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Red Comet

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Posts posted by Red Comet

  1. 48 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:

    Background noise at early Thanksgiving really should be Blood Rage.



    It’s better than Thankskilling (low bar, I know):



    You get to see the turkey kill people, have sex with a human, and say a lot of bad puns!

    Seems like a Soviet horror film as in America, you stuff the turkey and in this movie, the turkey stuffs you. 

    Still, I think I’d rather watch that than the Lions game yesterday. 

  2. 1 hour ago, heavybass said:

    790 million for St Louis.... all eyes on Oakland.

    Unless Gruden and that mop-headed spawn of Al Davis were in some conspiracy to deprive Oakland of a team, I’m not seeing it happen. 

    Like St. Louis, I think Oakland just isn’t an attractive enough city to keep a team. At least with Detroit and Cleveland, you have a big enough suburban population to draw fans and money from to keep multiple teams there, but I’m not seeing it for the East Bay. 

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    To be fair, he was working against them in this case.

    True. It’s just amazing what I wind up paying for without me knowing unless some intrepid journalist blows the whistle on it. I get he’s ex-CIA, but still. I paid for this guy’s training in some way. 

  4. On 11/22/2021 at 1:40 AM, rainmaker17 said:

    Not sure this parity thing is actually good for the shield. 

    I’d say not knowing what the hell will happen next is good for ratings anyway. If more fans are interested because their team still has a chance, then they’re more likely to buy tickets, merch, etc. And then teams make more money and thus the league makes more money. 

    I’d say it’s better than the NBA where last year notwithstanding you could usually predict who would be in the Finals year after year after year. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, SFGiants58 said:

    Well, Twitter Iron Sheik.

    That reminds me, somebody wrote in to Cornette’s podcast with this:



    Corny was smart to shut it down before he got a CWCki entry. You know, a CWC-inspired heel would’ve likely gotten over in Smokey Mountain. 


    2 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    It's hilarious that Cornette shut it down not because he didn't want to open that can of worms, but rather because he didn't think a person named "Christian Weston Chandler" could be real. Buddy, you don't know the half of it.

    Reality can be a real mother:censored:er sometimes. 

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Got it. Then you shouldn't say 'How the bleep is that taunting' if you know that it's taunting. Say you hate the rule, not that it's a bad call.

    Fair enough, wrong choice of words. What Fenton just did would qualify as a legit taunting penalty IMO. 

    Also, this defense is making me gag on what I said about Spagnuolo earlier this year. And that’s a good thing. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, the admiral said:

    I always thought that was an interesting wrinkle, how the A's screwed Seattle and helped Milwaukee because Symington did "nice antitrust exemption, shame if something happened to it" about Kansas City having to wait. I don't think we've ever had four true expansion teams join the league at once since, have we? The ABA and WHA teams came in fully formed or close to it (I think it was the Jets who got ransacked on the way in). Having one of the four fail in the first year would be a good reason why it hasn't happened since.

    I’m surprised we haven’t seen more threats of revoking anti-trust exemptions over issues like that. Politicians will gut their own mother over a few million more in pork for their 5 mile wide House district. What could be a bigger bit of pork than a pro sports franchise delivered by government mafioso tactics? Let’s go Royals!

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe it’s a bad idea for fan interest but it’s a great idea if you want to keep costs down. IIRC, TSL has been the only alt-league to profit. I think they’re trying to get sponsorships going first before they try to invest. As for my opinion on this particular strategy?


    Jason Bateman Cotton GIF

    And I only mean it semi-ironically. They should get credit for going a different route. 

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