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Posts posted by rams80

  1. Fortunately the designer made a "12" variant.


    If I'm the Mountain West, I'm going to be trying my hardest to put a package together for some combination of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, and Kansas State.

    This "alleged" TV deal didn't save the Big XII. It merely postponed the execution.

    There is still an issue beyond 2016, but the have-nots, like Baylor, just doubled what they were getting previously. The MWC does not even have a current contract in place to give them what they were receiving 48 hours ago. Some of those schools are dancing all the way to the bank and not that concerned about Texas/OU/aTm getting $6 million more than they are.

    What did they have to give up to double their take? Only loyalty to the conference, which they wanted to maintain anyway.

    I would have thought you would have caught on to this, but this newfangled Big XII deal doesn't officially exist in contractual form either. All they have are assurances from Dan Beebe. The numbers could end up being pure fiction and everything could once again blow up in a couple of weeks.

  2. To BBTV

    Some of the "standards" have been waived. However, the Pac 10 and Big Ten have still been focusing on large state-run schools (especially of the "flagship" variety) that have decent academic pedigrees (or in the case of Texas Tech, promises of massive financial influxes from the state to get the pedigree). Boise State remains a secondary state school (of a small state) in terms of prestige and treatment, and with a low focus on research.

    There remains a sizable gulf academically between Boise State and even Oklahoma State and Texas Tech.

    Also, if Villanova, Georgetown, and ODU are concerned about missing the major Conference boat, perhaps its time they hauled their Division I-AA football programs up to I-A status. (Well...that may actually be the long term goal for ODU's renewed football team. I'm not sure)

  3. I can flat out guarantee the Pac 10 won't take Boise State. All they literally have is the football team-everything else is historically sub par athletically, and academically the school is little more than a jumped up junior college.

    Or maybe it's because the Mountain West Conference already took them.

    Just a thought.

    I'm pretty sure Boise State's deal included verbiage that allowed them to renege on that move in the quite unlikely event that an even better offer were to surface.

  4. Yes....that's a brilliant idea, playing football games in a tropical climate in the middle of the day. And both the jet lag problem remain as does the greater problem that no network is going to pick up a Hawaii game for prime time because they lack the national following.

    They do it in Miami, and Jet lag doesn't get fixed in 6 or 7 Hours.

    Bingo. Hence why they depart for schools on the continent for their education.

  5. If the Big XII were smart they'd grab Boise State and TCU to replace Colorado and Nebraska.

    I think it would be in their best interest to make a run at the two Utah schools, Utah and BYU. Both schools put a better product on the field year-in and year-out than any other school in the Big XII region.

    That's a good move as well although Utah is rumored to be headed to The PAC-10 if The Big XII stays intact. TCU is another good option. In any case, if Texas and A&M stick around, The Big XII could actually turn this whole thing into a real positive. They could end up a being better conference when it's all said and done.

    This is getting interesting.

    Except the financial inequalities that helped precipitate this whole thing remain/have been exacerbated. Give it another 5 years, and the Conference "Have Nots" are definitely going to be looking at other options. Which unfortunately furthers Texas' narrative goal of not being the "bad guy" in the eventual breakup.

  6. Poor Hawaii after all the teams that made BCS Bowls, they are left in the terrible wac with fresno.

    Hawaii was boned the second June Jones left.

    Granted, they were also arguably the worst team to ever play in a BCS Bowl.

    True, but it would be cool to have teams go to hawaii and play they have good hs players.

    So do California, Texas, and Florida. And better yet, you don't have to deal with bloody jet lag.

    So does Nj, but it would be nice to dee all the top hawaiian players play for there home state.

    Except they don't. And they know that the bright lights of the TV viewing public are going to be asleep when they are playing. Also, flying sucks.

  7. Poor Hawaii after all the teams that made BCS Bowls, they are left in the terrible wac with fresno.

    Hawaii was boned the second June Jones left.

    Granted, they were also arguably the worst team to ever play in a BCS Bowl.

    True, but it would be cool to have teams go to hawaii and play they have good hs players.

    So do California, Texas, and Florida. And better yet, you don't have to deal with bloody jet lag.

  8. Sorry, but I don't want to read the whole thread.

    Why is the Big XII the conference being picked apart?




    And apparently some fundamental disagreements over the direction in which the Conference was headed and how it was run. Also the Commissioner was never very proactive in addressing those concerns.

  9. Since Notre Dame likes to exult in their "standards" somehow I doubt they would be willing to play in the SEC for similar reasons to Georgia Tech's. I could see the Irish attempting to join the ACC-Big East confederation if it seriously looks like college musical chairs is going to stop with 64 Superconference teams and they turn down the Big Ten, but I don't think the culture fit is there for the SEC.

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