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Posts posted by PaleVermilion81

  1. 41 minutes ago, officeglenn said:


    I took the above screenshot on a PC, but I've also viewed the boards on a Macbook and an iPad (with Chrome in all 3 instances) and I'm not getting the boldness.


    It appears fixed now. Much have been some sort of issue with the code where it couldn't find the correct font, and the fallback font was more bold or something. Whew, glad it's normal!

  2. Just now, officeglenn said:




    I'm not getting the same boldness everywhere that you seem to be getting. I think the problem may be a browser setting on your end.


    It may be a Mac thing then, because it happened on 2 different computers in 2 different browsers. Only factor that was the same was that they were Macs.

  3. 15 hours ago, LMU said:

    The font is Roboto - the standard Android font. Like most people I don’t see what issue there is other than it being different.


    In terms of colors, we can tinker with the background.


    It's a very bold font. Feels like everything is screaming because of it. Using such a bold font for everything is too jarring and it removes visual hierarchy. 

  4. 1 hour ago, BringBackTheVet said:

    now that I've had time to view it on desktop more, I agree that it's really white.  It lights up my whole room when viewd on my 27" monitor.  Maybe the sides (around the actual posts) could be a shade darker?  Maybe match the blue?  Just something a little less bright.


    I haven't noticed any issues with fonts.  Can someone post a screen shot of the complaint?  I'm just curious to see if I'm viewing it differently somehow.  Everything looks fine to me.

    Screen Shot 2017-08-09 at 7.36.08 PM.png

  5. Ha, I tweeted at Sports Squatch not to follow me because their designs are stolen. That is how I heard about this guy. He randomly followed me on Twitter. He immediately blocked me lol. 

  6. http://sportssquatch.com


    A lot of these designs are stolen. Some I noticed right away as Geeky Jersey designs. Others I've seen are a lot of those NFL logos reimagined as Star Wars designs and such. I asked Geeky Jerseys (as well as Dave's Geeky Hockey on twitter), and was told they are trying to sort it out. 

  7. I just received my first order from www.wholsalebusinesscn.net I am very happy with what I got for the price, I admit they are not 100% perfect but good enough for me check them out on the reddit page here: http://www.reddit.co...salebusinesscn/ and the review I did on my Youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.c...ws?feature=mhee

    First, you typed the address in wrong :welcome:

    Second, most of those look really bad.

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