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GIMP/Photoshop Question? URGENT


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Hey guys, I'm very sorry but I have this important question.

I'm not a pro in design using computer programs, and so while doing a Bayern Jersey for my "Soccer teams having BB jerseys" forum, I stumbled upon an issue dealing with the wordmark, text.

I'm trying to curve the text, just like what you would do in word, but the only way I can do it on the GIMP, is to do a path and make the text go around the path, which then doesn't enable me to edit it later on, also it makes it look bad like this:

I've searched al over the internet, and your my only hope

...and before hands thankyou




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What if you copied and pasted it from word? Wouldn't that work?

Yup I tried, but the way it pastes the text, it removes 1/4 of it, and the double dots (which isn't really a big issue). I've tried everything but its killed me, I can't figure it out.

I know designers who use GIMP for their designs, and they have perfectly normal arched text.


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Wow, this IS urgent. You obviously didn't have enough time to check the spelling of the word Bayern.

Slow down when making your concepts. Take a methodical approach to problem solving, rather than throwing a hissy fit. Here is a good place to start:


Use some initiative.


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Wow, this IS urgent. You obviously didn't have enough time to check the spelling of the word Bayern.

Slow down when making your concepts. Take a methodical approach to problem solving, rather than throwing a hissy fit. Here is a good place to start:


Use some initiative.

Well the issue is, I promised that I would release the design today, and I hate to break promises. I've searched all over the internet, just the same thing that you sent me, and it is all the same tutorials, it seems as though I'm just going to have to experiment until I get it close to what I need.

It almost came perfect:


Oh and I'm sorry I'll fix the Bayern, add the n.


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Very sorry if I seem to be hissy about the situation, but I've been frustrated for over 2 days over this, and well today is my deadline for it.

Once again sorry if I seemed to bother anyone in the forums, really didn't mean to do that.


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1. Well the issue is, I promised that I would release the design today, and I hate to break promises.

2. It seems as though I'm just going to have to experiment until I get it close to what I need.

1. Let it be a lesson in time management and making promises then. Also, it is far better to produce a better concept than a rushed one. Take your time. I am pretty sure nobody will shed a tear if you release a concept a day late on these boards. Quality over quantity.

2. You seem to be getting the idea. You will improve over time by doing things this way.


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1. Well the issue is, I promised that I would release the design today, and I hate to break promises.

2. It seems as though I'm just going to have to experiment until I get it close to what I need.

1. Let it be a lesson in time management and making promises then. Also, it is far better to produce a better concept than a rushed one. Take your time. I am pretty sure nobody will shed a tear if you release a concept a day late on these boards. Quality over quantity.

2. You seem to be getting the idea. You will improve over time by doing things this way.

Oh I mean everyone procrastinates once in a life time, it is just I try to release a concept a day, and I have school starting next week so I really want to get the best out of the exam break. Yesterday I was only able to work on it at night, since it was actually a good day, and we did a BBQ.

I mean this is what I have currently, and I still want to make some changes, but once again thanks for the feedback, and reminding me the world doesn't revolve around my issues, I'm again very sorry if I annoyed anyone in the forums:



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What if you copied and pasted it from word? Wouldn't that work?

Yup I tried, but the way it pastes the text, it removes 1/4 of it, and the double dots (which isn't really a big issue). I've tried everything but its killed me, I can't figure it out.

I know designers who use GIMP for their designs, and they have perfectly normal arched text.

I'd actually recommend giving that another shot, It has been awhile since i have actually had to warp text like that for one of my concepts but one of the biggest processes I go through is converting text over to gimp usually, I think I've warped it in Word before and if it didn't appear the way I wanted it to in Gimp, I'd open up paint.NET and paste it their on a separate layer and try to clean it up and make it as basic as I could before I moved it over to GIMP. I'd say you are just going to have to keep playing around with it that way or find a separate free program in which you can warp text the way you want too.

I honestly think it doesn't look bad with the circle as the path, I don't know if it would allow you to do this after but once you used that as the path, you could possibly play around with the shear tool or the perspective tool? Just a suggestion although I don't know if that would give you the final result you want. Although it would be more time consuming, you could always make each individual letter a layer and rotate it the way you want to as well.

Outside of that, I'd say don't worry about your own personal deadline for it, like marble21 said, just focus on the detail of the concept and play around with it so you can get the result you want done.

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What if you copied and pasted it from word? Wouldn't that work?

Yup I tried, but the way it pastes the text, it removes 1/4 of it, and the double dots (which isn't really a big issue). I've tried everything but its killed me, I can't figure it out.

I know designers who use GIMP for their designs, and they have perfectly normal arched text.

I'd actually recommend giving that another shot, It has been awhile since i have actually had to warp text like that for one of my concepts but one of the biggest processes I go through is converting text over to gimp usually, I think I've warped it in Word before and if it didn't appear the way I wanted it to in Gimp, I'd open up paint.NET and paste it their on a separate layer and try to clean it up and make it as basic as I could before I moved it over to GIMP. I'd say you are just going to have to keep playing around with it that way or find a separate free program in which you can warp text the way you want too.

I honestly think it doesn't look bad with the circle as the path, I don't know if it would allow you to do this after but once you used that as the path, you could possibly play around with the shear tool or the perspective tool? Just a suggestion although I don't know if that would give you the final result you want. Although it would be more time consuming, you could always make each individual letter a layer and rotate it the way you want to as well.

Outside of that, I'd say don't worry about your own personal deadline for it, like marble21 said, just focus on the detail of the concept and play around with it so you can get the result you want done.

Thanks a lot, oh ya that one that I posted didn't look good, I just wanted to show the progress, thanks a lot for your feedback, I will try that. I actually never knew GIMP can't do such stuff, so I kind of started to worry and freak out. Yup, I've tried shearing and changing the perspective around the text and it didn't work, but once again I tried like 3 more times, and I got this (I did this before your suggestion):



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No problem, gimp is a pretty interesting program. I've been using GIMP for 6 or more years now and I am still learning new things about it. But it is kind of a hassle that there isn't a warp tool like the one you'd find in photoshop. The more I think about it, I know I've run into the same problem before but I'd just try to do it in a different program or rotate different letters or parts of the wordmark. That is definitely not ideal but it takes some playing around since there isn't a definite warp tool. I think you are on the right track though.

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No problem, gimp is a pretty interesting program. I've been using GIMP for 6 or more years now and I am still learning new things about it. But it is kind of a hassle that there isn't a warp tool like the one you'd find in photoshop. The more I think about it, I know I've run into the same problem before but I'd just try to do it in a different program or rotate different letters or parts of the wordmark. That is definitely not ideal but it takes some playing around since there isn't a definite warp tool. I think you are on the right track though.

Thanks a lot for your feedback and everyone elses, really helped to know that there isn't such a tool in GIMP 2.8, maybe just maybe (hopefully) in 2.9.


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