, in no particular order: 1) Using house paint instead of special turf paint on the Alamo Stadium field to save money, which led to players getting skin infections; 2) team employees making up for missed paychecks by stealing and selling the folding chairs used to increase seating; and 3) this incompetent criminal skinflint of an owner turning out to be the pivotal person in getting the league aligned with Donald Trump's grand vision of fall football.
  16. If you spend some time reading about the interactions between USFL owners, you'll find out that it was nothing short of a minor miracle that both teams showed up fully clothed for every game, no matter the color schemes.
  17. With the squared cut and the mesh body, are we looking at some old-school Ripon Athletic jerseys here?
  18. Ten games of those Panthers uniforms in action makes this whole farce worth it. 10/10, no notes.
  19. The replica jerseys also seem to lack sleeve/shoulder numbers, and have team wordmarks on the front. Following in the AAF's footsteps of making the replica jerseys different from what's worn on the field for... reasons.
  20. New Jersey bringing back toilet seat collars, furthering the USFL's commitment to exactly the wrong kind of nostalgia.
  21. Jersey: Black with dark gray side panels. Pants: Dark gray with black side panels. What are we even doing here?
  22. So the Bandits have drop-shadowed numbers with no outline and side panels on the jerseys they think will line up with the pants stripes. What year am I in, 2002? *looks at Maulers* Well, I guess there's my answer.
  23. These aren't the WFT uniforms, they're NFT uniforms. They're unsightly, beloved by rich idiots, and almost certainly part of a front for money laundering.
  24. I never understood why they rebranded from "Wausau" to "Wisconsin" when an even higher percentage of the league was Wisconsin-based at the time, I think. Something seems a little off about the woodchuck - my mind keeps reading it as "too flat." But I'm hoping for good things in the uniform set, and am likely to buy merch based on the name change and colors alone.
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