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Everything posted by MrAstrodome

  1. As a Texans fan with living memory of the Oilers now living in San Antonio, I also wonder at would have happen if the old team, just moved down I-10. They would still be the Oilers for one. Though I could see them having a black alt because of the Spurs or even switching to black in the turn of the millennium because that era was all about dark colors.
  2. And the Texans are wearing white socks.
  3. it's a coin flip at this point. Though for the twentieth season, it would be nice if they throw it back....
  4. One other reason. They're retiring Elvin Hayes number and he played for both cities. First game with the set will be is his ceremony.
  5. Watching Texans vs. Saints. Pretty much N/N/W/N vs. G/W/G/Bla. Gold pants still exist.
  6. No, I think it'll be used. Once with the color rush gear for a white look or even with navy over white for a modern throwback.
  7. I wish there was silver on it but other than that it's alright. At least black's in the color scheme.
  8. Been thinking a lot about the Jazz's crappy redesign and it got me thinking, I can do better. Changed the wordmark for one that was modern but still classy and old western. For the colors I went with their 90's purple with blue and gold from Salt Lake's new flag. Since they want lean heavy into the black and white theme, I decided to go with black numerals on the whites to envoke piano keys. 3 of the jerseys have a musical score mountain design. Statement's is monochrome B&W because reasons. And then for city, yellow version of their gradient jerseys.
  9. When the Yankees have a deal, that's when it all falls down. Now that leaves the NFL.
  10. Only with the alt huh. All red Texans? Eh? Eh?
  11. Maybe we'll get some news in the draft.
  12. If anyone's wondering what white or red helmet Texans would look like, our pbp guy did something back in October with our red jerseys. White would be ok with a contrasting face mask. Red is superior and I wish it was our full time.
  13. Here's one. August 18, 2007: The sole time the Texans have worn red socks vs. the Cardinals.
  14. To make it more Arizona-ish since they were a St. Louis and Chicago team beforehand. Gotta have the local flavor for an animal team.
  15. We already know we wont get them back. The only alternative is a either Columbia blue alt jersey (and they would have to release tertiary logo to allow use of that color or get a exception like the Niners) or a full recolor with that scheme. And even then, there are some people that want nothing to do with the Titans or even Oiler history. Not to mention, an entire generation of fans that have the Oilers as myth and not living memory.
  16. Me neither! Now I'm really kicking myself for not buying Skeeters gear when I had the chance.
  17. Especially when the throwbacks show that it can be done.
  18. The Angels are there because with the city name, it's redundant. Either that or the religious connotations. Not too far off. https://i.imgur.com/UV8lK7l_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
  19. Ashes of Astroworld >>> MrAstrodome I chose it because of the theme park but in light recent events, decided to go with the stadium instead. Plus I had been using it under a couple of gamer tags beforehand.
  20. *sees another face mask war* *sighs* Anything is better than gray.
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