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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. Your Panthers have been terrible since 2019. My guess is Josh Allen and the Bills offense are much more capable of overcoming a four point deficit than a Panthers offense being led by Sam Darnold or the Mayfield Experience is.
  2. Right, because teams rarely overcome being down 7-3 in the first quarter.
  3. We've been owed a 49ers - Bills Super Bowl since 1990. Time to make it finally happen.
  4. Are you kidding? That would be both awesome and hilarious.
  5. It is interesting. I was goofing on you for thinking a Toledo native didn't know about it.
  6. You don't even want to know how many Lions/Buckeyes fans there are in the Toledo area. Plenty of Browns/Michigan fans too. Toledo is a strange sports town.
  7. Being from Toledo, there is a clause in my NFL fan contract that allows me to switch allegiances to the Lions for the duration of Deshaun Watson's contract with the Browns. After watching Hard Knocks and then this Lions run, I believe I'm going to exercise that clause.
  8. Yeah. Why focus so much attention on his degree in aerospace engineering? Dobbs isn't special. The league is filled with players who are smart enough to work for NASA. So the dude had a 4.0 GPA. Big deal, so did every other player in the NFL. I bet Josh Dobbs isn't even the smartest player on the Titans roster.
  9. I saw Josh Dobbs play in the preseason with the Browns. Granted, he was playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers, but I really liked what I saw in him. He seemed to have a real grasp of the offense (such as it is in Cleveland) he made smart decisions, and he didn't have a single WTF moment that I saw. It never seemed "too big" for him if that makes any sense. I'm not saying he's a diamond in the rough who will turn into a top flight QB, but he's most definitely worth taking a flyer on. These guys who do a podcast that I'm familiar with said the Jags were a possible playoff team. Not exactly calling our shot, but we saw the potential.
  10. Any chance we're being a little rough on a second year guy who's playing in what is essentially his first NFL season with a real NFL coaching staff?
  11. I could swear NBC used some version of "game of the week" way back when they had the AFC, but I may be remembering it wrong. I was pretty high back then.
  12. Judging by his uniform and the field lighting, I'm going to say the 1470s.
  13. Obviously. There was also a lot of talk about the Chargers being the team to beat in that division too. There were even people who thought the Raiders would win the AFC West. No one was saying the Chiefs would be bad, but I don't recall anyone calling them "invincible" or inevitable at the beginning of this season either.
  14. You and I must have been reading stuff from different pundits because I recall a lot of them saying the Chiefs weren't even a lock to win the AFC West this season.
  15. This is whole thing is a complete cluster. You know it's bad when Browns fans are saying "Wow, the Bengals really got screwed in this deal."
  16. https://twitter.com/ultCLEsports/status/1610638003990573056?s=20&t=jsFxYe9CqzNRitqmz1zuxQhttps://twitter.com/ultCLEsports/status/1610638003990573056?s=20&t=jsFxYe9CqzNRitqmz1zuxQ
  17. To be fair, Clowney did said he was 95% sure he wasn't coming back.
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