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Posts posted by NYCdog

  1. Someone’s gotta say it. This helmet makes me want an all Honolulu Blue look - head to toe. And yes to a Blue/White/Blue road look


    I get the nostalgia behind it but IMO, the helmet might look better with the anorexic Food Lion by itself, without the racing stripes.

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  2. 6 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

    Sigh, no. I’ve said it a million times here before and I’ll say it again. The A’s have absolutely nobody but themselves to blame for not having access to the South Bay. The South Bay territory was (foolishly) given to the Giants by the A’s, who then have OVER A DECADE to claim it back free of charge and just never bothered to file the paperwork. Then both teams were sold, and in the Giants case the rights to the South Bay were factored into the valuation of the team (the Giants owners had the foresight to see that the SB was going to explode, and the A’s just didn’t). The Giants have offered the South Bay back to the A’s, but considering they actually paid for those rights, they want fair compensation for it. The A’s balked at the idea, saying they shouldn’t have to pay a dime for them. It’d be like if someone gave you their underdeveloped back 40, it turned into a new downtown/entertainment district, and then they said “Hey! I want that back now that it’s actually valuable!” It would simply be bad business to gift that back to your in market rivals. It’s also yet another example of the A’s trying to cheap out and shift the financial burden for their operations to anyone else they can that isn’t themselves. 



    I know it’s fun to hate on the Giants for this, but it’s ridiculous and off base. It’s some garbage nonsense put out by the A’s and I’m baffled that people are actually buying into it (why do people buy ANYTHING the A’s say at this point?). The A’s have spent the last four decades making dumb business decision after dumb business decision, and that’s probably their biggest single blunder. And now they’re asking the Giants to make an equally dumb business decision “in good faith” to make up for their own idiocy. Hell no, screw that.  Like I’ve said before, the A’s made their own bed, and now it’s time to lie in it. They can :censored: off to Vegas, Sacramento, Timbuktu, who cares. Good riddance. 

    Sounds like I offended a triggered Giants fan haha. Take off those orange tinted shades, your bias is clearly showing. I don’t have a dog in this fight at all. 

    Again - the rights were a favor from Walter Haas. They were contingent on a ballpark being built in Santa Clara County. That obviously never happened. Like you said, when Lurie sold, Peter Magowan bought Walter Haas’s “favor” from Lurie (not the A’s) as part of the sale of the franchise, even though Magowan never had any intention of building there. He had his eyes set his own vanity, legacy project in South China Basin (which Oracle Park).




    The Chronicle obtained minutes from a June 1990 owners meeting in which a resolution was passed for the Giants to acquire exclusive rights to Santa Clara County. The minutes, however, suggest the territorial rights were contingent on a ballpark being built in Santa Clara.


    The Giants are culpable in this. They never built in Santa Clara County. That was the stipulation. They should’ve returned the favor to the A’s to see if they could negotiate a ballpark in South Bay or fail there too. The A’s never got that chance. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, SCMODS said:

    Fisher also owns the Earthquakes. Yikes. 

    Fisher took over for Lew Wolff, who got Quakes 2 up and running after AEG moved Quakes 1 to Houston to become the Dynamo. Speaking of, who exactly do you think saved soccer in the Bay Area by leading the effort to build PayPal Park in San Jose. 

    DAVE KAVAL. (Let’s vilify him too lol) 


    It’s literally the reason why the A’s hired him. To help negotiate a deal to save the A’s in Oakland. This game has literally been on going since HOK study in Uptown Oakland in 2002. Every other professional sports owner would’ve relocated 5 years tops. Fisher remained, extending leases at a dilapidated Coliseum for 18 YEARS. And it got him nothing from Oakland in the end: 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:


    This take is so wrong it's almost comical.


    The Oakland mayor was legitimately blindsided by the Las Vegas announcement in April because the negotiations on the Howard Terminal stadium were near completion.   By walking away from the negotiations after the A's pulled their double-crossing move, the mayor behaved shrewdly by not allowing the A's to use the nearly-done Howard Terminal plan as a pressuring device in their rushed presentations to the Nevada state legislature. 


    Either way this works out, her move was the right one. If A's cannot fool enough of the Nevada legislators, then they have nowhere to go.  While the mayor has confirmed that she would take a call from Fisher or Kaval to resume the negotiations, it's hard to imagine their doing that in such a weakened posure. More likely, if the Nevada legislature does its job, then the sale that all of yesterday's reverse-boycotters are demanding would likely occur, and the negotiations would resume with the new ownership.  Indeed, the mayor has confirmed that a new ownership group could just step right in and bring the thing over the finish line.


    But if the A's snow job prevails and the legislature agrees to flush money down the toilet in a state whose education system is rated near the very bottom in the country, then the Oakland mayor retains her dignity.  And Howard Terminal still gets improvments from federal money, even if there's no ballpark.




    Again, utterly wrong.


    Even if you want to denounce the Giants for holding the territorial rights to San Jose (that the A's granted them), the A's moving to San Jose is not a good outcome for Oakland.  We should be glad that that never happened.  (If we care about history, which too many people on this board adamantly do not.)



    An A's move from Oakland would leave me heartbroken.  The 1972 A's are instrumental in setting for all time my aesthetic standards, a fact to which my excellent mustache attests.  I can remember in 1978 when they were all but gone to Denver after Marvin Davis agreed to buy the team from Finley.  I was about to cry.  The only reason they didn't go is that they couldn't get out of the Collisseum lease.


    Still, if that terrible scenario comes to pass this time, the Oakland government — under both the current mayor and the previous one — can hold their heads high with dignity and can be secure in the knowledge that they did the right thing throughout, first by leveraging the team's stadium demands into an agreement to also build affordable housing for city residents, and eventually by refusing to be a pawn in a huckster's dishonest game.


    Why would the A’s go into a deal with Oakland on a term sheet the city created  that they weren’t involved and thus the A’s never agreed too? And then Oakland wanted to dictate the development too with low income housing requirements that would obviously impact the return on investment. If I’m a business owner, I tell Oakland “get lost” and that’s exactly what the A’s did. I don’t blame them one bit. 

    And now allow the heartbreak to commence. San Jose would’ve been a better outcome for all baseball fans throughout the Bay Area. Now all you have is the Giants. 


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  5. Also, :censored: the SF Giants. Their territorial rights claim on San Jose is literally robbing sports fans throughout the entire Bay Area (Oakland included) from having a second baseball team in the region. That’s why we’re here today, with A’s moving to Vegas.  Otherwise the A’s would’ve been in SJ a decade ago. Now the Giants have the entire region to themselves and they’ll probably fight off any hopes for replacement expansion franchise in Oakland. 

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  6. On 6/7/2023 at 5:05 PM, GhostOfNormMacdonald said:

           Y'all. Barbara Lee is threatening MLB's anti-trust exception over the A's to Vegas move. Rob Manfred might actually destroy this league   "As a federal legislator, I believe such actions are inconsistent with federal policy goals related to the MLB's exemption from antitrust scrutiny."      


    I'm not a lawyer, but I've studied the legal and political side of sports in undergrad. The league is :censored:ed if Brett Kavanaugh's decision on college athletics is anything to go by. More than 100 years of precedent thrown away for greed. Like, calling them icarus would almost be too on the nose

    Barbara Lee is simply using the A’s relocation to pander for votes for her senate run, Meanwhile Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is out here cutting photops at the Reverse Boycott to show she cares when in reality she hasn’t don’t anything since she was elected. Atleast former mayor Libby Schaaf went to the negotiation table with the A’s. All Sheng did was claim she was “blindsided” by the Las Vegas move when the A’s have been in negotiations with Las Vegas for the last 2 years. Hello, they’ve been making routine site scouting trips out there! The sad part is judging by the replies on Twitter, there’s a lot of suckers buying into these politicians acts.


    It didn’t have to be this way at all. Everyone knows the Coliseum is a dump and something needed to be done for years. The A’s have been seeking a new ballpark in Oakland as far back as 2002 (Uptown site), years before John Fisher & Lew Wolff bought the club. The city could’ve worked to a deal with the A’s together, especially at the Laney College/Peralta site which was more financially realistic for both sides. Howard Terminal was a last resort pipe dream because the City of Oakland allowed port businesses (namely Schnitzer Steel) to pollute the area, thus now requiring sky high remediation costs in order to build on top of addressing infrastructure & site access issues. Howard Terminal was never gonna work. But it also was never gonna happen if fans can do more and better organize efforts then their own failed city leadership. Like it or not, Vegas did in 2 years what Oakland couldn’t do in 20 years: A deal for an adequate home ballpark finally. 


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  7. 43 minutes ago, j'villejags said:

    Yeah, the logo looks so out of place. They could’ve at least given it a vintage/worn treatment for the shirt. 

    But I’m afraid even without the context of the worn-out shirt, the logo would still look odd next to that font. They might need to tweak the logo a bit if they want to actually pull off the look they are going for.

    The back of the shirt gives me concert tour shirt vibes LOL 


    But the breast pocket logo on the front looks like the word mark was designed to fit the logo. The way Texans arches over the logo. Also, I like the jagged negative spaces fitting more seamlessly between Houston and Texans. Could the breast pocket logo be the new wordmark? 

  8. 16 minutes ago, adsarebad said:

    Astros:  Houston, the eagle has landed


    Atlanta:  Keep swinging  #44


    Cincinnati:  Cincinnati Reds 


    🙄  👎 Jesus!




    By the way, can anyone remember what the other CC jerseys said above the Nike jock tag ?



    San Francisco: Have you met Karl (the fog)? 

  9. 9 hours ago, NightmareinParis said:

    Orioles jersey has supposedly leaked...


    1. The colorful pattern on the socks leak appears on the neck lining. I have no idea what it means. 


    2. “You can’t clip these wings.” The cuffs on the sleeves appear to mimic a bird feather pattern. 

    3. With all of the design theme options available for Baltimore (Maryland flag theme, Camden Yards theme, Navy/USS Constellation theme, Pimlico theme, even friggin crab cakes theme), THIS is what Nike and the Birds came up with. This is “Los Dodgers” level bad. 

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  10. 6 hours ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    Lmao some one tell them the Baltimore Ravens beat them to the gothic aesthetic by almost 3 decades.

    Because they’re named the Ravens due to the Edgar Allen Poe connection? That’s only the only part of their identity that may convey a gothic identity …a bird. 


    The Ravens should’ve been using a gothic font from the start. Lean more into the gothic imagery, it would’ve played great with the identity. 

    Even if it’s to cater a brand named “Texans” to a more urban crowd (which sounds ridiculous), I’ll at least applaud the Texans on doing something different then continuing to use the same copperplate font that a lot of other teams now use. Their brand felt stale and needed some juice. I’m not sure this is it. We’ll see…

  11. I just want to point out my disappointment in the lack of chrome flakes on the white helmet. I was really interested to see that and to see it sparingly used is underwhelming. Why not go all out like the black helmet with red flakes? 

    Matte white helmets would’ve probably better matched the material of the white uniforms while still being unique in the NFL 

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  12. 17 minutes ago, McCall said:


    Wrong thread, bud.

    My bad, 


    Calling it now. The M’s City Connect hat has to be the S Nautical Rose logo seen on the socks leak. We basically know what the set looks like. The only question is will they be head-to-toe blue smurfs or will Nike give them white pants? 



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