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Brave-Bird 08

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Posts posted by Brave-Bird 08

  1. 14 hours ago, tBBP said:


    That move wasn't random in the least; it was 100% deliberate, at the behest of one J. Wayne Weaver, former owner, who apparently abhorred the teal. The abhorrence first manifested in '03, picked up in '05 with the removal of the stripes on the black pants—and carried over into the away look in the '09 redesign (that i keep trying to forget ever existed, except the current wordmark is a modified holdover from that era, so...). You're also correct that most of the Jags fans didn't particularly care for it—I know I sure didn't.  Enter Khan, and with him, more of an emphasis on the "Black and Teal" marketing thing that's persisted ever since. 


    Since we're on this, I've actually convinced myself to accept the reality of a black primary jersey IF they decide to keep to only teal pants home and away, with black pants under teal jerseys as alts (as I stated in a previous post). I'm actually planning to write a personal-penned letter to the organization advocating for just that; if any of y'all wanna co-sign this thing with me, just let me know.


    I don't hate this idea, as the black over teal and white over teal combos are my favorites for them rn. 


    But, I simply don't understand how the franchise decided to stray away from this. These uniforms were a 10/10. 


    Fred Taylor Q&A

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  2. 1 hour ago, PaleVermilion81 said:

    I'm totally fine with this look. It actually feels pretty close to their old away look with black pants (minus the number outlines) so for me it feels very Jaguars.



    This was after a random move from teal to black road numbers and a decision to take the stripes off the black pants. I don't think there's even a plurality of Jacksonville fans who preferred this move, which basically sucked all of the teal out of the uniform. This look never felt like the Jaguars to me, nor does the new set when they don't wear teal jerseys, pants or socks

    • Like 8
  3. 4 hours ago, Volt said:

    One challenge with the Ravens is that Purple/Black/Gold are dark & dull.  I don't count White as it's a neutral and doesn't really solve the issue, but one way to revitalize the look of this team is to add something that fits the brand, yet pops off while complimenting the core colors.  This might be really hard to pull off in a uniform, but it'd be a neat concept to explore if you were a uniform designer:



    Add a little Raven Red.

    It's technically already a part of their brand, along with Yellow, in the Shield /Maryland Flag logo.

    The two shades of Purple would also be an interesting design element to explore in a uniform...if done tastefully.


    Shameless plug



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  4. So, clearly we have learned over the years that teams can make pant adjustments/additions without it counting as a redesign.


    If enough of us spam the Bengals with photoshops of the white pants with a black side stripe w/ orange stripes as they are, can we make that a campaign for the offseason?


    The clown fish pants are the only thing holding that set back from being my favorite in the NFL.

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  5. Yeah, now that the other pro sports teams that used the Ravens font moved on, it's unique to them. It accomplished what many modern fonts can't in that it's instantly identifiable and completely legible. 


    If anything, they just need to update to the Vapor Untouchable template. Because the uniform simply has numerals and sleeve patches, all of the unnecessary seams from the old template stick out like a sore thumb -- but I guess these are things the common fan doesn't notice or care about. 


    I am all for them exploring an update just because, but I am just as content with them sticking to what they have. The only issue I have with their look is that the primary logo is a bit ridiculous.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

    I will never understand why people like this current Dolphins uniform


    It’s not bad, but it isn’t nearly as distinctive as the previous iterations. They did make it go a long way by removing the unnecessary navy blue trim. 


    Speaking of, Bills badly need to do the same. The navy blue on their uniforms is as thin as a pinstripe. The Bills are a royal blue and red team, the navy is just a holdout from the atrocious CFL-esque uniforms from the 2000s. Get rid of it, it does nothing for the overall look. 


    anyways, I know people are unhappy they have made habit of wearing all blue, but i really don't mind it. There are many more bad uniform decisions being made by teams in the league these days. I do miss their striped socks, though unfortunately  thats a bygone concept. 


    One day when I am 60 years old I will tell my grandchildren socks used to be a part of the uniform

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  7. I appreciate the effort, but to me this bronco reminds me of the Falcons old "petrified bird" logo. Now, in real life, that logo sells like hot cakes because people like stuff that's old -- same reason a lot of other more "hand-drawn" looking logos from the distant past end up on popular merch these days. 


    But with that said, when it comes to re-imagining the Broncos, this logo isn't as clean as the old horse logo and not nearly as much as the new one. So, it really just doesn't fit a logical direction for them. 


    To me, the first thing that pops out is that the horse looks petrified, much like the old bird. Also, the shape and detailing is just a bit too brutalist for me. Denver is a weird team because both their old and modern logos are fantastic. 

    • Like 2
  8. Alright, I am super intrigued by the reporter saying he saw the Texans new uniforms. 


    Did he see concepts? 


    Didn't Houston just begin its exploratory phase for new unis? 


    I am very skeptical that they are already done and that the first thought of the organization was show the media. Out of any group of people, showing the media would be the last priority -- and for good reason. 



    • Like 4
  9. I would prefer if the NFL stuck a foot back in the ground and only allowed alternate helmets for throwbacks. 


    Alt helmets sounded fun in theory, especially for the Bengals, but even those turned out to be underwhelmingly bland uniforms. Everything else we got this year outside of throwbacks was bad. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:


    Counter Counter Counterpoint:

    Gold pants ideal but without the sheen, the color of the fabric is  really off compared to the numbers and helmet so it does actually make sense to (sadly) shelve the gold pants until they can get the color/sheen right. Black over black is the main design with black over white against a team in dark pants.


    There's a reason the only team left in gold pants is the Niners and they lean into the flat tan/brown color because of the 80's pants.


    I don't find material to be a reason to shelve a good look for monochromatic, black/white. Afterall, I don't ever hear people complain about the 49ers uniforms not having sheen. Also, your last point is a bit off -- the 49ers actually wear more of a true gold than the Saints do, which has led many people suggesting they swap golds b/c the current Saints gold would be more akin to what the 49ers wore in the 80s.

    • Like 3
  11. 18 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:



    This is the solution to the lack of shimmery pants fabric. It has precedent in Saints history, you can always go black over black, and its a good look for a handful of games or at least until they figure out the fabric situation.


    Countercounterpoint: it worked previously b/c the numerals were white, so it was balanced. 


    The Saints don't need to be looking for solutions to anything, they have it: wear gold pants at home and on the road, wear black pants if your opponent is in gold pants. But, alas, we know not a single equipment manager in the league thinks this way, so this type of stuff is a pipe dream.

    • Like 4
  12. I know this is probably only the way brains think for people on these boards, but the absolute incompetency from NFL teams re: uniforms feels like a microcosm of how quality control just ::everywhere:: is getting worse. 


    Cardinals only wearing red pants vs. red teams (that game was actually hard to watch), Saints wearing white pants which looks like practice pants b/c their game pants got stolen, Lions incapable of wearing throwbacks on Thanksgiving, teams wearing black pants vs teams with black pants, etc. 


    I miss the 90s. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, ManillaToad said:


    The flaming thumbtack is definitely an issue


    To each their own, but could not disagree more. For one, and maybe it's just me, but I am a huge fan of football logos that run directionally instead of being forward-facing, and their logo accomplishes that with the flames. The logo is, like their old uniforms, a modern classic. No touch! 

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  14. We are getting a lot of great throwback styles in college basketball these days, which is made even better by the fact short shorts are back in style. 


    Georgia looked 1,000% better than Auburn yesterday. It seems they prefer to wear the throwbacks for big games, and they have them both in white and in black. Considering how terrible their regular jerseys are, I think it's a matter of time before Mike White throws them in the trash.



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  15. Alright now, hold on a second. A full rebrand of the Titans is not necessary. The major issues they have are with the uniform itself, not the colorway, logos, etc. To me, what's most critical is returning to a white helmet, because as many have pointed out, it gets lost in too many key lines on top of the navy blue shell. 


    But a full overhaul would make me sad. The Titans before they started mixing and matching in the late 2000s/2010s had a modern classic identity.

    • Like 9
  16. Multiple things I've reflected on this morning. To be honest, I even had to turn off ESPN because while I appreciate the raw, emotional responses full of compassion, a lot of the talk has been about "laying your life on the line" when you play football. Yes, football is extremely violent, there are many times I have to personally reconcile my fandom, but in this situation this isn't some "last straw" for football. 


    Cardiac arrest can be caused by blunt force to the chest, and if that was the case, yes, this was a football-related injury -- and a horrific one. Obviously many here citing commotio cordis. It's also possible it was cardiac arrest from simple exertion and just so happened to be a coincidence he had made a tackle and been hit near the sternum just before it occurred. 


    In Case A or Case B, it's either an extremely, extremely rare freak accident (the Lions player in 1970s had a pre-existing heart condition and had a heart attack), or if it's simply cardiac arrest because of an underlying condition, it could happen to any athlete in any sport -- even you on a morning jog. Of course, there is also a possibility there was trauma we don't know about and this is something that could be tied back to the forces of football, but we just don't know right now. 


    I think the shock and gravity of what happened has created a lot of charged responses, this is not the time for that. I used to work sidelines at high school games and witnessed a kid collapse and had to get chest compressions after coming off the field from punt team -- he was literally mid sentence and then just dropped face first. Luckily, he was revived by medical personnel within 20 seconds and was alert and talking when loaded onto an ambulance, and they decided to finish the game. 


    This is the worst of the worst when it comes to sports injuries b/c not only did he need CPR, but he could not give the thumbs up when taken off. 


    IDK, I didn't want to make a long-winded post but I have. I just hope he's okay, and hope anyone who was on the field with him during this can cope with the trauma. Even if he comes out of this alright, it's going to be difficult for all of the players and personnel who had to go through that.

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  17. Tulane looks fantastic today. The satin finish on the green helmets keeps that color from looking drab. I say, if they win this game, let’s let them back into the SEC on worthiness from quality and aesthetics. 


    Also, Utah-Penn State is going to look unreal today. Might be my vote for uniform matchup of the year. 

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