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Everything posted by wildwing64

  1. That actually looks like a decent crowd for a Coyotes game. Relatively speaking.
  2. How many times have I told my story? I forget. But here's the short version. I was briefly a fan of English football when I was little. My favourite team was Tottenham Hotspur because someone else said it in a class activity, it was easy to remember, and the local team's name "West Ham" sounded stupid. I never properly developed an interest and never went back to it. These days I just don't find the game interesting at all, and I can't stand the culture. I later turned to a certain North American sport, as I heard a duck calling me. Anaheim Ducks - Back in '97, Mighty Ducks the Animated Series was airing. It was the coolest thing ever, and in the back of my mind made me want to be an ice hockey fan. Fast forward to Christmas 2002 and D2 the Mighty Ducks was on TV. "Eh, this is OK" I thought, mildly disappointed that it had nothing to do with the cartoon besides sharing the name and the hockey. Then the duck mask logo appeared, and from there I began to more actively pursue my interest in this sport. A little while after that I picked up NHL Hitz 20-02 for the GameCube. I remember the first thing I saw being the splash screen showing all 30 team logos... and there was that duck mask logo again. I laughed. It was as if it was following me around now. But I soon came to the realisation that the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim were a real team, and I went with them since it was basically them who introduced me to hockey. I think because of the way I was exposed to them I saw them as being the "default" team, like say Mario in a Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros videogame. I later came across the Ducks website, and at the time they were in the playoffs. The next time I checked the site out, they were the Western Conference Champions. It was as if I had some sort of mystical bond with them all along These days the Ducks are pretty much my everything. And this year has been pretty good for me as a fan: I recently went out of my way to go to Anaheim and see the Honda Center in person, and of course visit the team store during my trip to Los Angeles back in June. And this past October after eight years of being a Ducks fan I finally got to see them live as they came over to Europe to open their season. Seeing the likes of Selanne, Getzlaf, Perry, Ryan, Parros, even Randy Carlyle in person was incredibly surreal. The best thing for me though, aside from them winning the game, was that they were in the third jersey, which meant the classic Mighty Ducks logo was on the ice for my first ever game Chelmsford Chieftains - My local hockey team. It's mainly to get my fix, but I always go to see them play whenever I can. Occasionally I also go to see their farm team the Chelmsford Warriors play in the same rink: Chieftains games are usually busier, but Warriors games are much more intimate because very few people go to see them in comparison to the parent team, and the players on the ice are louder than anyone else in the rink. It's quite the experience. Houston Texans - I briefly played for my University's American Football team, and at the time I felt it appropriate to develop an interest in the NFL. I went for the Texans purely because I like their logo and colour scheme. I'm more of a casual fan of the Texans and don't really pay much attention to them, though they're still my go-to team in the NFL. That said if this team ever folded I'd more than likely shrug my shoulders and shuffle over to another team. LA Angels of Anaheim - During summer a couple of years back, I felt a random urge to look into baseball. I picked the Angels because I'd feel bad rooting against a team that plays in the same city and across the road from my beloved Ducks. Same deal with the Texans, I'm much more of a casual fan and don't pay anywhere near as much attention as I should.
  3. For an AHL team, the Houston Aeros seem to be doing OK. They're averaging over 6,000 fans in an NHL sized arena, which again by AHL standards is OK. An NHL Aeros team could work: while there's evidently some interest in hockey, it could simply be that there's not as much interest in a minor league. But who knows. Except the two teams are serving completely different markets. The NHL has a Northern Florida team and a Southern Florida team because they want to take advantage of both markets. Same with California (with two LA area teams taking advantage of a high population) and same with New York (with - technically speaking - three teams for the New York metro area, again taking advantage of a high populous). Look at it this way: if Sheffield Wednesday were the lone English representative in an all-European football league with a similar organisation to the NHL, would fans from all over England flock to see them? Probably not. So this hypothetical league would want a team to represent the South of England as well.
  4. I dunno about that. Some of us hockey fans are willing to stay up until 3am to watch games, splash out on GameCenter Live to watch said games, and splash out again to watch their favourite teams in person the one time they come over to Europe to play. You probably spend about the same amount of money for a single ticket
  5. My fellow Brits have a thing for exclamation points. I must be considered eccentric
  6. Just started watching the Ducks @ Coyotes game. They first showed a low down angle that looked like most of the arena was packed, until the camera turned some more to reveal empty seats.
  7. In fairness, hockey is the number one sport in Canada whereas US based teams are competing with at least three other major pro sports teams per city, and all three of those sports are bigger than hockey; The NHL has however been successful in certain sunbelt markets (Anaheim, San Jose, Dallas, Tampa Bay, maybe Carolina? Maybe Nashville? And of course Los Angeles who never get lumped in with this group for some reason) and has found its niche in these cities. I don't think the Stars are going anywhere anytime soon, and I don't think the future of this franchise should be determined by 4 games of low attendance figures. But Phoenix, as has been made evident, have not. They've been bleeding money since year one. Their crappy arena lease and their poorly located arena have not helped, and one of the only reasons they're still there is because Glendale needs a tenant for their very expensive Jobing.com arena. It's only getting worse and worse for the Coyotes. They need to get out of there.
  8. D'aaww, the Coyotes have a road named after them. What a cute way for Glendale to show their desperation I wonder what they plan on doing with that when if the Coyotes do eventually move out.
  9. Regardless of how much sense there is in putting another team in that market, the Leafs just won't have it. And evidently being in a traditional hockey market still doesn't necessarily make a team safe from posting losses. The Senators and Penguins for example were bailed out of bankruptcy a while back, and even Minnesota have operated at a loss occasionally. And yes, the Sharks and Caps are good teams and are both very popular, but for some reason have been posting losses anyway. A team moving to Quebec City is or has been considered as a possibility, but there isn't an arena there yet - or at least, not one that meets the NHL's standards. So until that arena gets built and a team relocates there, no NHL team for Quebec.
  10. Does it count as astroturfing if the poster is obviously from one of the counterfeit operations? Yes. Yes it does.
  11. Singlehandedly the most ironic post in this whole thread.
  12. Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me. This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries. That sounds gross. But it tastes delicious. I could never stomach fries with plain mayo though. You gotta mix in the ketchup and relish. I love vinegar, but the whole bar wants to kill me when I put it on my fries. Just BBQ sauce or salt and vinegar will do for me when it comes to fries chips. Can't stand mayo, and I'm maybe one of three people in the whole world who hates ketchup. There, I said it.
  13. A friend of mine showed me this fake Avs jersey that was being sold on eBay. Had to share it, it is truly horrific. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Colorado-Avalanche-NHL-shirt-/220742580631?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3365487997
  14. Since the death of the Buffaslug has been one of today's hot topics, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I don't think it was that bad. Sure, it's not the most appealing thing around since it... well, looks like a slug. For some reason it kind of grew on me. Not to say that it's one of the greatest hockey logos ever - because it's not - but I think there are worse things out there. And hey, at least their primary logo wasn't made into a wordmark.
  15. I'm not a fan of this jersey at all. The nameplate is just one of the things I dislike about it. As much as they went with a template-based design for their initial Edge-ification, I thought that set was near-perfect for them. All it needed was maybe some minor changes to the black jersey, or even an orange version of that to complete the set. Sure, this throwback to the Flyers' early days was cool for the Winter Classic, but adopting this as their primary uniform was a huge downgrade in my opinion.
  16. ^ That or the Sharks' pre-edge uniforms would be great. I love their new logo, but I really don't think the orange works for them.
  17. I never understood the utter hatred for the "Robo Pigeon". But that's just me.
  18. I never liked these that much for some reason. Maybe it was the shiny material they used, or the fact that they changed their pants to black to accompany these jerseys. Considering that there is no black anywhere on these jerseys, except for the logo, that decision to replace the pants was pointless. And still baffles me today.
  19. As much as this has grown on me, I don't think the colours are anywhere near the best. Although the jersey does look much better in person and on TV than the logo does on the internet. Still not overly keen on the Ducks using a wordmark instead of, y'know, a duck. The 'D' by itself is a nice logo, but it's not strong enough by itself. And speaking of the Ducks, I'm part of the crowd that actually likes the old duck mask logo. The dark eggplant and jade jersey is my favourite of all time (Yet for some reason, I don't like the white version as much. Maybe a certain movie sequel had something to do with that). If they ever bring this one back, even if it's just for a Winter Classic or something, I will go ecstatic.
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