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Posts posted by GhostOfNormMacdonald

  1. Hello, I wanted to give a more detailed ranking on the names now that there has been some time to process everything. I've split it into 3 tiers

    Tier 1: The Good

    1. Montréal Victoire

    I'm choosing to interpret the name as the French version of the Roman Goddess Victoria and not Victory, just because.

    Good name, awesome logo and color scheme. You can tell the PWHL put a lot of thought and effort into creating an identity fit for Montréal's unique spot as the only Francophone city that the league will probably ever have a team in (I'm still holding out for Las Nordiques).

    Alluding to both winning and a Roman Goddess, as well as having a cool logo puts the Kebekers a at the top of the list

    2. New York Sirens

    Having watched "La Sirenita" in HS Spanish has equipped me with the knowledge that a siren isn't just a horn that goes "weewoo" but also another term for mermaids (also the whole Greek muth stuff).

    I'm a sucker for mythology, so the whole "beautiful but deadly mythical beasts" thing is something I really like for women's sports team.

    Nice double meaning. Good colors. Great job. Don't get the hate

    Tier 2: The Mid

    3. Boston Fleet

    Boston and Minnesota are kind of interchangeable on this list. Nothing offensive, but also nothing that wows. I give Boston a slight edge because I like the logo better.

    It's an okay name, but the irregular plural is just... meh. I'm just sick of it. Boston is on the ocean, oceans have fleets. Okie

    Love the logo though. Obviously inspired by the Whalers, but what great art doesn't stand on the shoulders of giants?

    4. Minnesota Frost

    Lavender and purple is a great color combo, and happen to be 2 of my top 3 fave colors, so yay.

    The logo is generic. Some have said the logo makes them think of mountains before icicles, which is fitting for the land of 10,000 mountains.

    The name is just... it's just blah. It's like they wanted the lamest name possible. Some empty suits probably went "garsh, it sure is cold in Minnesota" and completely ignored that it's cold in ALL THE :censored:ING CITIES THEY PLAY HOCKEY IN. ITS :censored:ING HOCKEY

    Frost is the least intimidating form of ice, like, guys. There was so much potential


    Tier 3: The Bad

    5. Toronto Sceptres

    Using a name that's spelled different depending on if your speaking Canadian or US English probably wasn't a great choice, but that's the least of the problems.

    Like, Monarchs and Queens are basic names, but sometimes that's way more preferable than a name that just doesn't make sense.

    Like, scepters are the lamest part of the royal outfit. Toronto Crowns would have been better.

    The monogram feels off for a hockey team. It really feels like a baseball logo, and I just don't like it.

    Vibes are off.

    6. Ottawa Charge


  2.     I guess I will be the 10th dentist and say I like it in the skyline. The MPLS skyline looks so good from so many angles for a city of it's size, and I find myself admiring US Bank whenever I'm driving in from the north or east. It looks like a futuristic Stave church, which fits the glass and steel faux-Scandi vibe of MPLS. I'd prefer an open stadium, but not because of how it looks in the skyline   

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  3.         Being an ASU alum and Minnesota fan/(hopefully) future student has really made my wardrobe maroon and gold heavy.   


    The goph's really did look good last night thoughost       Ditch the oar stripe and its perfect     

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  4. Hi, I thought I would make a new topic, since we are approaching the new season have already had the draft, and are in the middle of free agency.

    The only news is that aparently some people in the league have said that names will be revealed in August. The only legit news source I could find was this Star Tribune article (https://m.startribune.com/now-league-champions-pwhl-minnesota-needs-a-permanent-name-here-are-10-suggestions/600369985/?clmob=y&c=n)

    Apparently no new trademarks have been filed for the names that were pulled last year after fan backlash. That's a disappointment. Since they were:

    Minnesota Superior (why? Like, Duluth is my favorite city in the world, but thats just a bad name. I would honestly prefer Lakers, but idk how well that would go)
    Boston Wicked (🤢)
    New York Sound (what?)
    Montréal Echo (???)
    Ottawa Alert (my friends from Ottawa aparently actually like the name for local reasons that were too Canuck for my Minnewegian mind to comprehend so 🤷🏼‍♀️)
    Toronto Torch (wouldn't that work better for NY?)

    Minnesota players (including my future wife, Taylor Heise) are aparently pushing for the name "Reign" as a nod to the artist formerly living as Prince and a play on the team colors, purple and black. I haven't heard any other serious pushes for names from other team's players.

    Names will be confirmed August next month sometime, but no one has said when other than that.

    What names would you like to see? Will you be following the league? Where would you hope they expand if the league continues to be a success?

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