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Everything posted by pitt6pack

  1. Thanks for validating that. I wish I had watched this video sooner, it would have saved me some time.
  2. Okay, thanks. I'll just have to make some adjustments to the football, points, and border and I'll have Super Bowl VI up.
  3. I was working on some later Super Bowl Fields and I noticed the NFL logo for Super Bowl XIII was different than any NFL logo on this site, or that I've seen. Super Bowl's VI, and VIII also had the same logo. I was wondering if anyone had seen pictures or videos of for Super Bowl's VII, XI or XII that show the same logo at midfield (not including the white outline). I have Super Bowl's IX, X, XIII and XIV covered. This would be a big help, so thanks in advance. Here is what this site has for the time so you can see the difference. To me though what was used looks more like the older logo on this site, minus the bars and red in the football, but with slight differences.
  4. Thanks. On an older version I made I had something similar so I must have seen this picture before and I'm not sure why I changed what I had before. Here's the update: Judging by the amount of white in the top half of the NFL logo I want to say they used the NFL 50 logo. There seems to be a straight dark bit along the top and a strip down the center between what I'm assuming to be the 5 and 0.
  5. Here are some screen shots I took for both of the helmets at midfield. Looks to me like Kansas City has the earholes and screws inversed. Here is a link to the video as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IBAgfvrmrM And I'll try to make the updates to the Vikings helmet logo as soon as I can.
  6. Yes, that would be awesome! I'll give you my email address through a private message.
  7. In terms of dimensions all of the fields are to scale at 1px equal to .5 inches in full resolution. One thing I could really use your help on is the distance from the sideline to the bottom of the numbers. That is the only part of of the fields from Super Bowl 7 on that I have not been able to find or figure out, and I know I have it wrong. So if you know the answer that would be a huge help.
  8. I have some pictures that seem like they are in inversed and I'll post them when I get a chance for a second opinion.
  9. Good observation. I've been thinking I've had the wrong helmet logo. I'll get an update posted within the next couple of days, it's finals week so I'm not sure when I've got the time.
  10. Super Bowl IV I was able to find a good video for this one, but I was never able to find any pictures or videos showing the Vikings endzone except for their wordmark. So at this point I think I've got everything correct, but I'm unsure about the Vikings logo and the NFL logo in the Vikings endzone.
  11. The shade of blue for the Baltimore endzone seems to be a lighter shade of blue in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIxIRkiThak Great video. Changed the red and jets green a bit to.
  12. Super Bowl III *** EDIT *** The post has since been moved here: http://boards.sportslogos.net/topic/98529-super-bowl-field-database-super-bowl-xxvii-update/?p=2250104
  13. The different shades in the grass is an effect created by the direction in which the grass is mowed. But you can see from this picture from Super Bowl I that there are 2 different shades. Yea I knew that, never knew that was something they did for the games back in the day. I think you should tone down the green used in the template however. It seems too neon for what is pictured. Makes it feel like it's turf rather than actual grass. Once I have all of the fields finished I was planning on adding a grass texture as a finishing touch, and that's when I'll match the grass colors exactly. Right now though it's still a work in progress and I'm still making changes, so it's easier to just use default colors for now and then correct them later.
  14. Since when did the Raiders ever have "The Oakland" as opposed to just Oakland? Was this just a a one-off thing for the Super Bowl (or at this point in time the 2nd NFL-AFL Championship game)? Or was that their actual logo for that season or something? SportsLogos.net says that Raiders logo was only used during the 1963 season, and this is 5-6-7 years later. What compelled them to use this logo for this game? I'm not actually sure why they used this logo. When I had originally made the field I had used their current logo, and after looking at pictures I was surprised as well to see they used their old logo. The logo they were using on their helmets at the time were even the current logo. Maybe they used it because it was their original AFL logo or something.
  15. The different shades in the grass is an effect created by the direction in which the grass is mowed. But you can see from this picture from Super Bowl I that there are 2 different shades.
  16. Here are the helmets used at midfield. Still unsure about the screws and the start of the face mask though.
  17. I had originally had the two bars but in this picture, which is the only one I could find with the face mask, has one bar that extends to the edge of the helmet. Plus super bowl IV uses one bar helmets as well.
  18. Here's Super Bowl II. *** EDIT *** The post has since been moved here: http://boards.sportslogos.net/topic/98529-super-bowl-field-database-super-bowl-xxvii-update/?p=2249982
  19. *** EDIT *** The post has since been moved here: http://boards.sportslogos.net/topic/98529-super-bowl-field-database-super-bowl-xxvii-update/?p=2249403 Here are some of the logos used on the field. I used paint to do all of this so they aren't perfect but there as close as I could get them. Midfield Logo NFL Logo in Packers Endzone There were a few differences from the current NFL logo at the time. Here there are less stars and they were in a slightly different arrangement. Also the there were no caps at the bottom of the 'N' and 'F'. AFL Logo The only difference from the normal logo was the white inside the 'A'
  20. Links to each post: Actual Super Bowl Fields I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII XLIV XLV XLVI XLVII XLVIII XLIX 50 LI LII LIII LIV LV LVI LVII LVIII LIX LX Fields can also be found at The Gridiron Fields Database - a part of The Gridiron Uniforms Database In 2012 I wanted to recreate all of the fields from each Super Bowl to use for a football simulation program I've been writing for C#. Recently I have gone back and tried to refine each field to be as exact as possible, and its still a work in progress. I got the idea to start posting them after seeing kodrinsky's NBA court database and I thought it would be a good way to get some feedback and some help pointing out any inaccuracies in what I have so far. So, as I've said before, I want to be as exact as possible, so if anyone sees something inaccurate please let me know by either posting a picture or a link to a video that can help me out. It could be something as small as color, number font, or even the width of the lines on the field. Anything will help. I guess I'll start with Super Bowl I Super Bowl I: January 15, 1967. Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California Kansas City Chiefs - 10 Green Bay Packers - 35 < First Post Super Bowl II > I do have higher resolution (9144x4344 pixels) images of the fields that are to a scale of 1px=.5in, and templates if anyone ever wants them.
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