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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. You make excellent points that I hadn't considered regarding the TV money. Given the repeated articles I've read about the looming RSN bubble, it seems like you'd have to have a network ready and in place that you could grab your cash from, pronto. I think Cox has a presence in Vegas, and they run an RSN in New Orleans for the Pelicans, so maybe there could be a similar setup.

  2. And given how the current state of affairs came about, I'm all for the NHL jacking up the admission fee for them as possible. Oh, you don't think charging US$800M when your dollar is worth only 75¢ is fair when we let Vegas in for only $500M?

    I don't think you get how currency conversion works.

    I do. That was my point. Fork over a billion loonies before the price goes up or your currency goes down, Quebecor. Or, you can try booking 250 nights of your new arena and charging NHL prices for Remparts games.

  3. I just don't think they "deserve" an NHL team like they feel they do. Neither did Winnipeg, and they're still a more feasible outpost than QC in 2015. I'm sure they will do financially fine if awarded, but putting the NHL back in Quebec isn't righting some long-standing hockey injustice. And given how the current state of affairs came about, I'm all for the NHL jacking up the admission fee for them as possible. Oh, you don't think charging US$800M when your dollar is worth only 75¢ is fair when we let Vegas in for only $500M? Well, maybe you shouldn't have chased out the English and built a taxpayer-funded arena on spec.

    Plus, as much as Winnipeg fans have tried to make Jets 2.0 The Cardinal Way of hockey (minus the banners), I get the impression Nordiques Nation would actually be worse.

  4. When asked if Quebec might have to start out in the Western Conference (because OINTDGNHL, this a legitimate question to ask)

    In fairness, we had nearly a decade of an NFC West with San Francisco, St. Louis, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Carolina, plus a quarter-century of Cincinnati and Atlanta being NL West teams, despite there being 5 teams west of Cincinnati when this alignment was set.

    Sports aren't always spot-on with the geography.

    Also, let's all laugh at the Canadians extolling the virtues of a 32-team NHL completely rejiggered to feature an 8-team Canadian division, because finally, hockey's homeland could have a chance to make the Conference Final on a regular basis.

  5. It's been determined to be a successful business model. Shut down for half a season, or even a full one, the players eventually agree to concessions (pro tip: add in a few demands you never expected to get to gjve the false appearance of compromise), and no matter how wise the fans and press get to your scheme (don't worry, most will still blame the players anyway!), you can expect record attendance and revenue on the other side.

  6. Honest-to-God fun fact I learned earlier this week: The current city manager and chief of police in Ferguson, Missouri came there from Glendale. Great to see that place on the right track!

    You know whose fans were the "most loyal and ardent in the NHL?" Four teams come to mind...the Minnesota North Stars

    Let me stop you right there for a second.

  7. City of Glendale and IceArizona have reached a compromise, and will announce a deal to keep Pointless Coyotes Hockey at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar And Grill And Debt-Saddled Arena for two more dreadful seasons, as we all slog on to the inevitable ends of our respective barely-tolerable existences.

    EDIT: Get a load of the Henry Clays in Glendale, giving up all arena revenue from Coyotes games *and* handing the team a guaranteed $6.5 million a year. Compromise!


  8. It's too hard to drive the bus up and down I-5 for eight more games?

    It would totally ruin player development.

    Also, I know I've said it before, but I can't help repeating that last season, the AHL was 6 divisions of 5 teams each. They move 5 teams to California, and rather than just giving them a division, they switch to a 4-division lineup *and* give the Special Snowflakes their wish for a shortened schedule, despite holding the rest of the league, including two teams in their division, the full 76. I am screaming from the rooftops for these entitled West Coast pissbabies to fail.

    Also, has anyone thought about how three-point games factor into points percentage standings? Don't worry if you haven't; I'm sure the league hasn't, either!

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