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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. I said near the start of this pandemic that on the other side of it, minor league hockey would be the survivors of the AHL and ECHL merged into a single circuit, and maybe nothing professional surviving below that. I haven't seen anything yet that would change my mind. I do think it's possible that it stays two-tiered, with 16 teams carrying dual affiliations in each for the sake of survival. But teams are so much more invested on putting their systems fully in their farm teams than they were 15 years ago, so even if that happened, I couldn't see it lasting long-term.
  2. When a league like this announces an expansion to 15 teams, that means a contraction to 14 or 12 is not far behind.
  3. Oh, I am of the belief that the league is going to be down to 28 teams by the time the 2022-23 season starts, and I do think Ottawa, Buffalo, and Florida are your prime candidates for getting vaporized, alongside Florida. The Coyotes are the easy punching bag because we've been discussing their persistent failures and edge-of-doom existence on this board for over 11 years.
  4. Hey, in these Unprecedented Times, we're all having a little trouble with the ol' landlord, aren't we?
  5. That's it! The South Wisconsin NippleBelters, with a Vault Boy-esque Ed Gein swinging a femur bone as a primary logo. Checks all the boxes!
  6. Supposedly the kill list has been shuffled a bit in secret. I believe Beloit's presence on the list was contingent on them not getting a new park. If they got the new stadium, I believe Quad Cities would get killed instead. One thing that's been nagging me about the Beloit name choices - so, "Supper Clubbers" is probably the most tolerable of the very bad lot, right? Now, I may be incorrect about this, but I always associate the Supper Club scene with northern Wisconsin. Like, you've at least gotta get north of the 39/90 split in Portage before you're in what could be considered supper club territory. And here's Beloit, parked on the Illinois border. The identity options feel like the brainstorming went as far as, "Beloit's in Wisconsin, right? Okay, what are some Wisconsin things?" and then that was lunch. Shocking that Waterskiiers or AquaBats or Chicago Suburbanites didn't make the cut.
  7. If they're trying to pass that off as a nickname for geese, they'll be called the "Beloit Sky Crap" by people far and wide within hours of the unveiling.
  8. Good God almighty. Not a salvageable identity in the lot. My joking attempt at Brandiosing them into the "Stateline RockRollers" seems tolerable by comparison. I now humbly suggest the Beloit Woodmen, in homage to my preferred stop for beer, meats, and cheeses whenever I would drop off or pick up an order at EPS.
  9. I'm so happy to revive this thread. It brings me such a weird sense of community. I'm not saying it's time to fire up the Whitesnake yet, but maybe keep the playlist handy.
  10. I just realized this is also Don Cherry's résumé.
  11. I don't think they fired him, they're just sitting him out for the rest of these playoffs. I'll believe he's gone when it actually happens, kinda like how we were told Pierre was getting demoted and he ended up being on TV just as much this past season. Milbury also caught it for saying a couple weeks ago that the completely empty stands in the bubble looked like a women's game. You can maybe hold onto your gig despite trading away Luongo or Chara, but it's gonna be a lot harder for the bosses to ignore you doing both.
  12. You always, always, always treat the microphone as if it's live, kids.
  13. All they need to do is drop the gold from their color scheme and go navy/double green/yellow, then get some decent uniforms for once. I don't want to see the delightful Snappers get Brandiosed into being the StateLine RockRollers or some such trash.
  14. Submitting "Fielders" because there's no better name if you're making a team from whole cloth to play against you and calling it a season.
  15. The Pegulas have pretty much blown out the entire Rochester Americans front office, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a precursor to something worse for hockey fans in Rochester.
  16. It's bad, and it takes far too much work for me to figure out it's supposed to be a horse. Maybe they should have worked on that before they started counting up rivets.
  17. So, which team does the league force to move into Springfield to fill its suckhole headquarters? EDIT: wait lol it's the Blues as long as it's cheap
  18. Sprint Center has prided itself on being successful and booked enough not to actually need a primary tenant, though. Don't see why it would want one that would half-fill the place at maximum and demand lots of weekend dates out of the 38 total it requires.
  19. Flames parachuting their AHL team into a town with no interest in the NHL club, and taking up residence in an older arena, going head-to-head with a big local university program. But enough about the Ak-Sar-Ben Knights.
  20. Wildcats remind me a lot of the old AFL New York Dragons in their home uniforms. Having a number 8 under center probably enhances the similarity.
  21. Get the Guardians some gray-topped socks like Houston has, and this look is a 10. Also, New York's using a different nameplate font than the rest of the league.
  22. I'd have to think, with the 1:1 ratio and so many AHL teams now NHL owned, the selling price for a team might be at a premium, relatively speaking. Don Levin says he hasn't heard an offer to his liking yet, but the Spurs obviously did, and Don many not be in a position to turn down offers much longer.
  23. I don't want to picture 1,200 in the Alamodome for hockey, and neither should anyone else.
  24. Elliotte Friedman reports that the next commissioner of the AHL will be former Blue Jackets GM Scott Howson, and that should just about do it for the ol' American Hockey League.
  25. It will be hilarious if the Blues have to go back to the Wolves for their affiliation, given that the two organizations hated each other by the time their deal ended. It will be far less amusing if Dave Andrews uses this as an opportunity to force the Wolves out of the league as his last action before he s off into the sunset. The Blues have little other choice, though. As @rams80 noted, the reason they got stuck with the Wolves the first time around is because they "couldn't afford" to own and operate the Peoria Rivermen anymore, so they sold the Rivs to Vancouver. Maybe the coffers are a bit more full after the Cup, but this is a franchise that was cool with casting its prospects to the four winds until San Antonio opened up, so I doubt it.
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