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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. Kelly green sucks. There's something that feels washed out and unsubstantial about it.


    (Ahem... I think kelly green is the most underrated color in sports and isn't used nearly enough.)

    I like kelly green and I don't think it's a bad color. I agree that it isn't used enough in sports (green in general isn't really used enough). However, it depends what other colors it goes with because there are some colors kelly green does not look good with.

    Black is one of those colors, IMO, which is why I hate most of the Eagles "concepts" on here that are simply fill-tool replacements of midnight green with kelly.

    Silver? Cool. Gold? Cool. Yellow? Cool. White? Cool. Blue? Eh... cool I guess.

    Black? Makes it look dreary, which is fine if that's the look you're going for, but that's generally not what you want with Kelly. I think the mid-late 80s Eagles actually did want to make their look darker or "less bright", so their use of black worked for what I think they wanted to accomplish (Buddy Ryan was one of the first to wear black eagles caps and other merch, they wore black shoes, and I think they genearally wanted a more modern / intimidating look but were still bound by the conventions of NFL uniforms at the time. I think they could do much better with the color if they ever went back to it, which they have no plans to now or in the future.

  2. Not an unpopular opinion so much as an unusual one, but wide recievers wearing numbers 10, 12, and 16 look weird to me. None of the other numbers in the 10s do at this point, just those.

    I know 12 and 16 are probably because I still think of them as quarterback numbers. 12 is the go-to number for "glamour" QBs (Namath, Brady, etc.); and 16 is what the Packers QB (Randy Wright) and the best QB in the NFL (Joe Montana wore) when I started watching football. But that still doesn't explain why 10 still looks odd to me on receivers.

    Even weirder, receivers who wear single digits in preseason still look more "right" to me than those who wear 10, 12, or 16.

    That is weird...I'd think it would be "all or none". For me, I am getting used to it but I still prefer WR in the 80s.

    I also don't like receivers in 12,14,16. I guess pretty much all the even numbers except 18, because that's a relatively obscure number for a QB (manning aside). Those other numbers are just QB numbers to me. I'd also like to see receivers with single digits rather than 10s. Actually I'd rather keep them in the 80s, but if that's not possible then single digits works.

  3. Interesting, I have never seen those Rams uniforms before. Didn't the early designs feature block numbers, though?

    I'm pretty sure they did that. I think it may have been only for the 2000 season but I'm not sure.

    It was weird. The on field jerseys had a block font (kind of a cross between std block and champion - similar to new Stl Blues font) but the replicas had the custom numerals that wouldn't appear on field for another season.

  4. Looks like the Saints strongly considered switching to serif numbers (and white numbers at home) in 2000:





    But this could be an eBay hoax, but glad they didn't. They look way too much like the Ravens, sans purple.

    That would've been a huge upgrade, except for the white pants.

  5. Well for 10+ years an honest comment like that wasn't over the line, but now it is. Times change. That's cool.

    I don't feel sorry for him, and I don't think you have to feel sorry for him. If the new standard is that we have to weep for everyone's death and "hug the ones close to us" and all be Cardinals, then that's a dramatic shift from the open dialog we used to have. Calling him out for being an idiot isn't baiting, it isn't trolling, nor is it causing trouble.

  6. I have had dinner with John de Lancie. John de Lancie is a friend of mine.

    You sir, are no John de Lancie.

    The biggest thing with moderation is consistency. It's like one can't give you the outside corner, then they rotate in the third inning, and the next one takes it away then ejects you when you argue balls and strikes.

  7. I don't think I had any idea Eric Lindros played for the Stars.

    The Flyers are putting him in their HOF, which shocks me, considering his (and his parents') rift with the team, specifically Bobby Clarke. They're also putting in John LeClair, so maybe it makes sense that Lindros is going in, because LeClair was absolutely nothing without Lindros.

  8. By definition, none of those redneck cars belongs in a "uniform" thread.

    From m-w.com

    Uniform (noun)

    -a special kind of clothing that is worn by all members of a group or organization.

    -Dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by members of a particular group and serving as a means of identification;

    The car fits this definition.

    What group is the car a member of? Looks like just a single car to me.

    "UNI-form". I don't know the literal etymology (sp) of the word, but it sounds like "one form". It would apply when multiple people wear the same "one form" outfit to distinguish themselves from others, or like if you're talking about pinstripes and how they're uniformly spaced (in this case it's an adjective). Either way, it implies more than one object is needed for the word to apply. Otherwise, it's just a guy wearing something. Or a stripe.

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