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Everything posted by MrAstrodome

  1. No one. Redwolves, Redtails, Pigskins or Hogs. Or something else. Even Football Team has Synder's stink despite being an interim name.
  2. If they wore white pants, it would be just meh. Canadian Tuxedo Colts. </inhoustonian>
  3. They have an alt helmet and alt uni slot. And black as an accent color. it's possible.
  4. I like the Fiesta colors.. It was always jarring when they had the Fiesta logo on their court and warmups and yet switch to black and silver. The 20-21 and 21-22 City editions were perfect.
  5. If they had white striped socks to wear with the away purple pants it would be better.
  6. Speaking of throwbacks, they changed to another one.
  7. 49ers, Saints, Bucs, hell the Pats were looking at you.
  8. Suns in gradients would actually be a decent successor for the old Starbucks for jerseys. Just switch to the current wordmarks and boom, new set.
  9. Bills should really do a red alt helmet.
  10. They'll probably rock all-black everything thrice and the only red we'll be seeing is the seats in the stands and blood from our eyes.
  11. Draft graphics were also red too. And other related graphics as well. If they are switching to red primaries, I'd be the happiest fan ever. Though we all though that the Cards were going with red and gold based on their social media and see what happened there. Dude, it's just monochrome for stylistic reasons.
  12. Angels can go with their city connects or powder throwbacks. Brewers can go with their city connects.
  13. They were on a losing streak at the time and changed things up for the sake of it. And stuck with yoga pants since.
  14. The more I hear it, the more it makes sense. Hogs could refer to the historical Hogs or the current Hogs and there wouldn't be an identity-legacy limbo like we have here in Houston.
  15. Maybe he was the friend the stood downwind?
  16. Sorry, this was the first thing that came to mind.
  17. I don't mind the asymmetrical uniforms since their historical context and the Giants. Its stupid-a$$ gigantic wordmark makes it horrible!
  18. Maybe Carolina won't get rid of the contrast collars but shrink 'em like the Bucs did theirs on their (neo-)Super Bowl Set.
  19. That seems like the obvious case. @TruColor Any word on the Texans? Many in the media have implied us reclaiming, stealing back in light blue.
  20. Different flavors and recipes. Same thing with their crimson competition Coke. The zero sugar versions taste closer to their HFCS or sugar sweetened counterparts.
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