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Posts posted by Bathysphere

  1. 7 hours ago, MCM0313 said:

    I dislike the leotard look, but I hate plain white socks even more. If @oldschoolvikings is proposing base-white socks with a purple/white/yellow sock stripe like on the white jersey, I’m 100% for that. Unfortunately, because Nike has apparently decreed that striped socks are uncool, that’s unlikely to happen. In that case, I am begrudgingly okay with the leotard look continuing. The Vikings still have one of the better looks in the league, especially considering it’s a Nike-era design. 

    Stripes would be vastly preferred, though I know teams are too stubborn to add new striped socks at this point, what with them becoming obsolete from players refusing to wear them correctly. At least the plain whites are already in the closet, and Ive more than welcomed them as leotard-breakers any time they’ve been used that way.



    Plain white socks w/ colored pants>leotard, for me.

    • Like 14
  2. 5 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    The Vikings current uniform is pretty nice, but I have a couple issues with it and the biggest hasn’t been mentioned yet.  They desperately need a second pair of socks, white with a stripe that matches (as much as possible) the white stripe on the road jersey. I understand why someone would have a problem with the mismatch of stripes between the white pants and white jersey, but I’m not sure if that bothers me more than the road leotards. 

    As for the number font, it really bugged me when the uniform was introduced and I thought it would drive me crazy but honestly, I stopped worrying about it years ago. At this point, to me, it’s just their number font. That and the black face mask were elements I used to be annoyed by and now am fine with. 

    If they kept this uniform for the foreseeable future I’d be good.  That said, if they traded it tomorrow for an update of the late 60’s uniform I’d be over the moon. 

    The Vikings and Dolphins would benefit immensely from using their white socks (which every team has) with their colored pants, like other teams have at least tried.

    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, Brave-Bird 08 said:

    I love IceCap's response about the Buccaneers. 


    I know this is re-iterating, but it's remarkable how that first round of Nike re-designs was SO BAD that EACH TEAM that gave them the keys to the car changed their mind. 


    Buccaneers: went back to Nike after 5 years and said "yeah, thanks but no thanks." Imagine being the creatives who worked on that, only to see them revert to their previous look?


    Browns: went back to Nike after 5 years and said "yeah, thanks, but no thanks." Imagine being the creatives who worked on that, only to see them revert to their previous look?


    Jaguars: went back to Nike after 5 years and said "yeah, thanks, but even though we didn't have a classic uniform to revert back to, can we just ...look, Tom Coughlin basically just said you can't do design anything." 


    Nike: "Wait, not anything?"


    Jaguars: "Please put numbers on jerseys in our colors and ship them out, thank you." 

    Shockingly the Bucs horrible, horrible unis lasted one year past their expiration date. Meaning that while the Jags and Browns took 3 years at the very most, maybe less, to regret their overhaul, for the Bucs it took them exactly four years to reconsider. I wonder what switch flipped then. Glad it did, in any case.


    Also, who can believe that we’re going into year 10 of those Vikings unis? They knocked it so hard out of the park that they could wear those for the next 20 years at least and I don’t think a single person would complain. Especially now that they brought back white on white😍

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    Do these count?



    Ha, I never noticed that they use a red swoosh on the white jersey and a blue swoosh on the white pants that are made to mimic the white jersey exactly. Right next to the same red Northwestern stripes too. Jeez.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    A while back someone posted Larry Fitgerald in a recolored Jags uniform and it looked perfect.  Simple enough to blend in with Cardinals history, but modern enough to be more than a throwback or "practice jersey".


    EDIT: after some digging, I found the post. Shoutout @Bathysphere


    Heyooo I didnt have to do the shameless plug this time lol


    (Its Laviska Shenault with Deandre Hopkins’s head)

    • Like 2
  6. Hell yeah, the only yoga pants look that I like. And one of my favorite matchups overall.



    Between this year and last year, their preseason MO clearly revolves around wearing black pants on natural grass and white pants when on turf, for laundry reasons (which makes sense for preseason rosters, though the Titans also have been doing this fairly consistently throughout the regular season, which is a pretty cheapo measure IMO).


    Bringing back the running tally to see if they lead the league in combos used again:


    HoFG: WBB
    PW1: TBB

    PW2: TBB

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, gosioux76 said:

    This would seem like a logical answer to the mystery. The jersey font appears to match, at least for the 2. 




    Their practice jerseys do not currently have the NFL logo on the collar, let alone the NFL Equipment logo that did used to be there.



    Reread my last post. You can see the slightest remnants of the regular jersey beneath the folds. Im not even so sure they didn’t take a retail jersey straight from the pro shop, its so baggy.

  8. 56 minutes ago, MJD7 said:

    Am I crazy for believing that this is just their regular red jersey? It looks like the same number font to me, and it looks like the place where the wordmark would be is simply folded over so it’s not visible from this angle. It’s difficult to make out whether the piping that would be below the Nike swoosh is there or not, but I’m pretty sure I see a sliver of it on the end of his left sleeve.


    I don’t know, I think I’m just not seeing what everybody else sees. It may very well end up being a teaser for new uniforms coming next year, but that looks like the same old Cardinals jersey to me.

    Since deranged detective work is the name of the game around here…



    I can definitely believe that this sliver is the white panel of their regular jersey, and that the piping and other details are obscured by the angle, shadows, and bunching due to this not being a real football player, wearing an untailored jersey straight from the stock room.


    I can also believe that the details were intentionally obscured to make it appear as a blank canvas without giving any false bread crumbs of what the design to come will actually be, signaling that they are indeed making changes to it for 2024. Why they chose to tease it so brazenly yet so quietly like this is beyond me, though they’ll probably give us more word soon like “people have been asking about our header… you got us! new uniforms coming next year!”

    • Like 6
  9. 3 hours ago, Brave-Bird 08 said:

    I hate that we are so particular as uni nerds that whenever there's an explanation from a scribe or someone else about uniforms, there's almost always something that doesn't make sense. 


    This person is saying they wore silver pants so their white ones won't get dirty, when their default pant is another shade of silver. I want to say something, but I have learned after many years to always let it go lol

    I know, right? There will never not be this assumed level of ineptitude you have to anticipate whenever uniforms come up in the media. There will always be something demonstrably incorrect, or at least an air of naivety you can cut with a knife. It’s like, are you blind?? Do your eyes not see exactly what is going on in front of them?? No, it’s actually just called “being a normal person..” It seems insane to me, but that’s just the nature of a particular manner of fixation, I guess.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, WSU151 said:


    For years, the Vikings gloss helmets didn’t match the jerseys. The matte finish finally matches the jersey color and for some you think that’s a problem. 


    No need to be a silly jackass with more question marks than the Riddler. 


    Me making a comment about helmet colors - when that was the entire reason of your original post - is not a strawman argument. You might want to check out that definition one more time. 

    Putting words into my mouth to make your own point is bizarre to me, and follows the definition of…


    Yeah, the Vikings current helmet is a lot better now since they fixed it after it looked awful for the first six years. Doesnt mean I don’t think that matted finishes look incomplete and sub-professional to me (and, in the case of the Commanders, will create color matching issues if applied unscrupulously). I still contend this was the best helmet they ever wore and the colors matched just fine. It just happened to go with the worst jersey they ever wore.



    • Yawn 2
  11. 2 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    So you want all helmets to be matte like the Vikings, that match the jersey? 

    ??? Normal gloss helmets have been doing the job for decades ??? I would rather every single team including the Vikings stuck to gloss ??? Do I need to post the wikipedia link for Strawman ???

    • Like 1
    • Dislike 5
  12. A lot of people are gonna be eating their words, talking “at least the helmet is okay,” when they wear it with the burgundy jerseys in the sun for the first time and they look like two completely different colors. No tolerance for alternative helmet finishes.

  13. Jeez, just lifeless. The speckled fades on top of sheer nothingness everywhere else make it look like it’s almost vanishing into thin air. Also, somebody has to mention the fact that sleevecaps were a really really lame trend of the early ‘10s and they should have stayed there (which they managed to do until these showed up).


    59 minutes ago, HopewellJones said:

    It’s truly mind-boggling. Such a simple aspect of design…who makes these decisions? How do you just randomly throw black trim on the white jersey when it’s found nowhere else in the main sets? Like……….what?


    It’s literally to justify the black uniform. It’s in the (invisible to us except through parsing the inconsistent behavior of the teams) rules. Which means the Rams might be subverting the rules by having a grandfathered in bone alternate. (unless they keep wearing blue over bone as the regular season primary. yikes.)

  14. 20 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    It's been mentioned here before, but most times when a thread gets JAX-jacked, we end up talking about how superior the original set is and how they need to go back to it.

    Consider that the one who mentioned it was also me LOL


    But yeah, I don’t think I’ve missed a single entry in the the NFL news threads in years, and I can’t recall anyone else bringing it up.

  15. Oo, finally a place to rant about this.


    In 2019, one year after unveiling their current set, the Jaguars adjusted the cut of their sleeve cuff detail so that it would roll under the shoulder pads less and be more visible. I applaud them for it, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen another team in the modern era silently “fix” their uniforms only just enough so that the Shield doesn’t consider it different enough from the retail version to consider it a new jersey. Compare pics for any player who played in both years:




    There was no announcement for it and, to date, I am the only person I’ve seen even mention it, period. Not even here of all places.

    • Like 12
  16. 2 hours ago, NFLfan10 said:

    That's a good point. They were pretty bad the whole time they had these current unis. At least the 2013-2017 set gave us the memory of them going to the AFC championship. If it weren't for some highly controversial Tom-Brady's team-is-playing calls in that game, they very well could've won the Super Bowl in that set. Who knows if they would've stuck to that look or at least kept some elements rather than completely oversimplifying things in 2018.

    They had already announced the upcoming uniform change before the end of the regular regular season. Those wheels were a-turning and they were not stopping.


    21 hours ago, PaleVermilion81 said:

    Nah. This brand is just fine. Only change could be to maybe make the away numbers outlined in teal and have the NOB be just teal. 


    6 hours ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Putting the logo on the sleeves would improve the uniform. 


    • Like 1
    • Yawn 1
  17. 12 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    I’m here at the Hall of Fame Game waiting out the lightning delay (for some reason).  I saw the new authentic Commanders helmet on display here. It’s actually amazing how nice that helmet is in person. The finish is beautiful and they showed real restraint with the two color scheme and the single stripe. 


    Makes it all the more unbelievable how badly they bungled literally every other part of the new uniforms. You could base a pretty nice  identity off of that helmet. And I mean pretty much any of us could. Except them, apparently. 

    Well sure, the helmet isolated won’t look too bad when you don’t see how badly that finish doesn’t match the burgundy fabric of the rest of the uniform.


    11 hours ago, guest23 said:


    it's a fine looking helmet but in reality it needs some white in it to give it better balance with any uniform...to me it feels more like a minnesota gophers helmet than anything else.


    • LOL 9
  18. 8 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Carolina joined that group in recent years and I hate it. Both of their blue and black sets (over grey pants, of course) are superior and Carolina was once a proud team that nailed its branding right out of the gate, both timeless and classic at the same time. Now? Who the hell knows; they look collegiate and that's definitely not a compliment.

    I mean, you can go back to their inaugural season where they didn’t wear black until after wearing white ten times. Last season was the first time they wore black at home during a day game before week 7 (week 6 vs the vikings). They’ve always done this.


    I also found that they definitely used to wear their alt blues the normal two times per year despite using it in the preseason also. Idk what’s going on now.

    • Like 1
  19. 4 hours ago, NFLfan10 said:

    The Jaguars seem to have a different set of rules. When teal was the alternate, they had no issues wearing it twice in the preseason and three more times in the regular season.

    Theyre the only two teams who have a significant history of wearing alts in the preseason. Either the Jags got an exception that the Panthers never thought to ask for, or the Panthers *literally* tricked themselves into thinking it counts. Like, who from the league is gonna come down and tell them “hey, uh, we noticed that you guys have stretched three usages of your alternative blue jersey across both the preseason and regular season, and we just just wanna let you know that you actually don’t have to restrict it that way. The preseason doesn’t actually count towards the three uses, guys.” ?

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