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Everything posted by SportsFan12

  1. Oh, look. Another unwatchable Titans Texans game where the casual fan will barely be able to tell the teams apart.
  2. Not a single colored uniform element in the Miami Detroit and Carolina Atlanta games. All black, white and gray. Beautiful. And of course both the Cardinals and Vikings wear white pants and socks.
  3. And then the last game would be DET at PIT, which would hopefully have the Lions in something other than all white this time. Improvements all around.
  4. Color Rush is confirmed for Detroit on social media. Why do the Dolphins always do this? It’s white over aqua pretty much all the time on the road unless the opposing team wears a monochrome/Color Rush look. Then it’s the stupid white pants and white socks look. The aqua pants would’ve added some much needed color to this matchup and still clashed perfectly.
  5. Dolphins say they are wearing all white everything tomorrow, which based on recent years tells me the Lions are probably wearing gray Color Rush. Pitiful matchup. I wanted white over aqua against blue over gray. Didn’t get this in 2014 either.
  6. We all know that Baltimore would probably wear black for that game even if it did happen lol. Really would need the stars to align.
  7. The orange socks to me made it that much worse. Plus white at home for an inter conference game is a huge no-no for me.
  8. I agree it is fitting that they are dressing up for Halloween (as a high school team)
  9. Challenge: Find a recent interconference matchup that looked this much worse the previous meeting (8 years prior).
  10. PIT MIA CHI NE BAL TB These are all great examples of what a football game should look like. Every team wore as much of their color scheme as possible in the most balanced, professional looking way. Wish this was the norm.
  11. Thursday night will look FANTASTIC! I was holding out hope for this exact matchup but considered it extremely unlikely:
  12. Buffalo debuted this look last time Green Bay visited back in 2014. Would've been nice to see white pants this time...
  13. Aesthetically, that look for Denver will look a little off with the mismatched side panels, but I simply DO NOT CARE. I'm so incredibly sick of their bland-a$$ all-white look that hasn't been touched in decades. I'm just excited to see something different from them, and to finally see some more orange incorporated into their road set.
  14. Speaking of Dallas uniforms, it has been reported in multiple places that the team will be wearing navy at home this week, making for a color vs. color matchup with the Bears in orange. I personally would rather see the visiting team in white for an occasion like this.
  15. Good Lord. Why do all the players want to be just like other teams and players? Embarrassing. The Cowboys are one of the teams it makes the least sense for to ever have black uniforms.
  16. Hopefully this isn't just a Halloween thing. Of course when they finally do it it’s against the Browns, who I can guarantee will be in orange pants.
  17. The navy stripe on the pants gets lost from far away. It just looks like one way too thick, bright red stripe. Maybe it’s the lighting or the fog or something.
  18. Something no one seems to have mentioned on here is that the Texans busted out the white on white look on the road for what I believe is the first time since that 2012 playoff game at New England. It was actually refreshing to get a break from the navy pants.
  19. I heard the Jaguars do black only for London games. Should be the case again here.
  20. Intrasquad scrimmage alert in Santa Clara. Not the best time to wear the red/white-heavy combo.
  21. Definitely. The regular black alternate is garbage. How does any ‘Cardinals’ jersey not have red on it? And no, I’m not counting that pointless, barely visible piping. The numbers may be less legible on the Color Rush, but it’s a better jersey for their brand without a doubt.
  22. The past few seasons they stopped by Week 5. This year the Week 5 San Fran game was even a late afternoon kickoff and they still wore white for some reason.
  23. I just hope the Patriots wear them soon so that people stop speculating every week. On a side note, the Bucs will be in red over pewter in Carolina this week. That whole white at home for the first five games thing is really working out well for the Panthers this season. Thank goodness they can lose in that humid 62 degree weather comfortably.
  24. Yet another terrible looking Thursday night matchup. Gold team against red team = Wear as much black and white as possible!
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