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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. No argument here. It seems like that was the intent with College Football back in the day. It used to be that our goal as Ohio State fans was to win the Big Ten and go to the Rose Bowl. If a bunch of idiot sports writers held a vote after that and decided we were National Champions, it was just icing on the cake. I may be wrong, but it feels like this obsession with winning a NC is a fairly recent development.
  2. Let's not get carried away here. Iowa's offense has no rivals.
  3. That was a makeup call for the horse roughing call on the Packers a couple plays earlier, but your point remains.
  4. Leave it to Steelers fans to put that 6th ring on their other thumb instead of their ring finger like anyone with a brain would.
  5. I didn't know that (why would I?) but it does explain an awful lot. Maybe do less rage posting.
  6. Can someone call the audio department? There's a bad echo in here.
  7. You're bigger, smarter, and more pure than ten mortal sports fans, Van Smack. We're just happy that you grace us with your superior sports intellect.
  8. I agree that Florida State got screwed. That being said, if you're Michigan, who would you rather play in the playoff, Florida State or Alabama? That's why Alabama got in.
  9. Replace Alabama with the SEC and it's been obvious since day one of this thing.
  10. Pick a team other than the Cowboys and I would have been OK with it.
  11. Buckeye Nation has its priorities straight.
  12. Florida State got punished for not being an SEC team.
  13. It sucks that Florida State got screwed but I can't lie, I'm looking forward to Alabama curb stomping Michigan.
  14. I think America would prefer it. I know I would.
  15. The committee is going to screw Florida State.
  16. That works both ways. If records, stats, and wins are the exact same as Florida State's, but the name on the front of the jersey was NC State or Syracuse, this wouldn't even be a discussion. Alabama would be in. The committee leaves "pedigree" out its criteria, but we all know it matters.
  17. Look at the bright side, kids. This is the last year we have to deal with this nonsense. The debate next season will be over who is getting screwed out of the #12 spot. And that debate will be every bit as ridiculous as the debate over four teams so there's that, I guess.
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