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First Half Awards


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Manager of the Year Buck Showalter

Rookie Of the Year Lew Ford Minnesota Twins

Cy Young Curt Schilling Boston Red Sox

MVP Vladimir Guerrero Anaheim Angels


Manager of the Year Ned Yost Milwaukee Brewers

Rookie of the Year Jason Bay Pittsburgh Pirates

Cy Young Jason Schmidt San Francisco Giants

MVP Scott Rolen St. Louis Cardinals

Biggest Surprise

AL Texas Rangers

NL Milwaukee Brewers

Biggest Disappointment

AL Seattle Mariners, Kanasas City Royals, and Toronto Blue Jays

NL Houston Astros

Managers to be fired

Jimy Williams-Astros

Bob Melvin-Mariners

5 Big Trade Predictions at the Deadline

Randy Johnson to Yankees

Kris Benson to Mets

Steve Finley to Giants

Uggie Urbina to Giants

Brett Boone to Red Sox

What do you think please make your own picks if you dare.



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Manager of the Year Ozzie Guillen, Chicago White Sox

Rookie of the Year ? sorry, don't know enough

Cy Young Curt Schilling Boston Red Sox

MVP Vladimir Guerrero Anaheim Angels


Manager of the Year Ned Yost Milwaukee Brewers

Rookie of the Year ? again....

Cy Young Roger Clemens (but, see below)

MVP Scott Rolen St. Louis Cardinals

Biggest Surprise

AL Texas Rangers

NL The NL Central in general, no longer Comedy Central

Biggest Disappointment

AL Red Sox

NL Houston Astros

Here's the biggest/weirdest trades IMO I've heard of so far at least:

Randy Johnson to the Yankees

Clemens to the Red Sox

Matt Morris/Steve Kline to Phillies for Millwood/Polanco (PLEASE NO!)

Maglio Ordonez/Andrew Jones trade

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Manager of the Year-Lou Pinella

ROY-Victor Martinez(if he isnt eligible, then Cliff Lee)

Cy Young-Curt Schilling

MVP-David Ortiz

Comeback Player-Jermaine Dye


Manager of the Year-Bruce Bochy

ROY-Jason Bay

Cy Young-Randy Johnson

MVP-Lyle Overbay

Comeback Player-Danny Graves





AL-Kansas City

NL-Montreal :down:

I dunno any trade rumors LOL

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AL Manager- Lou Pinella

NL- Ned Yost

Biggest Surpirse

AL- TB Devil Rays

NL- Milwaukee Brewers


Randy Johnson to the Yankees.

Clemens isn't going anywhere, he came out of retirement to pitch at home so he could be close to his family and to pitch with Pettitte. Getting traded makes no sense.

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AL-Hank Blalock, Rangers (as he goes, so go the Rangers).

NL-Barry Bonds, Giants (no player has ever meant as much to his team).

Cy Youngs:

AL-Mariano Rivera, Yankees

NL-Randy Johnson, D-Backs?

Managers of the Year:

AL-Lou Pinella, Devil Rays

NL-Ned Yost, Brewers

Biggest Surprises:

AL-Rangers (despite the injury bug, Texas is in first place)

NL-Ben Sheets

Biggest Disappointments:

AL-Blue Jays



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Tank, I don't disagree with any really. I think Tony La Russa is as good a choice for NL Manager of the Year though, because he has got a team predicted no higher than third, way ahead of the mighty Astros and Cubs. Yoest is a fine choice though.

For the same reasons, it could be the Cards for the surprise, but again, Brewers are a good choice too.

pcgd, that rumor was pretty well blasted by TLR (or maybe it was Walt). He says it had no basis.

No surprise, because while I wouldn't mind have Millwood and/or Polanco, niether gives us any upgrades for the stretch run, actually, just downgrades. I'll take Morris over Millwood, at least this year, and I'll take Womack over Polanco this year too. Plus, losing Steve Kline would suck. And the truth is, we have a great shot at signing Polanco in the off season, and I've also heard Millwood would be happy to play in St. Louis if we wanted him. So, there's no reason to get these guys now.

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OH I agree, I added weird in there for a reason. I know Clemens isn't going anywhere, but just to hear "Red Sox/Clemens" in the same sentence was very weird.

And the cardinals trade, I couldn't believe for those same reasons you said. As long as LaRussa is back next year (he will be) they'll probably get polanco and they do have a good shot at signing Millwood. Cause Morris is probably gone. Renteria might be too. But we've got luna, just in case. I'd hate it but he makes me feel better about it if it does happen. I'm rambling...

All in all it will be an intersting off season. Perhaps better than last years.

I wonder if Kline was brought up in the rumor for giving the finger to La Russa (j/k). I think it'd be cool if La Russa instead of tapping one of his arms, just flicked off the bullpen to single for Kline. Just once...:D

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My predictions for final records:

AL East

New York 101-61

Boston 94-68

Tampa Bay 77-85

Toronto 68-94

Baltimore 67-95

AL Central

Chicago 91-71

Minnesota 90-72

Cleveland 79-83

Detroit 79-83

Kansas City 54-108

AL West

Anaheim 94-68

Oakland 93-69

Texas 91-71

Seattle 56-106

NL East

Atlanta 90-72

New York 87-75

Florida 86-76

Philadelphia 86-76

Montreal 51-111

NL Central

St. Louis 104-58

Chicago 89-73

Cincinnati 87-75

Milwaukee 83-79

Houston 82-80

Pittsburgh 67-95

NL West

San Francisco 91-71

Los Angeles 90-72

San Diego 84-78

Colorado 66-96

Arizona 53-109

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