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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. I get what she's doing, in that female media members, especially those in sports, get walloped with crap like this even when they aren't covering a star athlete rape case. She probably got sick at some point of absorbing the blows like everyone else and decided to start swinging. But I also get that when her RTs are just an unrelenting minute-by-minute trash parade, it does more to inoculate the reader than anything. "We get it, Julie, people are :censored: , please stop constantly reminding us."

    If the alleged victim was assaulted (and now, we're guaranteed we'll never know), imagine what it's like to have your own mother take the already-slim hope of getting legal justice and shoot it right to hell. Oh, and your lawyer name-drops you nationwide and very publicly can't find his own ass with two hands. Good times all around.

  2. But they don't even have Kane's semen! Allegedly. I'm guessing someone played a prank on the accuser and fabricated the bag. The police are saying they have the evidence fully accounted for in its original bags, so someone's either lying or has been hoodwinked.

    There is a potential gap here, in that the evidence was transferred from local PD in Hamburg to the Erie County Sheriff. So it's possible that the bag was compromised in Hamburg, its contents resealed, and County has had it in that packaging for all its time. Not that any of this matters now; Kane's walking without indictment on this, and everything else is just a matter of how ugly we care to find out it all gets.

  3. Kane's accuser's lawyer says the evidence bag containing the rape kit was anonymously delivered to her mother's house, ripped open. This is John Grisham :censored:. This is not supposed to occur in real life.

    Also, the attorney says he has never made a civil settlement and has no intention of doing so in this case, despite it being reported twice in The Buffalo News and once in the Chicago Tribune, so the next time a "source" drips out a targeted point of information to a media outlet, consider where it might be coming from and how true it might actually be.

    This all ends when the gunshy DA decides he's not seeking charges anyway, though. The probable best outcome here is the feds investigating his office and the Buffalo PD, as Patrick collects his $10.5 a year to the adoring cheers.

  4. IMG_20150919_191222_zpsu923ys4d.jpg

    Front and goddamned center. I'm just going to assume the team's giving Patrick free reign in South Bend tonight, because, screw it, the tickets are sold already, right?

    UPDATE: Erie County DA's office going beyond leaking; four sources gushing to The Buffalo News that Kane's DNA was found on the victim and under her fingernails, but not inside her. Call off the grand jury, bring on the lovely parting gifts for our victim, this is never going to trial.

  5. Yeah, I've seen a few female Kane defenders, though I try to steer clear of the froth, just because it always ends up being sad/infuriating/garbage. The defense line is always "We don't know all the facts yet!", which is convenient, because unless someone magically had their smartphone recording for several hours straight, yeah, we're never going to have all the facts. Just physical evidence that's very open to interpretation, and the accounts of two people who were under the influence of alcohol, at least one of whom has a vested interest in all the facts not coming out. Thusly, why it's so hard to get a guilty verdict in a rape case.

    Anyway, sex assault or not, this past month has taught me that Patrick Kane is a drunk :censored: hole and the Blackhawks are buffoons if they knew he was still being a drunk :censored: hole regularly and offered him a max contract anyway because at least he was keeping it quiet this time around. Sports!

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  6. Yeah, the emotionless cost/benefit analysis here apparently says having one of the world's 5 best offensive players active outweighs maybe a couple dozen people returning their tickets (or better yet, reselling them on the official NHL Ticket Exchange) and unloading their jerseys. Ben Roethlisberger didn't even do short-term damage to the Steelers, after all. Plus, there's language in the CBA regarding training camp attendance that can be interpreted as tying the Hawks' hands here.

    I don't want to cheer for a Blackhawks team with Patrick Kane on it, but I also don't have any money to spend on the Blackhawks, so my feelings on the matter don't mean dogcrap.

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