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Everything posted by dfwabel

  1. Of the two, only Silf has the portfolio able to be a partner.
  2. Emails illustrate that only Notre Dame could impact money per team. Since there is a new playoff system, would the Big XII really elect to move away from a round robin, nine game season which they still could have two teams at 8-1 and eligible for two playoff spots as opposed to holding a title game and "double jeopardy"? FSU and CLEM only have hope if the Big XII schools do not officially approve the 13 year "grant of tiers 1 & 2 TV Rights", so that they could also get into the new deal but only fully after year 4.
  3. For football, the Big East will still be better than the MWC. In terms of SoS, the 2013 Big East will still be better than the 2013 MWC. More importantly, the regular season TV rights are currently four times higher per team and will only increase at a much higher rate than what the MWC could even think about. Big East will have Houston, Dallas, San Diego, Tampa, Orlando, Cincinnati, and Lousiville markets. MWC will have Fresno, Las Vegas the secondary/outlying markets of SLC, SF/SJ/OAK, and DEN. If you are not part of the Pac-12, west of the Mississippi means less national following, less eyes and less money.
  4. And Boise State's tenure in the MWC will last just two years as they will move football to the Big East and other sports back to the WAC in 2013.
  5. From the AP via Washington Post Could it be that the missing councilmember being homesick backfired on them? Granted, said missing councilmember was opposed IIRC, but you can never tell with Glendale AZ. Norma Alvarez had been against any more money. She was hospitalized and has had complication a broken leg after a slip n fall last October. That said, they had a quorum to take the vote, but they still needed five for an emergency vote. Mayor Scruggs and Lieberman were the "no" votes on the lease.
  6. http://www.bizjourna...-considers.html Little to see here. They could attempt to recall three of the four council members who vored for it, but Joyce Clark is up for re-election this year with her primary in August. Secondly, as I said before, by the time this group wants to have a recall, there the state law regarding who a recall is conducted may change as there is a bill in the state legislature.
  7. A little different, Nashville agreed to a least with the municipality, but at the same time went to the state legislature to get a bill passed in their favor. They gave up one subsidy for another. Team accounting works in their favor. Example, the Heat have never paid rent to Miami-Dade County in all their seasons playing at the AmericanAirlines Arena (1997).
  8. There really is not a point for them to recall members of the council since three members who are up for re-election this year are not running: Mayor Scruggs, Vice-Mayor Frate, and Coun. Lieberman. Only councilwoman, Clark, is running this year. They public could possible recall the three incumbents from the 2010 election since they were in office when both the 2010 and 2011 loans were approved, in addition some voted against the previous contracts with the potential ownership groups. That said, the state legislature may change how recalls are done in the state by the end of this legislative session (SB 1449).
  9. The Big XII is not having FSU/CLE as their target, it is the $ from Notre Dame first. The Big XII is still days away from signing away Tier 1 and Tier 2 rights away to the conference away for seven additional years from the six years they already have given the conference. Even if FSU/CLE joined tomorrow, they would have to wait four years to see 100% of that money, plus an exit fee whit would be loaned most likely from the new conference.
  10. IslandStyle, you have used Greg Swaim as a source and he really was not good with the BYU to the Big XII news he was confident in circa 2011. The main problem is that if there is a 64 team, four major conference pool of teams for college football, those 64 and the conferences themselves are walking an even finer line than the BCS is in terms of antitrust violations. The NCAA has been found in violation of antitrust laws many times before. The airing of games is a commercial activity, and weakens the academic mission of the teams, and thus making the athletic department taxable. While some of those 64 voted for the $2K stipend, they still may be subjected to collective bargaining for the labor (aka in the NCAA as "student-athlete"). I have waited for the Utah AG to file suit against the BCS longer than those in the Coyotes thread have been looking for GWI to file suit against the NHL and nothing has been done on either side. June 20, 2012 is somewhat vital to any suit claiming that college football is at least an oligarchic business, if not a monopoly as that is when the BCS leaders meet again and could announce their approved plan. Is the NCAA system (of amateurism) broken? Hell yes. Is no FBS playoff one of the three biggest reason the NCAA system is broken? No.
  11. You're quick to jump offiside. Like we talking Oregon to "thespleenator" or Boise State to "LightsOut" quick. Oh, is JAX working on the countdown clock for 2016 when they lose the cocktail party too?
  12. What to do now Florida State? Where to turn to now Clemson? ?We did (discuss expansion),? Neinas said while answering the opening question. ?And the athletic directors confirmed their position that they?re comfortable with 10 members.?
  13. If they stay at 12 when the others go to 16, they're eroding the ground below them by standing still. Not at all since the Pac-12: 1- Owns their cable network 100% and is already set to be in 40 million households over 4 major cable systems (Comcast, Bright House, Time Warner and Cox) when they start on August 15. In those states with one of those four cable systems, the "local" Pac-12 channel will be on basic cable and the "national" channel to be on a premium tier. Example: If you live in Phoenix, you will receive the ASU/Zona channel on basic and the national on a premium tier of you want it. They have not yet reached agreement with DirecTV and Dish Network. The subscriber rate is going to be between $0.90-$1/household. After initial startup costs, they will really bring in the cash from both subscriptions and advertising sales as they will control all of that too. 2-Their ESPN/FOX Sports contract is backloaded with at least a 4% increase each year for every year of the contract. ... except nobody here gives two farts about the Big Ten except for Big Ten alumni (but then you could say that about any conference). The Big Ten is a decidedly Midwestern conference, whereas DC is a decidedly Mid-Atlantic (some would say Southern despite its strong progressive bearings) city. DC doesn't care about college football. That's part of the reason Maryland football has struggled to fill Byrd Stadium even during the early Fridge years when they were ranked in the top-10. And if what you claim is true about the Big Ten not needing Maryland or Rutgers to expand influence to the Eastern Seaboard, then why would the Big Ten even consider expansion at all? Duck, DC/Northern VA is really not a "native" population to begin, but it is also fairly transient. In general, those B1G grads will pay for the premium tier to get BTN. I do no live in the footprint, but I do pay for it monthly. Not every new graduate from a Big Ten institution moves back home with his/her parents back in their hometown (as the economy may indicate), they migrate all across the country. If not that, they relocate across the country and still follow their alma mater.
  14. Assuming they surface. If FSU goes, Clemson goes. FSU is going. Besides, this wouldn't go this far if there weren't chats going on. This is 2012. "Meetings" dont have to happen for people to get things in order. "Meetings" are where the formalities are done. They are in. Both were just waiting and see what kind of deal Swofford was going to hatch. The deal was bogus so now they bolt. They have been talking with the Big 12 intensely since January. You may not see the writing, but I do. The writing is "what does Clemson bring to the table for any other conference?" Crazy fanbase? They have those. Football team in semi-rural or small market state that is divided in loyalties? Got that. Delusions of grandeur? Check. Inexplicable losses that vex all associated with them? Crap, the Big XII just got rid of Aggie, why get one back? All Clemson does is get you to 12 teams and well shoot, there are a lot of other schools that can do that. If Florida State was smart and serious about this, they'd be working on pressuring Notre Dame to partner with them, not Clemson. I still think enough other parties in college football don't want to see this fall apart so that it's not going to go the way you think it will go. And of course, I doubt this is going to work out long term on the field for FSU. Yeah, they may have secured a theoretical shot at the college football playoff, but its theoretical in the same way Valencia could theoretically win La Liga. And that's what Florida State would be...the Valencia to Texas and Oklahoma's Real Madrid and Barca. Especially since you just gave an entire conference a new Floridian recruiting foothold. D@mn right but historically, Clemson is not even Valencia, they are more like Athletico Madrid, Real Betis, or Sevilla, If the Big XII takes Clemson, it is all on them. Clemson won their only national title in the 1981-82 season and has used that more than Texas and Michigan did with their last titles until they won them more recently. In fact, Clemson has went 20 years from winning the ACC. That's a generation of disappointment, but places players in the NFL. I've been there and to the ESSO Club and also TD's, but they cannot perform at the Big XII level. They are the new "Tigers" in replacing Mizzou. I get that "The Solid Verbal" and other podcasts have made Clemson a gerund or even a verb recently, but they deserve it. VT is a better choice if I was in the Big XII room to decide.
  15. And Missouri's Board of Curators thought they were a lock for the Big Ten for a year until (wait for it)..................... The Big Ten took Nebraska!
  16. <br /><br /><br />Hopefully, their Board of Trustees will officially vote to stop over-evaluating themselves. This has gone on since 1983 and has lead to very little but national embarrassment. More importantly, the Big XII does not meet until next week and Bowlsby does not start until June 15.
  17. That's the problem I see in all of this. If you look at TV market size, I guess they could add Boise St., New Mexico, UNLV, and UTEP, but I don't think the Pac-12 would want any of those schools. Maybe they'd add Hawaii as a recruiting perk. Again, like the Big 10, they may be forced to do something. Boise State: Glorified community college with a very good football team AND NOTHING ELSE New Mexico: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHFOOTBAWHAHAHAHFOOTBAWHAHAHAHAHA......No. (For further research on the current state of Lobo football please consult Nagasaki circa August 1945) UNLV: The less broke Nevada athletic department. Only less broke is not the same as financially healthy. Also, football is bad, albeit not New Mexico bad. UTEP: Memo to all; don't cross the the river on road trips. Also the market isn't that great and the athletic department hasn't done a whole lot since 1966. Hawaii: Why do you need a bleeping island vacation as a recruiting perk? You have the entire state of California and that's a lot closer than Hawaii and a lot less overrun by organized crime (allegedly this is a small problem for the Warriors) BRAVO!!! No emoticon needed. And BYU will continually have issues with playing on Sundays within the Pac-12 Network.
  18. UNC has put $80M in upgrades (mostly suites/club seats) to Kenan Stadium since 2009 to expand capacity by 3,000.
  19. 1- Earlier this month, the CEO of Oakland-based Clorox (Oakland's only Fortune 500 company), Don Knauss, was with city representatives to address Athletics' ownership at a press conference to support keeping the team in Oakland. 2- While Lew Wolff is the face/mouth of team ownership, he is NOT the wallet. The majority owner of the team is actually John Fisher, who inherited his fortune from his late father, Donald Fisher- founder of The Gap.
  20. While Texas was not for expansion, OU president David Boren was openly quoted to be for it in October, it the was best for the conference.
  21. Texas still prefers a ten team conference for a few reasons. First, they realize that more teams does not equate to more money per team. Secondly, they really do not want a conference title game as it places them (or any other team) in double jeopardy. The (Texas) had to have had a say on any further expansion and the equal revenue sharing so that they could keep the $300M for the TLN. On the other side, Texas president William Powers did say this to USA Today: As for Maryland to the B1G, they would become the most subsidized program in the conference by a large margin.
  22. I believe that moratorium is expiring July 1... The NCAA moratorium on moving up to D-I or from FCS to FBS, expired on August 1, 2011. Announcements were made prior since the D-I Board of Directors do not meet every day.
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