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Lights Out

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Everything posted by Lights Out

  1. Hey, I'm not necessarily agreeing with them... but there does need to be a way of punishing the teams with stingy owners that nobody goes to the games for anyway. I'm more in support of a harsh salary cap and a harsh salary floor - this will make big spenders like the Yankees pare back and actually have to fairly compete with the rest of the league, and it will make cheap, lazy owners pump more money into their teams to make them competitive. Not sure why they haven't done that yet.
  2. The NFL, NBA and NHL are fine the way they are. But the MLB hasn't yet realized that the three other major leagues have actually evened out the teams in each division by now. I mean, do they realize how ridiculous it is to have only four teams in the AL West when there are six teams in the NL Central? Anyway, FanHouse came up with an interesting idea in this post: have the MLB work like European soccer, with an A league and a B league - contenders go in the A league, and underachievers go in the B league.
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