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wildwing64 last won the day on May 6

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    Billericay, UK
  • Interests
    Hockey, videogames, sports logo design, anime, giant robots, coffee
  • Favorite Teams
    Anaheim Ducks

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  1. I've only just learned that the visual identity was based on Tahoe Tessie and now it all makes more sense. So I like that part but "Knight Monsters" is trying a bit too hard to force the connection. If/when the affiliation ends do they end up as the Shark Monsters or the Blue Jacket Monsters?
  2. Great stuff so far! I always liked the idea of double red for the Flames. Also love the Sens jerseys; I'm still disappointed that they never used that logo. For a while I've been thinking that eggplant, jade and orange could work for the Ducks and you've nailed it here. I like how the other colours pop on the dark purple base.
  3. Crazy how close you got with the Ducks home jersey! I think the road/alts would benefit from a white/black instead of an additional orange stripe to give a bit more balance to the colour scheme (orange / gold sticks might also help) While I don't have any issues with the existing Hurricanes logo I like the one you've used here - and that alone makes this set way better than their existing home and roads. I don't think dark grey on black works for the third jersey numbers.
  4. 18. Chicago Flames (Ghost Rider) Name: The original Chicago Flyers folded despite being a big draw, leading the NHSL to award a new franchise to fill the void in this hockey hungry city. This new team elected not to revive the Flyers name - likely due to legal issues at the time - and instead chose the Flames, in reference to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Logo: A white C containing a flame. The C is slanted to give it a sense of speed - or perhaps this was meant as a subtle nod to their then-predecessors. Alternate Logo: Taking after at least one other team during the 90’s, the Flames introduced this alternate mark featuring a stylised, old school goalie mask engulfed in fire and with an intimidating pair of orange eyes. The mask bears an uncanny resemblance to a skull. Colours: Black and white with Wildfire Orange accents. The alternate logo and third jersey also make use of yellow. Jerseys: The home black sweater features white cuffs and orange stripes, and vice versa on the road uniform, which features a black shoulder yoke. The crest is recoloured to black on the white jersey. A simplified and flameless version of their C logo is used as the captain’s patch. Third Jersey: Another black jersey for their 90’s alternate uniform, but Chicago did what Motor City wouldn’t and went all out with a sublimated flame design. This one has been subject to much roasting and isn’t so hot with purists who’d rather throw it into a fire. No doubt that fans of both Chicago and Calgary’s real world NHL teams will feel this one is - wait I’m getting deja vu. Anyway; this was actually the first team I planned for Chicago before coming up with the Invincible-themed Illinois Flyers. In comparison the name choice for this team was pretty straightforward; Johnny Blaze - aka Ghost Rider - was apparently born in a suburb north of Chicago and as Ghost Rider he has a blatant fiery motif. Connecting that with the Great Chicago Fire - as did the UIC Flames and Chicago Fire FC - made too much sense. Like the Calgary Flames, a fiery C was the obvious choice for the logo. The title font for Ghost Rider’s comics has varied over the years but I based the shape of the C on the “RIDER” portion of the title from this cover. I also wanted to do something a bit different to Calgary; oddly when I look at their logo, I find my eye being drawn to the negative space inside the C, so for this logo I put the flame in that space instead of having it streaking from the outside. Ironically it ended up being more like the Atlanta Flames this way. The over the top flame design on the thirds was something I originally wanted to try with the Motor City Convoy (a la Optimus Prime’s flames in the live action Transformers films) but ultimately saved it for this Ghost Rider team instead. I think this probably does a better job of capturing the spirit of those comics…not that I’ve actually read them EDIT: I've tweaked the third jersey crest a bit, fixing the overall balance and adding a white keyline as it was bugging me (original version here). Also it's occured to me that I haven't talked about that aspect of the design; obviously this is an homage to Ghost Rider himself, but instead of a skull we have a goalie mask. I took inspiration from some masks of the 70's, with added mouth vents similar to the Calgary Hitmen logo to give it more of that skull-like feel.
  5. Funnily enough, same here. I don't actually read that many Western comics outside of Power Rangers and Transformers - and even those started out as Japanese properties! I currently have -checks list- at least one more anime themed team planned, so stay tuned for that I know, right?! Duly noted. Thanks for the suggestion! Speaking of ghosts...
  6. Unlike the gold, orange was always intended as part of the colour scheme for the 2006 rebrand. Early rumours suggested they were going to be green and orange. Per TruColor, they originally planned to go with a black, forest green, orange and bronze scheme. At some point Burke made a visit to West Point which likely led to them dumping green and swapping out bronze for gold. It was only after he left that the Ducks started gradually making orange more prominent.
  7. This. I like the logo as is, but put a gun to my head and I'm picking the triangle sector over the circle. I could get behind that.
  8. If it looks like a duck and swims like a duck... It's still a triangle to me, damn it
  9. I could get used to this. At first I felt like the triangle was a bit too small, but the more I see this logo the more it feels right. Also, kind of funny how we've gone from orange being a barely visible trim to gradually becoming the focal point of their identity.
  10. Here they are, just in time.
  11. That's a fair question. As a Ducks fan - albeit not a local fan, so I'm only speaking for myself - I could go either way with the colours at this point. Purple and jade were what they wore when I started following them, I always liked that look and, yeah, even though it was only for a short while from my perspective, I do miss that look and lament that I may never see it in person. Despite not loving the '06 rebrand for abandoning almost everything that drew me to the team, I've since taken a liking to the modern orange, black and gold scheme - when it's done right. As of now I don't have any strong opinions on the orange helmet and pants, but I think they've nailed it with the new jerseys. On social media it looks like an even split between fans who love the new look, and those cries of either "bring back eggplant and jade" or "ugh I hate orange". Some people love the Orange County tie in but others are indifferent to it. I can see the point of view that switching from being a dark team to now being a vivid bright orange might be jarring.
  12. While I can see how the Ducks and Flyers orange matches in those graphics above... The change from the brighter orange the Flyers previously used is much more noticable. I'm looking at photos and clips the Ducks have posted and from those I couldn't tell you if it was any different to before
  13. I'm so ing happy. It's nice be excited instead of hopeful about this team's brand, at long last. As much as I may continue to pine for eggplum and jade, this is the next best thing. Or maybe I'll end up liking it even more. THE GOOD The duck mask taking back its rightful place as the primary crest. I think I much prefer the new sticks. Also those four mask holes that lined up diagonally with one of the sticks on the original are now curved, which makes more sense when you think of the mask as a 3D object. People are mixed on the orange eye, but it gives it a bit more character and I like it a lot. Despite my minor gripes with the sleeve stripes (moreso that they're angled up the wrong way!) I love the jersey designs overall. Not only a great update to the classic Mighty Ducks look, but also an all-round excellent design and a much needed breath of fresh air compared to what they just got rid of. The new numbers, specifically on the orange jersey. I can appreciate them going with more of a local influence for the font instead of sticking with the Army inspired design. Small tweaks to the duck foot D helps it read better both as a duck foot and a D. I sorta like how the colours and details mirror the mask, being gold with white drop shadows - but the loss of the other aspects will take some getting used to, moreso on the digital version. It was never a strong primary logo but it's a solid shoulder patch. THE EH On one hand, too bad they stuck with beige instead of gold on the stripes. On the other hand, because they're a bit dull they're not drawing attention away from the rest of the uniform. Even though I like the orange yoke on the roads, there's enough orange throughout that it probably doesn't need it. I feel like they may have added it just to make it a bit more different than the Reverse Retro 2, which it's already heavily based on. Speaking of which, we've seen orange pants with the RR2 so we already know how that will look on the ice. I ended up liking that more than I expected, so I'm still cautiously optimistic about the orange helmets. The new numbers, specifically on the white jersey. I've never liked when gold touches orange - which looks much, much worse in digital applications - and I'm not sure how I feel about it here. A small part of me laments the lack of laces, but I'll admit I'm a sucker for them. Ironically I think they would've fit way better here than they did on the Edge mess they wore previously. Then again no laces better matches the original Mighty Ducks look, so... oh well. "Ducks Hockey" not inside the collar but on the inside back on the hem. Er, okay, sure. Icethetics' new video showed a graphic of the jersey with a hanger effect reading "Fly Together" but it looks like it's absent from the final design. Would've been cool to have, but I'm not losing sleep over it. THE BAD The new wordmark. I get wanting to match the logo and number design with the gold details, but this would look so much cleaner without it. And again, gold and orange touching looks awful in digital applications. OTHER THOUGHTS I did wonder why the stick tape resembled a pair of W's and now I know. Fun nod to Wild Wing - but I thought he would have been named and designed after the logo...? As much as this rebrand has been in the works for some time, it feels surreal in how fast it's happened from our perspective. Thinking back on the '06 rebrand we had months if not a year to speculate on that, but this time we only heard about it a short while ago and, bam, here it is. To think less than a month ago I was expecting nothing, maybe the third coming of the orange thirds at most.
  14. Not too surprising, but a massive improvement over the previous set. Good riddance to that sleeve piping.
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