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Posts posted by WideRight

  1. OK, my last post here before I can provide the link to the poll where we will have all 3 Boston identity choices.    It is your chance to guess where my head is going.   Here is what I will give you as hints:


    1.  We know the first option is the Boston Colonials, based on the UFL Hartford Colonials logo.  But, I have changed one of the three colors.  What 3 colors would the Colonials be?


    2.  The second option is based on another Boston club from an entirely different sport.  Colors are changed, but the logo will remain largely as it is in that other sport (with some required changes, of course.)   Any guesses?


    3. The third option will combine a logo from a failed football league that started after 2010 with a name used by 1 of the 4 major league sports for one of their clubs, but not a Boston club.  Colors will be Navy, Athletic Gold, and gunmetal grey.  Any guesses on what would combine a major league name with a logo from one of many failed outdoor football leagues we have seen. 


    3 Names, 3 identities pulled from "reality" and repurposed.   Your votes will get to decide which club Boston becomes. 

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  2. On 11/12/2022 at 8:18 AM, ManillaToad said:


    Yeah this is great. It really shows off how well balanced the helmet colors are in the league



    Thanks, color diversity and balance is something I actually pay attention to as I alter uniforms or add new teams.   The original USFL did a great job of this, but as we add more teams it becomes tougher.  If (and it is an "if" right now) this alternate USFL does expand to 28 teams, it will get tougher, though I notice that currently there are no orange helmets, so that could be a thing, only 1 red helmet (NJ), despite a lot of teams having red as a color.   Right now we have:


    4 Silver/Grey

    3 Gold/Champagne (but notice all 3 tones are very different from each other)

    3 Black

    3 White

    2 Blue (1 navy, 1 royal)

    2 Green (1 forest, 1 kelly)

    2 Purple

    1 Red

    1 Burgundy (Yes, that's a red, but it isn't "RED!!!")

    1 Silver Sky (not really blue, not really silver)

    1 Copper

    1 Yellow


    That leave orange, brown, sky blue, teal and maybe a very dark grey like pewter or anthracite as realistic color options that are not in use.  



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  3. Only days away from you all getting a vote on the new Boston franchise's logos and nickname.  I will be adding a page to the website to have a poll but I will post the images here as well. 


    Until then, here are the three patches the teams are wearing in 2002.  A 9/11 commemoration patch, and two variants of the league's 20th Season patch, one for teams that were not 1983 teams (no team logo) and one for those that started in 1983 (team's original helmet in design).







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  4. Got to say as a USFL purist that I am not happy about the logo change and definitely not the color change.  I get why they did it after everyone threw a hissyfit about the amount of red last year, but I was hoping to see an updated steamboat wheel logo and red and silver (or silver sky, hint hint) as the colors.  If they wanted to diversify colors they should have moved the Bandits to Orlando instead, or add the Federals to have a green team.   


    Just not loving the change, but I will still follow the USFL more than the XFL just out of nostalgia for Flutie, Kelly, Cribbs, and Rozier. 


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  5. 8 hours ago, BengalErnst said:

    Sounds like the Bandits are leaving the USFL in real life and they’re bringing back the Memphis Showboats 


    I saw that.  I have a theory. I think they wanted a 2nd southern hub city along with Birmingham this year and Memphis offered them a better option than Tampa, Houston, or New Orleans could.  While I am glad Memphis is getting a shot, I think Tampa Bay is a more iconic USFL team.  Banditball and all.   Ideally I would want to see both in the league, along with about 16 other cities, but I am not sure this USFL will get there.  I just want 2 things:  1) for them to get to all 8 stadiums ASAP, and 2) to add a Western Division so I can go to Gold games in Denver. 



    BTW, for those of you following my Alt History, there is going to be news relatively quickly about one team, and that will lead directly to a poll where you (Cris Creamer followers and followers of my alt history page) will get to vote on a team identity. 

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  6. On 11/4/2022 at 4:51 PM, neo_prankster said:

    Didn't you say the Rams went to St. Louis like they did in real life?

    The Rams are in St. Louis, so they won't be without football, just spring football.  One of the reasons the Knights left was the issues with the Dome, where they were treated like 2nd hand citizens even though they got there first.   Bigger issues (ownership scandal) but that was also a reason. 

  7. OK, just about to publish the article where the move from St. Louis to Nashville becomes official.  So you all get a bit of a preview. 


    Initially, and for most of the 2002 season, the uniforms are unchanged, and the helmet is reduced to the basics as the club awaits new branding and does not want to use the logo with the Arch in it.  So, this is the 2002 look:




    Just a wordmark and a helmet with player number.  But, at some point in the 2002 season the club will unveil their new look, and, with permission of the league, they will wear this if they qualify for the 2002 playoffs.




    The uniforms remain basically as they were (based on LA Xtreme of XFL), but with the new sword (Titans-based) logo, and alternate logos including an "N-with-sword" and the state flag motif.   Not sure how long the Knights will keep this motif.


    Also not sure how long St. Louis will go without a USFL club, or whether we will see more teams move as sales are pending on several clubs.  I guess you would need to tune in to find out.   

    See it all play out at https://apsbertsche.wixsite.com/mysite

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  8. 21 hours ago, jackkmart said:

    Seattle Sea Dragons V1


    Alright, this one was tough and definitely needs some refinement. I'm not even sure this is the actual form the logo should take but it's my first attempt at blending the new and old Seattle logo. The new one is nice in that it integrates an S shape  (for Seattle presumably... or Sea, I guess) and it's more angular design is kind of nice looking but it was simplified so much that it lost a lot of the charm the original had. 


    This first draft is still a little simple for my tastes and I may try a completely different version that is more reminiscent of the OG logo but which integrates the S form as well. For now though this is a good start.



    I really like this update.  Any chance you would be OK if I used this concept for my USFL Seattle Dragons (alt history project)?


  9. On 10/31/2022 at 7:29 PM, neo_prankster said:


    Have you seen the new Seattle Sea Dragons logo? Could that be a logo you could use for the Dragons of this universe?

    Could happen, though I certainly like the 2020 Dragons logo better than this new one.  My overall view of the 2023 XFL is that they screwed up several identities and invented a couple of really bad ones just to make the whole thing stink.   The new logos look  more like Axe body spray or e-sports designs than football designs. 


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  10. Got to say these are not good.  They took decent/good concepts from 2020 and made most worst, and the new ones are some of the worst yet.  Well below the standards we saw in the AAF and even the reinvented versions of classic USFL logos in the  new USFL.  Not a good confidence builder for me that the XFL 3.0 will be worth following over the USFL.    Here is my quick summary, from best to worst:


    HOUSTON: The best of a bad lot.  At least it looks like a professional logo, has solid colors, and a clear visual image.  The secondary is a good addition, though I liked the hardhat guy from 2020.   It still feels oil-industry related without being a clear homage to the Oilers. 


    ARLINGTON:  The only reason this is #2 is because they are keeping the masked bandit as the 2nd logo.  The primary is laughable.  If the team were the Dallas Renegades, then the logo would at least make some sense.  It is clear that they did not pivot away from it when they were told to name the team Arlington.  That is pretty bad.   What about that logo says anything other than D + R?


    DC: Another team that gets some credit for updating the original Defenders logo.  I like the reshaping into a pentagon.  The "main" logo is boring and does not speak to the team identity. 


    ST. LOUIS:  I never really cared for the original.  Named after a helicopter (maybe), when just "Hawks" would make sense, or Skyhawks (with alliteration), but at least the revised version keeps somewhat close to the original.  Now if they could just avoid overcrowding the helmet with both the wings and the sword on it. 


    SEATTLE:  The first of the truly bad downgrades. The 2ndary is at least interesting, but when you compare the primary to the 2020 version it is clearly a downgrade.  I wish I could put them lower, in part because the addition of "Sea" to the name is totally unnecessary and because they took a pretty good logo and made it clearly worse.


    ORLANDO:  The name makes no sense for the city.  The logo makes no sense for the name.  Is that a cougar?  In what way is a cougar a "Guardian"?  The connection with gargoyles when the team was in NY/NJ was tenuous at best.  Now there is no connection at all.  And, I will say right now that I think this color scheme is a disaster.  I hated the Tampa Bay Vipers colors, and this looks like it could be worse.  Highlighter pen green with grey (because you know it won't be metallic on the unis) is not a good combo.   This is a huge downgrade from the NY version. 


    LAS VEGAS:  Another big downgrade.  I did not like the Tampa Bay Vipers look, but at least it seemed like a sports logo and the secondary snake head logo was decent.  This is not a sports logo.  This is a new scent of Axe bodyspray, or maybe an energy drink logo.  It is 100 kinds of bad, as in I can picture a dude-bro chugging a can of Vegas Viper caffeine jolt before he works on his pecs at the Golds Gym.  


    SAN ANTONIO:  WTF is this?  Seriously?  Is it a bull's head, or lightening?  It honestly looks like a plucked turkey or chicken if you splay out the wings.  Seriously, I cannot not see that now.  The colors are bad, especially for a team in Texas with a western/agriculture motif.  The B is totally lost, and actually looks more like an R than a B.   At least the secondary logo is passable, but that is not saying much.  The primary logo is trying too hard to be "kewl", almost like it was designed for a pro wrestler instead of a football team. Funny how that seems to be the case.  I am fine with the name, but there are so many ways to portray a bull (Jacksonville, your USFL is calling) that are better than this.  It's another Axe scent or energy drink instead of a sports logo.    Compare this logo to the logos of the USFL Gunslingers, AAF Commanders, even the WFL Wings and I think it comes in dead last.  


    I get it.  I am too old for the marketing on the new XFL.  These designs feel very e-sports to me, which is not something I enjoy.   Just let me keep the new version of the USFL along with the other 50-somethings and I will just let the XFL fade away in my consciousness.  The first one was a joke.  The 2020 version had some potential.   This one is starting poorly.  


    • Like 4
  11. 12 hours ago, heavybass said:

    Titans or Spartans?

    It's a little more basic than that.  Who is moving, and to where?  No need to change their nickname, just their logo because it is city-specific, so, new logo. 

    • Like 1
  12. 19 hours ago, Dozap17 said:

    The St. Louis Knights moving is a given; the Portland Thunder I'm saying it's 50/50 at this point that they move, depending on if that new stadium plan is approved, if not, then they'll be on the move next.


    As for the other two teams that might move, It'll likely be two among the Atlanta Fire, Birmingham Stallions, Memphis Showboats, Oakland Invaders, Ohio Glory, and maybe the Orlando Renegades. Of those, I see Birmingham, Memphis (if Nashville doesn't get a USFL team) and Oakland the most likely candidates to get a replacement team, as well as St. Louis and maybe Portland if the Thunder move and a stadium plan is passed after a relocation in order to attract one of the four expansion teams.


    But anything's possible, and I'm definitely looking forward to see what transpires...

    Not to give too much away, but you might want to get used to this helmet/logo being seen around the USFL.   It is the first of what will become a cascade effect of movement.  




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  13. Here is what I can tell you before it is announced on the Alt History site:


    From 2002-2010 we will have 4 clubs relocate.

    Three of those cities will get replacement teams in a 4-team expansion.

    1 new market will get an expansion team. 

    Of the 4 relocated teams, only 1 will create an entirely new identity.  

    Of the cities getting relocated or expansion clubs, all 4 are current NFL cities. 

    One of the new cities will lose their team in the decade of 2010-2020 but will get an almost immediate replacement as another team will relocate late in the 2010's.  


    How is that for vague?



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  14. Coming soon... a surprise 4th new look for 2002 as the St. Louis Knights are being sold (owner forced out) and the buyer is not going to keep them in St. Louis.  Relocation = new logos and uniforms in 2002.  


    More after that as a wave of team sales is going to lead to some new locations, and potentially a movement for the league to expand in the near future to bring back some of the "abandoned" cities.  

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  15. Ready to reveal the last of the three 2003 redesigns by Reebok, the Seattle Dragons.  Let's start with the logo:


    So the goal here was to blend the European style dragon (big lizard) with the more Asian design of a dragon as more serpentine.  The curving body now hopefully evokes the letter S slightly.  I wanted to keep all 3 colors, but did not like the look of having either of the two main body parts in yellow, so I went with an outline.  As you can see on the helmet, the color combo changes depending on the background color. 


    Retaining the "Barcelona" design of the green helmet, the big change here is the red facemask, and, of course the shift in the dragon to now having a gold head instead of a red one.  (BTW, gold here means yellow, not metallic at all). 


    For the uniforms I wanted to embrace a few 2000's elements, so I basically looked at the Vick-era Falcons and Warner-era (current) Cardinals and took my cues there.  Swooping stripes, thin piping lines, side panels, the works.  



    For those who are wondering, I see this very much as a stepping stone that will lead to the XFL version of the dragon head/body.  I wanted something that was halfway between the gold Barcelona-styled dragon head and the XFL version.  Now the big question is whether the full XFL-style will take over by the 2010's or if by 2020 (for example) the Dragons will opt to go for something retro.  I like their 1995 look, especially the jerseys, so maybe the XFL look lasts a little while and then the uni's revert back to something more classic.  Too early to tell.  


    Next up, I am very much considering an expansion or relocation to Boston, so before we get into 2004 redesigns, you might see me pitch several possible Boston ideas (again, mainly based on 'real world designs for various teams from other leagues, or perhaps even other sports.  I may even do a full fledged poll to pick the winner.  That likely coming in November. 

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  16. Just finished the uniforms for Jacksonville.  Some notes:


    1. The grey shoulder yoke allows me to have both the bull and the striping pattern without alteration on both jerseys. 

    2. Decided the Bulls would use that black-orange-garnet-black pattern throughout.  

    3. Also decided that perhaps for very hot summer days a white pant sent (similar to the Buccaneers') was needed.  

    4. Not sure why I went with dark numbers on the shoulders of the white jersey and white numbers on the red jersey, since they are both on the grey shoulder yoke, but I guess it has something to do with consistency with the main chest/back numbers. 



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  17. 5 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    I think the updated Bulls helmet is an interesting update, but there are a couple nitpicks. 


    1. In the original, the bull was integrated into the horizontal stripe, giving the effect of movement, as if the bull was rushing to the front of the helmet. Your concept makes it look as if he's teetering off the edge of a cliff. I think it looks good as a secondary logo, but I think it lacks some of the dynamism of the original. 


    2. I don't like how the stripes end abruptly in a hard angle. My eyes are drawn not to the logo, but to the empty space where the stripes end. 


    3. On the primary logos, the type feels too squeezed next to the angled stripe. And like on the helmet, I find myself distracted by the white space above the word "Jacksonville." That angled stripe also appears to be what forced you have the type jutting out from the roundel. My recommendation for that: Let the orange/maroon/black stripe fill out the bottom. Maybe you can work the type into those stripes so the you can retain a circle shape. 

    Thanks for the pointers.  I agree that the wordmark seems a bit forced.  I do want to maintain the angle of the stripe as it leads into the upward bent hoof & front leg of the bull.  I guess I moved from the charging bull to the "pawing the dirt" that is so typical of fighting bulls in the bullring.  

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  18. And the first look at the 2003 Jacksonville Bulls.  I wanted to retain the main theme of the Bulls logo (the charging bull and the wraparound effect) but the multiple "segmented" stripes seemed very 80's to me so I tried to modernize it and add a bit more burgundy and orange.  I found a great bull logo online, and tried to identify the designer.  It was found on en.99designs.com but there was no identification of the artist.  I based this logo on the bull in that logo, adding the ground "stripe" effect to tie it in with the original Bulls logo.  



    The helmet is similar to the IRL original, though to separate Jacksonvile a bit from Tampa Bay, they use a darker, less metallic grey, almost a pewter though perhaps not quite as dark.  Picture a satiny finish as well instead of a metallic or sparkle-infused silver. 



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  19. Got to say, the more I look at it, the more I dislike LA moving to the old LA Avengers logo.  Thinking about bringing something like this back and then, maybe, looking at a speed blue version of the helmet.  I know where they are headed for the late 2010-2020 period, so I want to try to get there in stages. 



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  20. On 9/22/2022 at 9:25 PM, neo_prankster said:

    Are the Blitz retiring their Billy Blitz mascot?

    No, he is still around.  Not on the jersey's anymore, but still there.  Could appear on future jerseys.  After all, that is a lot of the same logo being used right now. 

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  21. I think I agree with the consensus that the Express are the easiest to modify.  I too like the Bulls with a silver helmet, though I think their silver is darker than Tampa Bay or Baltimore, closer to a pewter like the NFL Bucs, at least I picture it that way.  


    Expect for 2003 to see Baltimore (Already done),  Jacksonville, and Seattle get the new looks.  Then in 2004 I think we will see New Orleans, Michigan, and Houston (yes, again) updated.  Not sure when LA will change, but they just did in 2000, so it will be a little while. 

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  22. Oops, forgot my crowdsourcing question.  Here it is.   


    I reviewed all 24 league helmets and found:


    5 -- Silver helmets  (BAL, JAX, TBY, LA, and Memphis is mostly silver but a blueish version)  

    4 -- Metallic gold/copper (MGN, BIR, PHI, ARZ)

    3 -- Black (DEN, HOU, ORL)

    3 -- White (WSH, NOR, POR)

    2 -- Blue (ATL, OHI)

    2 -- Red/Maroon (NJ, CHI)

    2 -- Green (TEX, SEA)

    2 -- Purple (PIT, STL)

    1 -- Yellow (OAK)


    That feels like too many silver helmets, especially with 3 of the 5 in the same division.  So, who should lose it?


    A.  Tampa Bay moves to a black helmet?

    B.  Jacksonvile moves to an orange or maroon helmet?

    C.  LA moves to a navy or speed blue helmet?

    D.  Baltimore moves to a royal blue helmet?


    There are currently no orange helmets in the league, but that seems a big leap for the Bulls.  



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