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Kevin W.

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Posts posted by Kevin W.

  1. Fine, I'll just have to do what I've been talking about all day and work through my control issues. Thank you for the response. It's much appreciated.

    I really don't understand why I become such a douche when on here. This isn't the only board I have such a problem on and as you've noted, it's not reflective of how I act elsewhere. Self-control is a tough thing to master sometimes and just as I did offline I can do it here.

  2. With the exception of U of Arizona's white-red-red look (which I just love for some reason), I'm generally a fan of monochrome under one condition: it's gotta be monochrome from head to toe. That's why I like the Seahawks look & the Falcons when they used to have the all-black set, just to name a couple. I hate monochrome when the helmet is a different color from the rest of the uniform. Seeing a team like U of Washington wearing a gold helmet with an all-purple uniform just looks ugly to me.

    So, to recap: In my opinion, monochrome with the helmet as the same color = ok. Monochrome with a different color helmet = not ok. Once again, that's just my unpopular opinion. :P

    I definitely agree, which is why, despite the extremely painful loss, I still like our 2009 Holiday Bowl look and I would love to see us break out the all-whites next season (call it the Swarmtrooper) and I've always wanted to see an all-cardinal ever since the cardinal pants debuted in 2008.

  3. Ok, I should have posted this request here to begin with. I've run into some problems with my Wikipedia images and I'm looking to convert them to SVGs. There's just one problem, though. The template I use:


    is both small and very simplistic. As a result, it doesn't translate well into vectorization. I've seen the football templates here, but they don't really serve my needs well. I need a new template that fulfills the following needs:

    • Can show both the side and front of the helmet
    • Clearly shows the front of the jersey and the sleeves
    • Shows at least the front of the pants
    • Has socks
    • Is large, can be easily edited with MSPaint and can be converted to SVG

    Basically, just a larger version of my template. The editability via MSPaint is an absolute necessity because I'm terrible with any other program. Can anyone help me out?

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