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Posts posted by GhostOfNormMacdonald

  1.   Amazing job so far! I'd love to see your take on if the Giants had moved to Minneapolis instead of SF and if they'd change their name to the Millers or not  

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  2.        Y'all. Barbara Lee is threatening MLB's anti-trust exception over the A's to Vegas move. Rob Manfred might actually destroy this league   "As a federal legislator, I believe such actions are inconsistent with federal policy goals related to the MLB's exemption from antitrust scrutiny."      


    I'm not a lawyer, but I've studied the legal and political side of sports in undergrad. The league is :censored:ed if Brett Kavanaugh's decision on college athletics is anything to go by. More than 100 years of precedent thrown away for greed. Like, calling them icarus would almost be too on the nose

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  3.                      The Twin's new M hat is really growing on me. I didn't start paying attention to the Twins really until target field opened when I was 9, so I don't have the nostalgia for the m logo like a lot of people do. Honestly, I kinda like the new one more than the old one, even if that makes me a heretic.            

          Also  I am  once again  begging      someone ti FIStyping on mobile       this comment took6 minutes to type because I kept having to correct how much it kept :censored:ing up    

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  4. Being a Vikings fan makes me biased, but if you have purple in your color scheme, lean into it. It's a great, unique color that can set apart a brand. The Rockies brand rn is TOO plain. Plain isn't bad for a baseball team, but not leaning into purple is a goddamned crime

    • Like 12
  5.                                                                          Coming from the midwest to Phoenix, the Cardinals brand  doesn't seem that stron when compared to how other states treat their teams.  growing up I saw Vikings stuff everywhere, even when I visited family in SD. Like the NFL and supporting some midwestern team (Packers, Chiefs, Bears)  is just the default. Down here, no one cares about the Cardinals really. It's mostly apathy or                    just not caring about football at all.      it's so diffeentirely. the cards can def afford toswitch it up. Almost no one down here will care, it might even draw more interest and make it feel more     "authentically" Arizonan instead of the basic brand they have now that could be in any city.        also, please fix thetyping on mobile,I feel like my flphone is having a seizure   

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  6. I go to ASU. We're way better at academics now than we used to be thanks to our president, but our standards aren't that high. Our charter literally says we measure ourselves by who we include and not who we exclude. As a future educator, I love that about us, but I've accepted that in the future I'm going to have to lean on my extracurriculars more than if I had just stayed home and gone to Minnesota when I apply to law school. I honestly think this would be a good opportunity to raise the status of smaller schools and give them a boost to attract the money and prestige that is needed to improve academics, because honestly, I can't justify excluding other schools from our conference when I run into the most brain dead trust fund frat boys imaginable on a daily basis.

  7.    2 hours ago, YELDARBfield said:  FWIW, I work for a Minor League team, and there was discussion about a team wanting to wear a grey throwback jersey at home. So it's at least now a rule in MiLB, so I would hope that would also apply to the Majors since they control the whole system now. I'm very pro-throwback, but a great road jersey at home is a no-go for me. What if the opponent doesnt have a colored top? Would they wear white? Obviously you can schedule around that, but still, this feels vile. 

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