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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. HELP!!! I got a issue going on here...that's bugging the crap out of me! Okay...first, what you need to know: this issue exists with my Ully CS2 for my Mac. For whatever reason, my selection tool (regulat black arrow) is acting up. You know how whenever you go to click on and select an object with the selection tool, that "transform" box usually comes up around it (that allows you to resize, shrink, scale, or warp an object)? Well...I don't know what I did, but mine ain't doing it no more! I looked through the Preferences trying to find out what's up...no dice. When I go to click on an object, it selects only the object, but won't let me transform it at all (almost like the direct selection tool, only without being able to click directly on a path or a point.) Hopefully someone out there can help a brotha out with this here...cuz this is bugging the living hell out of me!!! Thanks in advance... ~Buc
  2. And now they're up. Have fun with them!
  3. The funny thing is that I used 'Drew's uniform temp as a basis for mine. My latest version is actually a mash-up of a previous one I've had for a while and Drew's temp. BTW...for all those of you who've been asking about my action temps...in a few days, those should be made readily available. I ain't forgot about y'all out there...just ain't had the time to fine-tune them the way I've wanted.
  4. This actually looks like two different fonts in the same word--which actually is a very poor choice in direction for whoever did this. The "P" looks to be a font called Marker or something like that (run a search on "Marker" and see what comes up--I can't remember it off the top of my head). The rest looks to be some type of script--and a very jacked-up one at that. Hope that helps.
  5. Agency FB Bold http://www.fonts.com/findfonts/detail.htm?pid=409017 Fiasco...JP (slapshot) done anointed you as his heir apparent or something, mayn??
  6. Simple solution? Type out the word. Then in the Menu go Effect > Warp > Arch... ...from there, select the "Horizontal" radio button, and then start playing with the slider to get the arch that you want. (Move the "Warp Options" window out of the way of the word so you can see what you're doing.) Check the "Preview" box to see what it'll look like. Once it gets to where you want it, hit "OK". BAM! *NOTE: All "warp" options can be done without having to convert text to outlines first--very helpful tip for those who wish to create templates and such without having to type/redraw numbers every time--unless, like me, you keep coming up with unique fonts and such.
  7. Anyone any clue?? I wanna say that's Baskerville. I don't remember all the different weights, but that might be semi-bold italic.
  8. I don't see a gradient on either logo. Do you mean how the White in Anglers changes to Green? If so, I would do that with a Clipping mask You make the Letters a Compound Path, pick an angle you want the colour you want to see and then place the clipping Mask over the Compound Path. type and convert first to Path, then Compound Path. Then Ctrl C, CtrlF to copy a version of it in front of itself Decide on the angle you want to Mask Create Clipping Mask, selecting the top two items. As for the Timberwolves logo, it appears the Green on that is either done individually on each letter. I found an easier way to do what you're talking about with the example you just provided...albeit with Illustrator CS2 (don't know squat about version 10), using the Pathfinder palette. Essentially...you could type out a word, convert it to outlines (I know the shortcut--can't remember which menu it's under - Shift+Ctrl+O or shift+open apple+O on Mac), and then draw a shape over the word in the style you'd like the shape to appear in the letters--like rmered did with the triangle thing. Select both the word and the shape on top of the word, and copy and paste them. Then, select them both using the Pathfinder palette, find what I believe is called the Shape Intersect tool (it's two overlapping boxes that look like a Venn diagram--the colors are darker where the boxes overlap), click on that shape intersect tool--and what happens is the top shape now looks like cutouts in the shape of the letters. One more piece...in the "Object" menu, select "Expand Appearance". BAM--shapes. then you can simply take that group of cutout shapes and place them back over the original word. I hope this isn't too confusing, as I ain't got a clue how to use the "print screen" feature on either platform and as such am unable to provide on-screen references. (Shortcut to the last step of that: hold down Ctrl on PC or the open apple key on Mac and click on that shape intersect button and it will automatically expand instantly.)
  9. Damn. Just...damn. (That's :censored:ed the :censored: up, homie.)
  10. I should know this...I KNOW I've seen this before...but right now, I am straight blanking out. Can somebody PLEASE help me out with this here??? EDIT: Nevamind...the answer man slapshot got @ me offline about this here. For anyone curious, it's Benguiat Bold.
  11. As small as that is...Century Schoolbook should get you close.
  12. Wait a minute...Derrick Freakin' Brooks is your first cousin? I didn't know that. Just this morning NFL Network was playing their "America's Game" series on the '02 Bucs and Mr. Brooks was a large part of the story. My favorite moment though was Warren Sapp looking sick to his stomach on being drafted by the Bucs. He's wearing the hat and holding up the jersey all while looking like somebody just opened a bag of month-old fish right under his nose. 'Tis true...Mr. Brooks and I are cousins in the first degree. And the television show you speak of sounds like it played the same clip the NFL Draft did a few years back in reviewing first round picks from like the mid-'90s...I do remember Warren Sapp looking like, well, "WTF??" at being took as the Buccaneers' #1. He seemed a bit relieved, however, when my cuz was also picked up in that draft. The rest, as the saying goes, is history...
  13. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: for those who've been around long enough, this one should be obvious...my first cousin play for that team. (He ain't exactly a scrub, either...) But I latched onto Tampa Bay as a young'n after my then-steppops put me on to the NFL. I can still recall the first game I ever watched...a contest between the Denver Broncos and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I remember really liking the white and orange team and then found out they were from Florida, and it was a wrap. (My uncle is a die-hard Dolfan...that also factored into play here.) Then, when my cuz got drafted by the Buccaneers in '95, it was a wrap. Jacksonville Jaguars: this is my team B. Florida team. J'ville is about six-seven hours east of Pensacola, my hometown. Plus I loved their color scheme (and still do) when they first came out. I still ride with them, and will continue to (even if they really do become the Blaguars...phasing out the teal, that is.) Florida State Seminoles: again, this is a family thing here; it's in the blood. Added to the fact that Tally-ho (Tallahassee) is only 2.5 hours from Pensacola, I done had several cousins (one being the same as mentioned up above) attend that institution. Plus, I loved their color scheme as a young'n, and it stuck. To this day, it still does. (So will my everlasting hate of any and everything Florida Gators...sorta kinda come with being a 'Nole, you know???) As for other sports...I really don't care for any of them, which is why I have no favorite baseball, basketball, or hockey team.
  14. Imma hope you just playin about Marshall's Colts uniform being the "wrong" one. I can still remember where I was when that trade was announced...it caught me SO far off-guard it was pathetic...Marshall to the RAMS, of all teams, for 2nd- and 5th-round draft choice. (Funny thing is that was the year that the Rams made that cinderelly voyage to the SB championship). But MARSHALL? I remember saying to myself, "the Colts must know something I don't, cuz they just traded away their best player!". But nah--that Colts uniform ain't the wrong one to me. But then...neither is Marshall in a Rams uni. Now Hardy Nickerson in a GREEN BAY uniform...that's just SO wrong...on SO many levels. (That's to say nothing of Nickerson in his JACKSONVILLE JAGUAR getup...)
  15. I think I requested the hoops one a while ago. Is it nearly done? I love the action templates. And I would second the request for some .svg formats or something else, because .ai doesn't work in Flash. Basically I have to trace whatever raster representation I have. The previous version of my FB temp was done in AI. I have (had?) a version saved as a .svg, and I don't remember anyone who I sent that to PM'ing me back about any issues. And as far as the b-ball temp, it's nearly done now. As soon as I can finish the baseball one (I'm still looking for one more good picture), I'll post them up, unless someone can direct me to a place I can upload them without jumping through 17 hoops just to do so. But yeah...they all will be available in raw form (.ai), .eps, .svg, and raster. (This is something I should already know, but don't: for those of you raster users, what file format suits you folks best so I'll know what version to save these things as?)
  16. Just to put this out there... ...I ain't much a fan of hockey, although for you hockey heads, I'll eventually get around to doing one, but I'm currently wrapping up production of a new round of action templates for those who have been asking for so long. If you've seen my more recent concepts thus far, you have a good idea of how my football concepts look. Unbeknownst to you people, I've long had a roundball temp in the works and am currently working on touching up one for baseball, as well. Again...just to put that out there...
  17. That is a easy one, it's Hardy Nickerson. x5 (because you actually gave a name...)
  18. I know this one's a good bit out of the context of the title of this thread, AND...I know this guy ain't exactly a "league-wide" legend...but I'll give FIVE gold stars to the FIRST person who can tell me who THIS is:
  19. There's a font floating around out there called "Dirtyhouse" that's pretty close to that. For that matter, there's also one called "Cracked". Both look to be doctored versions of Trade Gothic.
  20. About the Colorado Crush... There's another font out there called Kino that might be a good match.
  21. That top one is a verson of Hardwood, I believe. (JP22--you out there???) The bottom one looks like they started with either Century Gothic or Avant Garde and rounded everything not vertical... Allow me to correct myself about the Virginia Squires font...it's called Aprille.
  22. That top one is a verson of Hardwood, I believe. (JP22--you out there???) The bottom one looks like they started with either Century Gothic or Avant Garde and rounded everything not vertical...
  23. Looks to me like some warped version of Courier New, or either American Typewriter.
  24. Just off top, I can tell you Denver's font is called Aachen (it's also used by the U. of Maryland and the U. of Alabama I believe...at least I think they're still using it). As far as Portland, it's modified to be sure, what with all the "serifs" and what not, but it looks like an italicized bersion of Hattenschweiller (I'm not even sure I spelled that right). That's about the closest I can think of...but then I also ain't the font master in this piece (that title, hands down, goes to Mr. Slapster, JP22). The Suns use what looks to be City Bold. Most of the other ones are customized...and of course, teams like Boston and Chicago use a standard block of some sort (there's a couple different versions available in the link to user eriqjaffe's sig).
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