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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 21 minutes ago, Red Comet said:

    Here's an idea, New York Streets or any other 2-bit entertainment operation: Do background checks on whoever you hire to handle security/luggage. That $20 or so will save you a lot of headaches later.

    Haha. This level of league doing background checks?


    Again. Haha.


    Spoken as a former employee of teams in the CIFL and AIF.

    • Like 5
  2. On 12/28/2019 at 3:06 PM, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    Looks like the New York Streets team is gone.  😢  No official confirmation but their website is dead and Wikipedia says they have folded.  I won't give up hope until they confirm it.

    If they are done, they are unlikely to confirm it. You keep on hoping. 

    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, Sport Billy said:




                                    Original                                                                Copy



    I particularly liked this paragraph:


    "I asked if there wasn’t a T-shirt of it already available and my wife’s boss said that there wasn’t," Frey wrote, though he also acknowledged that he hadn't asked where the design had come from. He added that he had "enjoyed the challenge" of redrawing the image, and noted that he had tried to change "at least twenty percent" of Kissick's illustration in order to create "an original work and not a simple derivative of your design." 


    Isn't that a straight out admission of theft?

    It is - but it is the 'popular opinion' of what you have to do to make it ok. People are dumb and don't think this is theft, although it clearly is.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/27/2019 at 8:26 AM, Sec19Row53 said:

    I tried last night, but any time I accessed the site, I got re-directed. It was non-navigable in phone.


    I copied the redirect link and will try to paste it again later.

    I did this with a couple of links. Interesting to me is that this has occurred on two different browsers on my phone.

  5. Am I the only one getting full page pop up ads for some insomia treatment? I also had one a short time ago for some other medication.


    I've seen them on my phone as well, now on the laptop.


    By the way -- it isn't a re-direct. It just appears over the page. When I clicked on the link to get the address, it vanished.


    2 more times just now for the full screen insomnia ad. Frustrating in that it closes easily, but then takes you to the top of the page you were on, not the post you were reading. 

    • Like 3
  6. 24 minutes ago, DG_Now said:


    I wonder how much of ESPN's audience is TVs left on at public places (airports, hotels, bars) compared to home viewers. In public, it's nice to see highlights so you have something to react to. At home, you have twitter or @houseofhighlights or myriad other places.

    I'm an old guy. I SHOULD be ESPN's demographic, because I don't go to Twitter or online for highlights.


    But I DO go to the MLB Network or NFL Network for highlights and information, rather than where I used to go (ESPN), because I feel like I get less shtick.

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/13/2019 at 11:58 PM, Tracy Jordan said:

    Chris Berman and Tom Jackson are returning to NFL Primetime on ESPN+




    This is wonderful news if you remember growing up watching Berman and Jackson every Sunday night. No NFL highlights show has ever been as good since the original 'Primetime' ended in 2006. I don't care what anyone thinks, I miss Berman's corny nicknames and the iconic highlights music so I'm super happy. Come at me, bro.

    OK - here I come.


    Too much of ESPN has become 'look at me' rather than 'look at this highlight'. Chris Berman and his lame nicknames and his shtick are among the reasons I rarely watch ESPN any longer unless it is for a live event. It seems to me that most of ESPN follows his lead (yeah - it started with Patrick and Olberman, but (a) not everyone is good at the shtick and (b) not everyone needs to do the shtick).


    I can understand how people will enjoy this - I won't be one of them.

    • Like 2
  8. On 8/21/2019 at 11:44 AM, LMU said:

    It was done since it was getting to the point that recent news discussions were buried under dozens of "what's your favorite one-off minor league team name" and "I just noticed this about a uniform from 1967" threads.

    Was the intent of this to re-set your 'read thread' settings? If I go into any of these now, it sends me way back into the past, prior to things I have already read

  9. On 7/2/2019 at 7:41 PM, Quillz said:

    I agree with this in that history always belongs to the franchise/club/team and NOT the city. This is why I have a big problem with agreements where Oklahoma City can claim they won the 1979 championship, but cannot claim the Sonics identity. It's messy and we all know it's wrong. Simply put, the Thunder won the 1979 NBA Finals, with a note they were based in Seattle under a different name at the time. Simple and honest.

    I agree with most of this, but semantics would have me say the Oklahoma City franchise won the 1979 NBA Championship. The Thunder did not win it.

    • Like 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, BringBackTheVet said:


    Him making multiple 4-hour trips, on weeknights, is relevant to saving his team.  If anything, it's just going to create more grief since he'd be investing more into a relationship that's just going to end with him being a cuckhold watching his wife slurp down some stylish french canadian's rock hard pastrami.



    Sure, but if I were trying to save my team, I would be making more than "a few" trips before the end of the season. Week nights be damned. Four hour trip be damned. 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Magic Dynasty said:

    That’s exactly it. Now that the fanbase is alienated, even less people will show up. He’ll then use quickly dwindling attendance to justify getting out as fast as he can.


    Me? I’m taking advantage of those $5 tickets while they last. I’ll go to a few games over the rest of the summer.

    Your avatar says 'Save the Rays', but you'll only go to a few games over the rest of the summer?

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, SFGiants58 said:


    I blame Abudadein’s machinations. He used a Bostonian carpetbagger (that term gets thrown around A LOT with Stu) to bring his devilish machinations to Florida!




    Florida Championship Wrestling was a fairly overlooked-yet-influential territory, BTW.


    ???, Kevin Sullivan, Oliver Humperdink, and Woman, correct?

  13. 11 hours ago, GDAWG said:


    So there's a need for 1,000 indoor regional leagues?

    Because that is clearly what I said [/sarcasm]


    The Super Indoor League that you desire would require huge travel costs, which can lead to huge expenses, or require them to ride a bus, which can cause a team to be worn out prior to playing.


    A smaller footprint makes travel less of an issue, which makes money less of an issue.  @MJWalker45 is correct in pointing out that smaller rosters make travel easier, however. Having been involved with lower level indoor teams, bus travel from Madison to Cincinnati makes for a worn out team in the league championship.

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