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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. The Texans are kind of a weird case to me. Their uniforms aren't bad by any means from a technical perspective, and their logo is one of the best in all of sports (that is an objective fact and as such is beyond contestation )...but at the same time, nothing about their look really "stands out" as distinctive, and so for even as solid a look as they have, lined up with the other 31 teams they're also pretty forgettable in that if you're not looking right at them, you'll probably forget they even exist (unless you're a Texans fan). It may have to do with their color scheme, overused and predictable as it is and was when they first picked it. At this point, though, I don't know what, or if, they do with it. I do know this, though: they absolutely, positively, unequivocally and without any further delay, NEED to get those red socks back up under those navy pants, like, STAT. Given what they got now, though? I suppose they could pull a Broncos and Titans (at one point) and promote their red jerseys to primary status...red over navy with red socks at home, white over navy with red socks for the away? If nothing else, at least that potential home combo would be a unique way to present red and navy...I don't know. (While I'm on this... have the Texans ever at any point in their history worn white over white on the road?)
  2. I agree with you--except that's pretty much exactly what happened in '04, isn't it?
  3. Someone remind MiLB that one-word nicknames are not, in fact, illegal...
  4. I give them credit for updating that tiger the way they did; that HAD to happen. But the new font they added (which looks like a hackjob of Demonized, itself a hackjob of Berthold City) just looks SO out of place. (If they chose to use that on its own, it probably could come across cleaner.) Having lived in Nashville for almost five years, and having spent enough time at that campus and amongst its students and alumni, some of whom I still know, I believe I understand the attachment to the legacy TSU mark (and for the record, no one in town calls it "Tennessee State", its "TSU"). That said, the "Athletics" font, or something based on Handel, would've fit far better. Either way, pick one or the other, I say.
  5. It's never a good look when three fonts play in the same logomark...
  6. That's been the case since inception: (For those scoring at home, that there be famed former Bills backup QB and current Colts coach Frank Reich...) ...Also, I had completely forgotten the Panthers started out wearing blue socks with the black tops back then. Not sure when they made the transition to black socks with the black tops, but in original guise, definitely helps the blue stand out more. It also highlights the fact that those helmet stripes probably should have been blue from jump. The Panthers are a weird case of being caught between two zones: keep silver and go blue-heavy and they look too much like the Lions (especially since their blues are close to similar). Lean too much the other way and they sorta are the Raiders...with blue. All that said, I do agree that, helmet stripes notwithstanding, they got it right out the gate...and what's become of their uniforms now is a casualty of the Swooshkateered NFL aesthetic. Granted, jersey sizes were shrinking even before they took over, but someone was right when they mentioned that ridiculously wide collar wreaked havoc on their aesthetic. If they intend to keep this look, they should really look at retooling to fit within the confines of this new template or whatever new one Nike rolls out. (Oh, and thicken up the outlines on both the shoulder and pants stripes more like what they were-i still don't see why they felt the need to thin those down.) Sort of off to the side, but stuff like this is symptomatic of the instability inside the franchise--they've been all over the place since about 2009, and really even before that. They first began tinkering in 2001 and haven't stopped since. To the last statement of the quoted, along with the below... ...the teal pants may be about the only thing saving this current look. As long as they keep it, I say the black tops should remain primary--with teal pants, along with white tops over teal away. Which also is why I disagree with discarding the teal pants...without them, there'd barely be a trace of (what's supposed to be) their signature color. I guess they can't figure out whether they want to embrace it or minimize it to scraps like how Tennessee did with its luv-ya blue. (That said, at least Jacksonville doesn't have 3000 other colors on their uniform to hide their signature one under. ) I still maintain that, in current guise, these are the Jaguars' best looks and should remain primary until the inevitable next rebrand: This keeps teal prominent in their look, especially for as long as they keep single-layer numbers. And this should be their alternate: (So long as they actually wear teal socks and not black.) To me, the black pants with teal tops helps to, well, "hide", I guess, the lack of contrast of thr numbers on the teal jersey, a problem that's compounded, I feel, when they go teal over white... ...and even worse when they choose the white socks with those white pants: Both of which, to me, look like Walmart knockoffs of the original "legacy" look, I guess once could call it.
  7. Call me nutso, but the more I look at this, the more I think perhaps Ole Miss should explore a full- scale rebrand around this colorway...if nothing else it'd be unique to CFB, as I believe right now Delaware State is the only college program that pairs light blue with red on a primary basis. It shouldn't be too difficult...they'd probably need to skinny up their numbers justasmidgebit to accommodate the dropshadows, but I see no reason they couldn't keep those with the argyle pants and helmets...
  8. I knew we were headed down this road back when they first renamed the Humanitarian Bowl the insight.com Bowl. Struck me as silly then...hasn't changed since. I just learned something new today. That is all kinds of awesomeness right there. Okay, UCF...just rebrand yourselves as the Citronauts already. You can even hybrid as CitroKnights. (Listen, it's college--if "Banana Slugs", "Boilermakers", "Cornhuskers" and "Volunteers" can exist, so can that.) Mix the gold in with the space blue and black and be done with it. Just do it. I thought USF was past this phase...or either I just ain't been paying attention...
  9. This is probably the least offensive "brand refresh" I've seen in quite some time. I actually like it for what it is. It's not trying to be anything it's not, while remaining simple, easily readable, and classy. I can dig it. (Now Casey's, on the other hand...)
  10. Sooo...is that to imply that the original white jerseys weren't NCAA compliant? And if not...you mean to tell me no one thought to check with the NCAA to see if the (re)design was compliant before unveiling them in the first place? And did they not learn from Florida State's blunder five years ago? (Speaking of blunders...yeah. I still don't know how that one got past the NCAA compliance people.)
  11. Never underestimate the power of individualized trinkets to help promote esprit de corps amongst the troops--especially amongst the college-age populus. (Shoot, the company I started out with out of CDL school gave us the option of having our names put on our trucks, with certain "badge" decals alongside it--and even at 28 I found that cool. Gives a sense of "ownership" one way.) It wouldn't shock me if they become a permanent patch on their jerseys a la the NFL's captain's patches. The Army West Point Cadet Black Knights does this from time to time with their uniforms, or did for a while, with certain unit patches. Whatever the case, I'm willing to bet dollars what they just created at UCF is gonna spark off a trend all across CFB if not college sports period...I can see it now.
  12. Is it the programs themselves...or is it their suppliers??
  13. So Ole Miss' uniforms have been jacked up for that long??? Whatever...they're still weirdly one of my more favorite looks in CFB, for reasons unknown to mankind.
  14. I definitely wasn't expecting those jerseys to be THAT light a shade--then again, sunshine is what it is. But I also believe we're looking at something that could well serve as a base for a completely reversioned Ole Miss identity overhaul--across the entire spectrum. With so much change abounding in the state now, this would be a perfect opportunity to adopt the egg blue (or whatever they call it) as their official blue in place of the navy. I think Lane Kiffin's jersey is also probably closer to their ideal shade of egg blue (it also shows how different the two shades are):
  15. Boy what you said! (And plus, once one learns the history behind Mount Rushmore in the first place--not to mention the Black Hills in general--one maaaayyyy not be so quick to tout that about so freely.)
  16. Late like Kanye here, but I really feel like they missed a golden opportunity to really stand out and forever press forward a fresh new image of Mississippi. (And trust me, I know the history well, haing grown up barely two hours from there.) Of the original nine finalists, the middle-bottom one really showed the most potential to be super-distinctive--but then, why should we designer types expect bureaucrats in suits to know what unique and distinctive flag design looks like? That said, given that it looks as if they were benchmarking the great seal of the US, the winner was definitely the best of what was left. Now, since we're still having fun with flags up in here, can we (re)do South Dakota's next? Because um uh.... ...yyyeah.
  17. Nike gonna Nike. And here I thought they were done unnecessarily graying out CFB...silly me.
  18. I've long thought that Ole Miss should look at adopting that egg blue as their primary blue in place of navy. Now I'll get to see how that looks on the field.
  19. I've been by and through Beloit more times than I can remember; right off hand about the only thing I can tell anyone about Beloit is that it's the resident of Diane Hendricks, one of my former head bosses and longtime CEO of everyone's favorite national building supply company, ABC Supply. Woman's house looks like Bowser's castle in Super Mario. So I did a cursory read on Beloit and... They better not even...
  20. I knew it...I straight called it on the colors. Being that this is also my hometown Wahoos' colorway (minus the yellow), I'm already predisposed to liking the color scheme--and it is at least some kind of unique to MLS. That crest, though? In the voice of Randy Jackson, "that's gonna be a hard pass from me, dawg." I want to see the design brief on this so I can see what they were aiming at. This thing looks almost too much like the advertising flags you see outside fairs and hew home developments, not to mention the banners that sometimes hang on the sides of stadia: Points for at least trying their hand at abstraction, but that execution fell way short of the mark. The arch is what is is, but its tough to make out whether the lines are supposed to be I-44/64/55/70/Stan Musial Bridge, the rivers, or something else.
  21. Meanwhile, I'm looking at the colors used in that promo (which I'm legit amazed no one's mentioned yet) and wondering if that may be the new team's colorway...?
  22. That makes sense. Granted, I don't get to see all the things you all get to see on the ground since I'm more concerned with not getting stuck trying to maneuver a 13-foot tall 74-foot-long vehicle through there. Off to the side, out of curiosity...how prominent (and this is for anyone) does the color orange figure into the St. Louis landscape? I mean, all the bridge overpasses are gray, red and black, but in the grander scheme of things, does orange have a visibility? I know the Spirits of St Louis had orange as their primary color...guess I'm just trying to think outside the box a lil' bit.
  23. That all sounds like something of a callback to these... (Side note: I miss the 90s, when team identities, especially in hockey, took risks...) ...As for the club name, it seems they are dead set on spelling out the "Saint" in "St. Louis"--funny since not even the post office does that there. Any particular reason for that?
  24. I haven't been following this whole thing, but could the nickname "Archers" conceivably be used (as an obvious double entendre)?
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