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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Cincinnati is an interesting case to me. I know there's a lot of people that wish for them to get back to the Big Red Machine days, and I do get it--but that's also just too easy and too predictable. I've long loved their team typeface for how modern and at the same time vintage it looks and I'd hate to see them toss that aside in favor of drinking the red nostalgia kool-aid. That said, I think if they keep their current font, strip out all semblance of black, and trim their scripts and numbers to just one-layer, that'd go a long way toward both sharpening and freshening their brand.
  2. Minnesota, tho... ...and man did Josh Allen make some big plays today. (No, not that Josh Allen...the other one.) So um, how bout them Jaguars??? *scratches head* Or maybe it's "what up with them Bills tho"??
  3. That's just wrong and you know it. They beat a JV high school team...Get it right. I can't speak for Von Miller since I really don't pay any mind to the AFC West, but I do every now and then wonder how certain guys are still in the league--and playing at something close to a high level. Like I keep looking at Tampa D-Line and wondering how in the world Jason Pierre-Paul is still playing--only to completely forget that Ndamukong Suh still plays on that same line. Ol' man Brady must be inspiring some kind of feigned-youth movement down there or something...
  4. Meanwhile, and I saw this coming a mile away, depending on MRI results, the Snatit might well end up losing their MVP the rest of the way.
  5. Aaaaannnnd we have a Trevor Siemian sighting in New Orleans. Dude's spinning that rock pretty dang nice, too. WHO DIS??
  6. That was a trap game scenario if ever there was one. It's possible they overlooked/underestimated the "lowly" Jets coming off that big win over Baltimore and going into another division game next week against Cleveland. Ah well...perhaps one for Cincinnati to grow on.
  7. That was a BRUTAL way to lose a game...receiver wasn't even looking for the ball, and the defender just happened to tap the ball behind the receiver's head, tip it to himself...walk-off interception. And the Cardinals fall from the ranks of the unbeaten. (Speaking of beaten, Kyler Murray, as impressive as he's looked thus far, looked pretty beat up last night. That can't be a good sign for Arizona going forward--and for their sake, since I have nothing against Arizona or Kyler Murray, I hope it pans out for them.)
  8. Detroit's current uniforms aren't bad by any means (well except for the gray ones--those are just ), but if they were to tweak them up some, here's what I'd do: - 86 the half-italic numbers. I don't know who thought those were a good idea, but they've annoyed the mess out of me since since start of this uniform cycle. (I personally wouldn't mind a return to those teardrop numbers they used to have or something similar--single-outlined, of course.) - reduce the width of those stripes back to something more normal. Those are a relic of Nike's at-the-time-forward-thinking innovation of oversizing certain uniform elements in the name of making things "modern". (That same ideology is what got us the last CLEVELAND BROWNS uniform set that thankfully got canned.) The rest--well, short of the WCF thing--is good as is.
  9. I don't have pics, but you might can add what was originally Nashville Arena, now known as Bridgestone Arena, to the list. It was finished in '96 as a multi-use entertainment facility (with an obvious eye on attracting pro sports); in '98 the Predators moved in. May fit your criteria...
  10. I don't know that I'd call this a little thing, but it's definitely been aggravating me lately... Derrick Henry has been doing it for a while, but in the past year or two lately increasing number of Snatit Titans players have been electing to go with red accessories with their uniforms...and it just looks so out of place...
  11. Oh yes you can...ever been to a Steeler game at Heinz? Or anywhere in town while the game's going on? If so, you've heard this about eleventeen pazillion times more than you need to... Listen at your own risk. (This doesn't even count the dolt who made a whole song out of mispronouncing Troy Polamalu's last name.) That said...I've been to Lambeau twice (though not to a game...YET). For what I have to say about it, Cheeseheads are some of my favorite fans to converse with. They (y'all?) know they're spoiled with success, but don't act all entitled or pretentious with it, unlike a certain fanbase anchored in western Pennsylvania (or North Texas--but that's a different discussion). Y'all good with me, man!
  12. I must concur. Although...I got used to that idea last week, and if not for the kickers playing keep-away from the inside of the goalposts last week, they would've beaten Green Bay. That's simple enough to say...but here's where I knew these weren't your baby brother's Bengals: they were down by double-digits in that game, and yet fought their way back and at one point were ahead. Against Green Bay...and Aaron Rodgers. And again, if not for them missed field goals...oh and yeah, their defense is pretty stout. They've got something special cooking in The Jungle (I don't know if y'all call it that, but if not you should; I am.) That is...if they can keep Joe Burrow upright long enough to see it through. That's always the big worry. But yeah, through 6 or 7 games, Cincinnati is looking like a real sleeper just-woke-up pick for the postseason. Good on them.
  13. Football in the rain can be ugly sometimes. This game here tonight though? This game been oogly. Like...straight up OOGLY. Good showing for the Colts' defense, though...I think.
  14. Granted, the Snatit were turning the corner before they dressed up as Gladiators of the Gridiron, but yeah, I get your point. I've been trying like crazy to find some type of way to like their current uniforms, but...it ain't happening. There's things about them that can be salvaged, bu--man who am I kidding? The only thing on those worth saving is the sword-shaped yoke--which seriously needs to be just one color. The numbers--especially the backwards 1s--can get gone tomorrow. As for them losing to the Jets...well, both their starting receivers I believe were out for that one, but other than that, well...there's a reason I call them the Snatit, you know...
  15. ^ Add that to the list. Of course, the other part of NE's greatest strength was paying everybody below market. It's like they brought players in and went all Chuck Daly on them like, "do you wanna win...or do you wanna get paid?". But hey, hard to argue with all them Super Bowls, so...
  16. There's a couple things going on here... - Tampa Bay showed the league the blueprint for how to contain Mahomes and that offense in the Super Bowl: take away the long ball and force them to play ball control i.e. slow down the tempo. (KC also went into that game banged up, down a couple offensive linemen, so that definitely didn't help.) - The other side of the coin of being a dynamic gunslinging playmaker is that when other things break down around you, the ugly side gets amplified, and now it's being magnified. Mahomes' internal wiring for making plays out of the impossible has caused him to commit some ugly turnovers. That, plus dude is getting straight beat up. All of that is taking its toll.. - Going back to point one, defenses are taking away the long balls, forcing KC to keep it all underneath. That's not exactly their style, and they're being exposed for it. Tyreek Hill was a non-factor, and Travis Kelce looked like he's been playing hurt the past couple weeks. - @Red Comet has remarked on this, but KC's defense is ...that ain't helping either. - Not talked about but worth mentioning: KC has had deep postseason runs going for a few years now. All those extra games take their toll, and I think the fatigue is starting to show up. Now, they still got 10 games amd a lot of football left to play (because 17-game season ), but to me KC looks cooked.
  17. Maannnn, them Chefs are getting cooked right now--I'm talking straight chunked, scattered, covered and smothered. I think I just heard this is the first time KC has been down 20+ points since 2016?? That is crazy. I'm guessing that was also the last time they were shut out in a half? As for the Snatit, this is the most complete showing I've seen from them probably ever. We'll see if they keep this up in the second half...that is still KC on the other sideline, after all.
  18. I was way too young to know or care at the time--I just remember some guy named Pavel Bure who eventually found his way onto the then-expansion Florida Panthers--but does anyone know the reason the Canucks originally switched to this out-the-box look in the first place??
  19. Might qualify...Cardinals fullback Larry Centers. ------------- Also...may not qualify as ironic, but it's no less hilarious.. Oh, but it gets better!
  20. I always wondered how dude's head didn't snap off doing that chicken dance...
  21. From what I remember, @infrared41's thread was for everybody; he just got the party started each week ("your mileage may vary"). People were welcome to agree, disagree, and/or submit their own picks for best/worst matchups in there.
  22. I think y'all missed the part where I said "did". That's past tense.
  23. Well actually...if you push the radius out about 40 miles or so due south or northwest, one of those cities does--or at least at one time did--have a CBB power nearby: Indianapolis, thanks to IU being a little over 40 miles south in Bloomington. (Though not a "power", per se, Purdue is about 40 miles the other way up in west Lafayette.)
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