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Posts posted by MilSox

  1. 4 hours ago, Chromatic said:

    Bills are one of those teams where white is as integral to their colours as red or blue. The white helmet looks good, the white pants look good. It makes the bright red and blue all that more striking, without letting them overpower the uniform.


    It's really best to think of the Bills as a blue and white team with red trim.


    I don't mind them switching it up with a red jersey every now and then, but the red pants have got to go. As does the unnecessary navy muddling up a look that would otherwise be one of the best in the league.



    • Like 2
  2. The Bills helmet is perfect as is. It's not associated with losing Super Bowls, and the just subtle enough tapered helmet stripe stops it from being a revival of the helmet worn by one of America's most notorious (alleged) murderers. (Who wore the red standing buffalo in his signature season, anyway.)

    • Like 5
  3. 4 hours ago, the admiral said:

    California is the worst designation of the three, you goobers! Did everyone like the Danny Glover remake of Angels in the Outfield that much?

    Not as much as I loved using them in RBI Baseball. 😁

    SN: Angels In The Outfield is the last time the Ball-in-Glove appeared in a major motion picture.  One of the kids is wearing their hat in the scene where Glover is playing baseball with the boys and their friends.  Unless there's an obscure scene in Mr. 3000 where it appeared that I'm forgetting.

  4. 4 hours ago, infrared41 said:


    Yeah, that's not entirely accurate. Just like any other team, attendance at Cavs games was good when they were competitive. Concerts and WWE events at the Coliseum did very well. Hell, 20,000+ showed up for an indoor soccer league game at the place. The Coliseum was in a weird location and the traffic sucked, but it was hardly the failure you're making it out to be.

    There is the matter of two hockey teams that played a grand total of six seasons in Richfield.  I'm not sure I've ever read anything in-depth on either one that didn't cite the Coliseum's location as a major reason for their failure. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BringBackTheVet said:

    Holy hell - those Richfield photos are shocking (to me.)  What was the idea behind putting it there?  Make it as inconvenient as possible for anyone to go?  Make it impossible to take mass transit?  It blows my mind that a 20k-seat venue can be that isolated.

    The interstate system led to a lot of terrible ideas with infrastructure in low density areas, and the Richfield Coliiseum is one of my go-tos when making this point.  The idea was that if they put a venue equidistant from Cleveland and Akron, it could draw crowds from two cities rather than one.  So, naturally, the exact opposite happened.  Because no one considered that people don't want to commute such a distance to see a game on a weeknight.

    • Like 5
  6. 13 hours ago, Digby said:


    Disney’s been trying to make Anaheim a thing of its own for what, 50? 60 years? If it hasn’t happened yet, not sure what’ll ever change. 

     I think the fact that we're even having this debate at all is proof that it has.  Even outside of Disney, The OC was a big enough phenomenon that it made "OC" part for the American lexicon.  Even if you weren't a fan of that show (which I wasn't), you still knew what it was referring to.

    • Like 1
  7. 37 minutes ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:


    Anaheim is nowhere. It is known for exactly one thing, and is insignificant as a city. It has no metropolitan area — because it is part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area.


    All of this tells us (1) that "Anaheim" is not a fit name for a Major League Baseball team, and (2) that any Major League Baseball team located in that city should be called "Los Angeles".


    You cannot sit thirty miles away from one of the world's biggest and most important cities and pretend not to be within that city's sphere of influence (even if you're in another county). Anaheim is to Los Angeles as Pontiac is to Detroit, as Richfield is to Cleveland, and as Chester is to Philadelphia.

    None of those places have Disney.  I think a lot of people making this argument are sleeping on what a game changer that is.  It makes Anaheim more comparable to Orlando than Pontiac.

    I'm not saying Anaheim is necessarily what the Angels should call themselves (I'm Team California, FWIW), and I know they'll probably never be anything but Los Angeles because there's too much of a financial incentive.  It doesn't change the fact that they have almost no fans in LA proper.

    • Like 4
  8. On 7/7/2019 at 1:33 PM, BringBackTheVet said:


    Are there any American sports rivalries where the rivalry between cities does matter?  Boston and NY aren't "rivals", because they're not competing for attention or to be the cultural or economic center.  It's just sports.  Boston could have a rivalry with Philadelphia, but to my knowledge doesn't.  I don't see any way in which St. Louis and Chicago are rivals outside the context of sports.  Maybe NY has one with LA over being the entertainment or media capital of the country?  Maybe the CA cities do?  DAL/HOU?  IDK.  


    I don't see any American rivalries that would be based on anything as deep as what the TOR/MTL one is.

    Chicago and Green Bay, maybe?  It's frequently turned into a proxy war for urban America vs rural America.

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  9. 5 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:


    Why not?  Half their fans ride to the games on tractors.😛


    Sounds perfectly on brand to me.

    Gee, that's original and clever and totally not applicable to Vikings fans living literally anywhere but the Twin Cities.  Why don't you twist the knife all the way and call them the Fudge Packers?  🙄

    Besides, John Deeres come from hated Illinois.  So there's also that.  😉

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  10. I was hoping for Ruby Legs, but I'm actually okay with this.  Though I wonder if that's not because Brandiose has set the bar so low that simply borrowing the parent club's brand feels sensible and dignified.

    EDIT: I don't mean for that to take away from the phenomenal job they did here, which might actually be the new gold standard by which I judge how a parent club's identity becomes localized.  The local Woo Sox tie-ins don't feel forced and are charmingly appropriate for minor league ball.

  11. On 9/26/2019 at 3:12 PM, SFGiants58 said:

    The Anaheim Angels won the 2002 World Series and the Anaheim Ducks exist. Anaheim forever, LA never.


    What if the team was named the Los Angeles Stars from the get go and treated as a merger of the old PCL clubs? California Stars and Anaheim Stars would sound a lot better than a name that only makes sense when it's attached to LA.

  12. Frankly, the surprise is that we'll make it to 2020 with 2 teams in the SF Bay Area. 


    Las Vegas is far from a sure thing, but I have to say I was impressed at how much Knights paraphernalia I saw last time I was out there. I'm sure their insane first year helped, but I was impressed with how much they've embraced that team. It'd be interesting to see if they could support 3 team who moved there pretty much back to back to back.

    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, DustDevil61 said:

    The name’s a mouthful (Huntsville Trash Pandas or Rocket City Raccoons would’ve done just fine) and I can’t see any other reason for the head-tail logo to exist other than to see how close the designers could get to making a logo that resembled a sperm cell, but the rest of the package works well for what it represents.

    I kind of feel like Hunstville Trash Pandas could have been perceived as having some connotations the locals might not appreciate.  And I could see Rocket City Raccoons confusing the pubic into thinking it the name is a Guardians Of The Galaxy reference.

    Yes, the name is a mouthful.  But, as @Sykotyk pointed out, together they make the whole thing so dorky that it just works.

    • Like 1
  14. 23 hours ago, Green27 said:

    I realize it's a bit late, but let's appreciate some teams that will be leaving us next season. There aren't nearly as many teams relocating this off-season as last. 


    The AA (Angels) Mobile Bay Bears are relocating to Huntsville, Alabama to become the Rocket City Trash Pandas. They had been in Mobile since moving from North Carolina in 1997. 




    This hits every single earmark that I hate about modern MiLB branding, and yet I can't help but love it. 


    We've heard of the blind squirrel lucking its way into a couple nuts. For my 2 cents, this one shook down the whole tree.

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