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Everything posted by derschwigg

  1. Making a seating list/table cards for the wedding is so much easier when you make a spreadsheet and mail merge it with InDesign. #protip

  2. New goal in life: become famous enough to warrant doing a Reddit AMA and have it be interesting.

  3. When not playing Rick Astley, 103.7 in St Louis has played Boston, Foo Fighters, and Smashing Pumpkins back to back to back. I'm sold.

  4. In case anyone is wondering, 103.7 is still Rickrolling St Louis. Day 3.

  5. #wcw am I doing this right? This is what it is? http://t.co/c4brmUIELm

  6. To throw my hat in the sure-to-be-incoming onslaught of Redskins rebranding ring or not to throw my hat in that ring?

  7. I get it, radio. ha ha ha. veeeeeeery funny. https://t.co/sZ3ndaCXJn

  8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Kidney Stone @midnight #RuinAKidsMovie

  9. I guess I'm upgrading to KitKat today. What a pleasant surprise!

  10. Idea for a shirt: a priest, triumphantly jumping, surrounded by sports block text "Father of the Year"

  11. Sup rainbro. @ Lake Springfield http://t.co/5qDAM1Ckt1


  13. Just stumbled on a design article briefly featuring my MLB redesign project. Thanks for the kind words! http://t.co/0HsYctVoUV

  14. You just had THE worst day, huh pup? http://t.co/83kQaQ1sMv

  15. "We can always count on #Nintendo to deliver fun and terrific gameplay." Unless you've got a Wii and can't play online anymore...

  16. Having never really heard of the Witcher franchise before today, Witcher 3 made me very intrigued. Is it worth looking into?

  17. It's been awhile since I entered something like this. You should too! http://t.co/74noyRbcZL

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