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Posts posted by waltere

  1. Just tried it again and now it's happening every single time I click a topic - and even after I click "back" to go back. It shows me the topic for a second then switches to women's health.

    Not only that, but even when I click on forums (which doesn't cause the redirect like topics do) it launches tabs to advertiser sites.

    I'm done with this on iPad. If it starts happening on phone i may need to be done all together since that's my primary posting method now.

    I totally get the need for ads, but there's a difference between an advertisement and totally hijacking your device. I apologize if this is just a virus or something that's specific to my particular device, and I know that it's not like CC or whoever is sitting there consciously making this happen, but I hope it can stop.

    I had the same thing happen to me as well. For me, it was on my laptop. No problems on the phone.

    It stopped recently, though. I was finally going to make a post about it too before it stopped. Good to know it wasn't just me.

    I had it happen a couple days ago on my iPad as well. Not sure what the heck would cause it.

    I experienced this too, both laptop and Ipad, it lasted a few days and then stopped as quickly as it had started, very odd.

  2. Every so and often when I click on internal board links I get randomly redirected to an advertising/clickbait type page, for some reason it seems particularly prevalent when opening sub-forums from the main page, whilst the rest of the internet seems fine. Is anyone else getting this, or is this something weird going on at my end?

  3. I have no "connection" to the Carolina Panthers besides the fact that 4 year old me thought it would be cool to root for a team younger than he was and picked the Panthers over the Jags because of the color scheme; I've been a fan ever since.

    Does this qualify me to be be hated in your world?

  4. Continuing on with my own unpopular opinions, being as I live in Wisconsin...saw a ball-in-glove sticker on a car yesterday. Royal blue and yellow looks so good compared to the Brewers' current bland logo.

    Not sure how unpopular of an opinion that is around here... even those who hate the BiG usually acknowledge that the royal and yellow colors are much better than what they have now.

    In that case chalk me up as having the unpopular opinion that, besides the overprevalence of alternates, the current Brewers look is the best in their history.

  5. Yeah, adding the classic logo and getting rid of the front number goes a long way towards improving those. Still not as good as the originals, though. The originals are the best, while the current jerseys are second and I have a hard time deciding which is worse between the Goat Head and Buffaslug.

    The Buffaslug is worse, it was genuinely ugly. The goat head in and of itself was fine, just not really appropriate for the Sabres

  6. That number font is absolutely hideous.

    Also not a fan of the word marks either. The fact they've squeezed the smaller letters into the bottom curve of the S at the end of 'Chihuahuas' makes it look really unbalanced, both the individual letter and the wordmark as a whole. On 'El Paso' the angle the bottom of the P is at makes my eye think the whole wordmark should be slanted like that, but its not.

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