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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. Cleveland vs. Houston Miami vs. Kansas City Pittsburgh vs. Buffalo Green Bay vs. Dallas Los Angeles vs. Detroit Philadelphia vs. Tampa Bay
  2. Playoff picks: The Browns lose to Houston in a gut-wrenching, yet hilarious fashion. That's it. That's all I got.
  3. My formula doesn't include the "It would have to be 20 degrees warmer just to be all cold" temperatures.
  4. I'm not betting on a Joe Barry defense, I'm betting on the recent playoff history of the Dallas Cowboys.
  5. Once it hits 15 or lower, I don't know why they even bother with giving the temperature. It's not like 14 degrees is noticeably warmer than 4 degrees. They should just call it all cold and save everyone the trouble.
  6. I don't. The weather forecast for Saturday in KC is 14 degrees. Probably even colder than that by game time. I don't think the Dolphins offense is built for that kind of weather.
  7. Bold prediction: The Packers send the Cowboys home next week.
  8. Turns out the Eagles are the Jaguars of the NFC - a total mirage.
  9. Every year there is at least one "win and in" team who just needs to beat a bad team to get into the playoffs and they end up losing. This year that team is the Jags.
  10. Bold prediction: Jacksonville loses to Tennessee tomorrow, the Steelers derp their way into the playoffs and end up knocking off the #2 seed because us, that's why.
  11. We'll see. It will be nice if they win a game or two, but I have zero expectations. I'm just along for the Watson-free ride. I learned a long time ago that the worst thing a Browns fan can have is hope.
  12. You'd think with all the QBs that have started for Browns, this would have happened long before now.
  13. For the moment, at least. Or the end truly is nigh. Either way, I'll take it.
  14. The Browns are starting their fifth QB of the season - the immortal Jeff Driskel - and it's not because of the usual Browns stuff. It's because they're locked into the #5 seed in the playoffs. Seeing this team sit everyone because they're in the playoffs is something I haven't seen since...now that I think about it, I don't recall ever seeing this. All I can figure is that the end is nigh.
  15. I think it's fair to say that Georgia probably wins this thing if they had made it in.
  16. Liberty getting a NY6 slot was an absolute joke. I'd also like to note that there didn't seem to be the same buzz around them that there usually is when a "little school" makes a NY6 bowl. Can't imagine why that is.
  17. Those people aren't true Michigan fans.
  18. In all sincerity, if Michigan closes the deal next week, I'll be happy for you.
  19. When the line between reality and parody no longer exists.
  20. Congrats on the win, Gary. Your boys definitely earned it. I hope you lose by 40 next week.
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