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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 4 hours ago, Cujo said:


    Players don't actually wear their "second place is first loser" rings in public, do they?


    This is based solely on my own experience, but I can sort of answer your question, Curt. Back in the day when I was covering AAA Baseball and College Sports, I ran across former players that ended up coaching, scouting, in the front office, etc., and quite a few of them wore their conference or league championship rings. Best I could gather, most of these people didn't start wearing the rings until after their playing careers were over. I also saw more then a few coaches who wore them too. Most of the former players were guys that were basically career Minor Leaguers that played a season or two in the bigs and managed to score a ring in the process. My point, I suppose, is that wearing a "second place" ring is not all that uncommon. 

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, CS85 said:

    It's a combination of ESPN being like every other news channel in that they will always favor what makes them more money and how they make money is people watching programming and the programming people prefer is shouting heads and catering to the human pudding that remains in our society.


    Twas ever thus. 

    • Like 2
  3. On 4/12/2017 at 5:48 PM, Cujo said:


    A ring players will never wear in public


    I wouldn't be so sure about that. In my years of covering sports, I've run across a lot of ex-players that proudly wear their MLB league championship rings. It was usually guys who are coaching or scouting in the minors. I've even seen ex-players wearing their AAA championship rings. Hell, back in the 80's Tony LaRussa was wearing his Oakland AL Champs ring on the cover of SI. You'd be surprised by how many football players wear NFL conference title rings or college conference and bowl championship rings. My guess is you don't see many players wearing that type of ring while they're still playing, but once their career is over, why the hell not? An AL Champions ring is still a ring you got while playing professional baseball. It's not like everyone has one. 

    • Like 2
  4. 46 minutes ago, BringBackTheVet said:

    my profile says I "won the day" on January 14.  Do I get some kind of prize for that?  How can I tell what it was that lead to that?


    EDIT: never mind, I figured it out.  Kinda lame - the posts aren't that impressive.


    EDIT2: I'm only the 8th best member here?  That's a joke.  I'm definitely better than infrared41.  Time to get cheap likes by posting stupid youtube clips in the wrestling threads.


    1. No surprise there. Your posts never are. 


    2. No, you're not, but that's beside the point...where are these "rankings?" 


    EDIT: Found them. 




    EDIT: Because it's inevitable that someone will think otherwise, let me make it clear that I'm just goofing on Vet.



    • Like 1
  5. On 12/23/2016 at 10:49 PM, Sodboy13 said:

    Skip Bayless tried to sell a book by claiming Troy Aikman was a closeted homosexual. This is who Skip Bayless is and who he always has been.


    Yup. I was talking about what a douchebag Bayless is all the way back in 1996 on my old radio show. 

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, See Red said:

    I'm not much of an artist but I'd like to put some time into it if I could only find the time.  I took an introductory art class to fill an art credit at my old school and for the last project we had to put two or more separate photos together and paint them with respect to a certain color grouping.  I chose the complementary colors orange and blue, using a photo of an iceberg, choppy seas, and an orange and gray sky and came up with this.





    It's not perfect but for a first time painting, I'm pretty proud.  I think the left side of the water is pretty solid while the right side is pretty bad.


    I really like it. Just my interpretation, but the first word that comes to mind when I look at it is powerful - if that makes any sense. (See what I was saying about my critical chops, Josh?) 

    • Like 2
  7. 32 minutes ago, Mings said:

    Well damn it's like I'm posting to myself at this point.


    FWIW, I'm keeping up on the thread and reading all the posts. Unfortunately, my art critic chops basically consist of "wow, that's really good" or "it's good work, but not my style." I didn't see my limited knowledge adding much to the conversation.


    Anyway, the geometric/abstract is very interesting. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, WSU151 said:

    The Jaguars in all black look pretty good, especially in the December sun.  Never thought I'd say that.


    I'm not a fan of monochrome looks (except all white) but I really like the Jags black jersey with white pants combo. I guess that's half an unpopular opinion. 

    • Like 3
  9. 9 hours ago, CS85 said:

    You used to be able to click on the thread's title from the main forum body and it would go to the latest post.  Instead now it takes you back to page one.  Getting kind of annoying.


    Is that happening to you every time? I ask because sometimes clicking on the thread title in the main forum will take me to where I left off in that thread and other times it takes me to page one.

  10. 15 hours ago, ravens12 said:

     If you are going to the National Sports Convention in Atlantic City looking to buy real championship rings be careful of unscrupulous dealers.


    Be careful of everything. Depending on who you believe, 60-80% of the memorabilia at the National is fake. Especially when it comes to signed stuff. The National is a great place to pick up fun sports tchotchkes like pennants, unsigned mini and replica helmets, etc. But unless you see player sign the item, it's probably best to stay away from anything signed. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, DG_Now said:

    Wow.. I'm sorry for the background of that work, but the outcome is really impressive.


    Indeed. That is some very impressive work. They really convey his mindset at the time - of course I mean that as a compliment. 


    All three of you (Mings, D_G, and Oldschool) have some serious talent. I'd be proud to hang any of your work in my house. 



    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, DG_Now said:

    What the hell. I've recently been teaching myself how to paint. It's mostly been a variety of landscapes, but the only immediately accessible photo I have is of this, where I was playing around with texture, tools and patterns:




    I really like it. Very nice work, D_G. 

  13. 1 hour ago, CS85 said:

    Deadspin confuses me.  


    I don't know where the hell to turn for good investigative sports journalism that outputs consistently and doesn't water down its own brand with veiled hipster appeal and outright authorial bias.  


    I think of Deadspin as snarky sports humor more than anything else. That's not saying they don't do some good work on occasion, but I can't take them entirely seriously. 


    Take the shopping at TJ Maxx analogy I used for The Ringer and apply it to sports sites overall. 

  14. On 7/2/2016 at 1:38 PM, DG_Now said:

    Is anybody reading The Ringer?


    I've been checking it out. It's a lot like shopping at a TJ Maxx - you have to dig through a lot of junk, but occasionally you find that really nice replica jersey on the rack for $19.95. 

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, DG_Now said:


    1997 chic. Like everything else he does.


    EDIT: I should add that I like Simmons, think he's very smart, and appreciate a lot of the innovations he's brought to sports/pop culture writing. But there's some unintentional dorkiness about him that he could easily fix with some help. He's not a college student in Boston anymore.  His dreams have come true. He has really famous friends. He has an HBO show. He could, at the least, dress like an adult.


    I'm always undecided on Bill Simmons. More often than not, I like his work, but there are also times when I think he's a bigger douchebag than I am. Either way, I can't imagine him dressing in any style other than 1997 chic. It's ridiculous, but it suits him. 

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