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Red Comet

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Posts posted by Red Comet

  1. So far the biggest winner between Kansas City and Green Bay isn’t the Chiefs, it’s Aaron Rodgers. So somehow Aaron Rodgers stock goes up after lying about his medical history in a league with an injury report. And not only did he do that, he didn’t just double or triple down on his nonsense, he quadrupled down. And he still looks better coming out of this game then he does going in. God Bless America. 

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  2. On 10/28/2021 at 10:40 PM, sportsfan7 said:

    This feels incredibly selective. Why didn't the NAACP do this for Georgia and Florida? Hell, as a Minnesotan, why haven't they issued a similar warning for Minneapolis?

    Because Texas has been in the news a lot lately. Attention=$$$. And any organization with a competent fundraising arm knows to strike when the iron is hot. 

  3. 3 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

    While we're on the topic,

    It really sucks people have "normalized" O.J, a guy who not only got away with murder, but knows it and even tried releasing a totally not confessional book about it. Showing absolutely 0 remorse. 



    Yet Michael Vick still has that dog fighting stigma attached to him even now after he actually did his time and is genuinely remorseful over what he did and made efforts to make up for it.  


    I'll forgive Vick before I ever forgive O.J. 

    Bills fans should be embarrassed he's still in their "ring of honor" or whatever they call their  team Hall of Fame. 

    I only wish Norm MacDonald was still alive so I can hear what he would have to say about this. 

    Also, New Orleans’s ability to just keep plugging along is amazing. Sean Payton should be in the running for coach of the year if the Saints can keep this up. 

  4. 1 hour ago, neo_prankster said:

    Burying the investigation makes the league look guilty of covering things up, does it not?


    Only if there is consistent pressure and not just from DC but also from advertisers, sponsors, etc.


    Realistically? I don’t really see anyone  who has the power to do anything actually caring about this beyond a couple weeks if even that due to the 24 hour news cycle as some new outrage wherever shows up. 

  5. The USFL will have use of Protective Stadium for up to 40 games, plus three playoff games from about April 15, 2022, to July 3, 2022, at no cost, according to a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding between the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center (BJCC) and the National Spring Football League (NSFL, which owns the USFL) obtained by AL.com.”


    Call me when it actually happens. 

    • Like 4
  6. Alright, here’s why HBCUs will NEVER make the jump to FBS and frankly why they shouldn’t. Outside of Howard at over $700,000,000, none of the HBCUs have the endowments (aka financial support) to compete with FBS schools. That’s why they’re at the FCS level. I think having people like Deion Sanders coaching HBCUs is a step in the right direction to potentially being able to compete at an FBS level, but that is decades away if it’s even a possibility. 



  7. 53 minutes ago, TBGKon said:

    If they chose to leave, the only viable options would be the Ohio Valley or the Missouri Valley.  A sleeper could be the Big East who has an odd number,  and WSU could be a travel partner with Creighton.

    Considering the neo-Big East’s emphasis is on college basketball, I’d say that should be where Wichita State goes. That and the ready-made rivalry with Creighton.

    • Like 3
  8. On 10/18/2021 at 5:01 PM, B-Rich said:

    I have heard the same about T-Mobile  Center doing so well in terms of concerts and events that they aren't really LOOKING for a major league tenant, but especially in light of the last year and a half  of the COVID situation I wonder how well they are really doing, and still think they would LOVE a big league hockey or b-ball franchise there... maybe the  Kansas City Tornadoes or Kansas City Twisters? 

    Chief of Kansas City Patrick Mahomes wants an NBA team here. As for the name, my personal view of any tornado-themed name for a KC-based team is that it’s as lazy as a team that formerly had a Native mascot choosing a bird of prey as a new name.

  9. 9 minutes ago, dont care said:

    Kansas City won’t get a basketball team the same reason Louisville never will. Pros won’t want to play in either city, and fans aren’t going to support an unsuccessful pro team when they have a college alternative that’s one of the best in the nation.

    As opposed to the exciting metropolitan areas of Salt Lake City, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis,  Milwaukee and San Antonio? 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, rams80 said:


    Shades of Kansas City in the late 70s/early 80s.

    As a reminder, that didn't end well for everyone; my money is that even if the As move to Vegas, they are going to be relocating again in a couple of decades at the latest.

    Need I remind you all that a goddamn indoor soccer team outdrew the Kings by a factor of 2 in the early 80’s? Kansas City has the college basketball hall of fame now. Failing at selling basketball here is like failing at selling football in Texas. Mahomes wants an NBA team here and unlike Vegas, we actually have an economy that isn’t based on one industry so maybe Round 2 will work out. 

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  11. After watching yesterday’s shameful display, I think the Chiefs need to go in a bold new direction. Steve Spagnoulo needs to be fired and replaced with an orangutan. Half the plays will be better than what Spags calls and the other half involves flinging feces at the zebras. No matter how you slice it, it’s an improvement. Reject Spagsanity, return to monke.

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