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Atom City Army CONCEPT ***UPDATE***


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I have created a concept logo for our soccer supporters group in Las Vegas. The idea was to relate the badge to the atomic past of Las Vegas, but use a modern style. I am not a professional graphic artist and am a beginner at using AI, so any constructive criticisms are welcome. The colors are based on the City flag's blue and silver, and UNLV's scarlet (as we support all levels of soccer in LV - and hopefully a new MLS team). The group is also made up of supporters from the entire Las Vegas Valley (LV, Henderson, & North Las Vegas) so I wanted to use images in 3s to represent each city.

Here's some of my inspiration:


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It is really, really busy. Way too busy, I dare say. Pare down the elements you've got in there. You don't need them all. If you're calling yourselves the Atom City Army, then I would focus solely on the atom and the mushroom cloud, and forget completely about the sign, the flag (you can still take some of the colour scheme from it, but lose the striping), the military badge and the compass rose. Addition by subtraction.

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Looks much better. I still don't think you need anything in between "ATOM" and "CITY", especially since the atom is included at the bottom.

I'm leaning more toward the version on the right. I think you could put "SG" on the left side of the atom where the "S" currently is, and "15" on the right side where the "G" currently is. Wedging the "15" into the grey space at the bottom leaves it much too small.

I like how the cloud goes over the thick grey stripe and right to the edges of the shield in the left version, though. If you could do the same thing on the right version, I think that could work well.

I'd also increase the thickness of the grey outline on "ARMY", probably to the same thickness as it around the cloud.

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