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Posts posted by Sec19Row53

  1. 8 minutes ago, CS85 said:




    As a ticket holder, I'm way curious how flexing into and out of MNF works. Travelling to road games also comes into play, if a game gets moved from Sunday to Monday - travel can't always be changed on short notice.

  2. 56 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:

    Clearly that's not true. The Patriots are the only team in history to win 18 games in a season. The goal of football is to win. That makes them indisputably the best team to ever play.

    Good thing they have a trophy for that.

    • Like 24
  3. 2 minutes ago, Red Comet said:

    @henburg has the right idea. Last thing I want to see is Nike deciding that the NFL should be a laboratory like the NBA and the University of Oregon are. It’s fine for the NBA because there are far fewer elements in an NBA uniform set thus making many different looks for each team viable. And Oregon is intimately tied to Nike by way of Phil Knight. 

    But the last thing I want to see is the Seahawks Neon Green uniforms against the Broncos in all orange helmet to cleats. Nobody wants to see that. 

    No, it isn't right for the NBA because they have fewer uniform elements. If I turn on an NBA game and there's a team wearing blue, that shouldn't be the Milwaukee Bucks because that isn't a team color.

    Guess what???

    • Like 4
  4. 24 minutes ago, henburg said:

    I could get on board with a "two-helmet rule" that would essentially force teams to pick between using the second option as a throwback or an alternate team color of some kind. That way, most teams would simply be allowed to bring back their throwback looks that we miss, and teams lacking that history (Panthers, Ravens, Texans) could still mix it up and participate.


    That's a win-win that limits the NFL from going full Oregon, but still gives teams a little more freedom and variety.


    Why do they need freedom and variety? Pick your best look and wear it every freaking game.

    I get it - this community is involved with logos and colors and uniforms and we like that stuff. That doesn't mean that we have to have teams wearing 8 looks over the course of 17 games. If we need that, we have the concepts forum 😁

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  5. 22 hours ago, Red Comet said:

    It’s less about soccer and more about how a bunch of workers would be sacrificed for what would now amount to nothing. It’s more the breaking point for the workers in the region than anything about soccer. If you look at the demographic situation in the UAE, like Qatar, you’ll find that the natives who are living in luxury are vastly outnumbered by the workers they lord over. And Oman, the immigrant workers are almost the same number as the native Omanis. It’s not going to be pretty in the long run anyway but the breaking point would be sped up by a couple decades. If it starts in one Gulf State, it’ll inevitably spread.

    I don't argue any of that - I'm just saying that these issues aren't going to be brought to light, changed, made to matter, whatever on the basis of the World Cup.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Red Comet said:

    As I said, they have it coming, but the after effects would probably knock the world into a depression due to skyrocketing fossil fuel costs. Especially

    if it spreads to the other Gulf States.


    I know this seems like it has nothing to do with the World Cup, but these workers have been abused long before Qatar was “awarded” the World Cup and will continue long afterwards. Take away the World Cup and that will likely be the breaking point for yet another round of chaos in the Middle East.

    I'm not sure that the Middle East has nearly the passion for The Beautiful Game that is found in this post.

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, BBTV said:


    While I hate TNF, at least I'll be able to watch it if it's on Amazon and not the dumb af NFLN.  I don't really get the ABC thing - aren't they and ESPN under the same umbrella?  I wouldn't have thought they'd be bidding separately for various packages.

    I'm the opposite. No Amazon but yes to NFLN.

  8. 23 hours ago, Sport said:

    two things can be true at the same time. 


    But why do you think they should lose the patches? Especially the Jaguars and it being the one element of gold on the entire jersey? Football jersey patches is one area that people seem hot about that's just never concerned me one way or the other. 

    Patches on jerseys aren't a traditional football aesthetic.


    I have no other reaons than that. That isn't to say it is the only or the correct answer, but it is my answer to your first question. I recognize that it is only my opinion, so nobody ought to get bunged up that I am declaring the end of the debate.



    • Like 1
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  9. 9 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    Of course not. But chanterelles don't equal button don't equal Super Mario power-ups don't equal shiitake.


    But they're all mushrooms to the layperson.

    Sure. But on this site, we aren't lay people. We can debate whether or not yellow or gold are the same in Pittsburgh and Green Bay. But we should also know that aqua, teal, and [location name] blue aren't the same in Miami, Jacksonville, Carolina and Detroit.


    BTW - I have always effing loved that Detroit's blue is Honolulu blue. It makes no sense, but I love it.

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  10. 58 minutes ago, Froob said:

    Arians talking about it has to give it some credibility, no?




    Interesting the Patriots did not create an alt. Doesn’t prove anything but it’s certainly interesting. I think this is more than hear say at this point.

    Just because a team didn't create an alt (Packers too, with the rumored alt that was shelved) or that a coach is repeating, wait for it, a rumor that he has heard that someone somewhere said something about a second helmet, doesn't necessarily give it credence. What if all of these rumors, repeated multiple times, are from the same uninformed speculation? It's like the recent ESPN 'story' on the trading of Deshawn Watson. A column was written that Houston ought to ask for 3 #1s for him. This article was part of a series of 'here's what each team ought to do'. The braindead folk in the talk show circuit ran with it as something other than 'let's create a list of things that seem like they would make sense' and treated it as 'here's something that has been discussed'.


    Listen - I'm not saying that they won't change the one helmet rule. But until I see something from someone within NFL Operations or the NFL Rules Committee saying it is under consideration, it strikes me as something with no traction.

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, ltjets21 said:

    It is madness that they used to play on astroturf. Have to think that contributes a great deal to CTE

    Who are they? That's Dallas, where they STILL play on astroturf (however named).

    • Like 1
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  12. 7 minutes ago, DPHF said:


    The interesting thing is that the current Jags do have outlined numbers... they're all just outlined in the same color as the jersey.  Do you, Jags.

    I'd call that less 'interesting' than missing the point - that doesn't address the lack of colors in the uniform.

    • Like 4
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  13. 17 minutes ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    I loved the Jags first uniform at the time and it's still probably the best they've ever looked, but I don't know if I'd still be thinking that if they had been wearing it all these years. I think it's a bit too 90's to work just as it was today. I could see a slightly simplified version working.


    For me, the new logo is an upgrade (don't know if that's an unpopular opinion) and the current number font is awesome... my favorite of the new "block with a twist" fonts we're getting. Plus, my current design crush is single layer numbers, but I don't know if that'll last for me.


    I'd keep the current uniform as a jump off point, get rid of the black jerseys and pants, change the white jersey's spikey elements to teal, add some teal stripe/spike to the pants, and be done. 


    After some of the garbage we've gotten on the past decade "too simple" is not a criticism I'm ready to make.

    I have no problem with single layer numbers, but given (I think it's a given) that the Jaguars are too lacking in color, an outlined number would be good there, IMO.

    • Like 7
  14. On 1/31/2021 at 12:47 AM, colortv said:


    I would add:



    LA Rams(Blue/Yellow)





    New Orleans




    Isn't the fact that you had to id the Rams colors the antithesis of what this stated, that the colors were the teams' ID?

    • Like 4
  15. On 1/30/2021 at 10:32 AM, MCM0313 said:

    I know. But the Browns were a major power in the ‘50s and I’ve read that something about their look appealed to Lombardi - specifically the color balance. He decided the helmet should be the team’s secondary color because of them. And then he extended that idea to the pants. He had an opinion on what a winner should look like. 

    I have never read that, or heard that, before this thread. I think Dave Maraniss would have addressed it in his book (When Pride Still Mattered) had it been a thing.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Eszcz21 said:

    No, not a fan of this at all. If there is one thing a team in Miami, a city of sunshine, doesn't need its gray or silver. Aqua, orange and white doesn't need to be dulled down. If the reason is because that dolphins are gray than that is a terrible reason.

    Not to mention 'angry mascot logo' is played out.

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