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US based CFL teams


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This post has been editted to update the unis...

Next up--the El Paso Iguanas--

WhyEl Paso?

To give San Antonio a state rival, and to balance east & west conferences, and divisions with in them geographically

Why the Iguanas?

Okay--not very threatening--but I kept coming across them on web sites about El Paso--and it's sort of unusual

Colours-They were originally Purple & orange--I think I found an iguana logo those colours...any way they looked horrible--and adding, then substituting yellow didn't help. I had a colour set for a team I used in 2002 that didn't cross over to 2004--so I adapted it...But now I've adapted it again--I've used the same colours but altered the shade of them-I also dumped the very dark green--excpept for the numbers on the alts & most of the belts-I like these ones better...

Unis--I like the primaries--and the new alts are better than the first ones I posted-let me know what you think...

(home, road, home alt, road alt)-


Comments are certainly welcome...


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Hey--I just posted a Star Trek set so, I must be working on something else too--right?

Yes I am--

The Oklahoma City Wranglers-

Why Oklahoma City?

I wanted to add some georaphic balance and this fit the bill, also I saw untapped potential in the former arena league team of the same name---so no ugly "OW" brand style helmet logo--this also answers why the Wrnaglers?

Colours--I took these from the Wranglers main logo--the Wrangler on a horse--tossing a lasso--and hey--it's no secret I like red for unis...

Unis--the Home reminds me of a Maddenized version of the Chicago Blackhawks-this was not intentional--but when I saw a resmblance I embraced it. Again I'm not totally sold on the alts--basically I'm trying to look different than the other teams using red, black & white...

Left to Right-Home, road, home alt, road alt...


COmments welcome--there's still time to change these unis...

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Another red team is up next--the Albuquerque Scorpions--they use yellow as well-

Why Albuquereque?

Geographically it fits with other US teams, it's not competeing with an NFL team, and a fondness for Bugs Bunny cartoons-where he makes a wrong turn...

Why the Scorpions?

I had a cool logo to use--and Albuquerque made more sense than most to be the Scorpions. Originally I had a different name for this team---but I wasn't happy with it or the logo--a change was needed--and Scorpions it was.

Colours-From the logo, and the previous logo.

Unis-The primaries are similar to my old high school's--but a bit nicer--the red stripe on the helmet I continued around the helmet's edge as an experiment--I like it. Previously there was a shot of one of their unis in the Stingray post above.


I'm really happy with the unis on this one--with the Wranglers, these are among my favorites that I've done in red.

Comments are welcome--I can still make changes on these--

4 teams are left-2 in the east--2 in the west...

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Using the same format-Idaho Cavalry

Why Idaho?

More specifically Boise--well the greater Boise area is a suitable size for CFL and it's close to Canada--and it balances out for other teams geographically...

Why the Cavalry?

Usually I shun "singular" plurals (Cavalry vs Cavalries)--but in surfing the net for names for this team I kept getting links to Idaho's history involving Cavalry--and it was better than the Fighting Taters or the Mighty Spuds...

Colours-based on leather, and then "orang-ized"--this is actually a dark rusty orange--and kind of different--it sets them apart form the other teams...

Unis-Just a result of trying different options & seeing what I liked...


Comments welcome.

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We're nearing the end--2 more teams after this one--then I'll be starting the league--so bragging rights you gave me an idea is running out of time soon!

This time---the Portland Moose

Why Portland?

Which Western US city is named more than any other when it's time for expansion talk? (with the exception of the NBA)--Portland of course--it was also the site of a CFL exhibition game in 1992--the Stamps kicking the Argos butts.

Why the Moose?

Why not--again I tend to shun "singular" plurals--but the name is a strong one--and fitting--and I had a neat logo (Sterling 84's is actually better than the one I used--his Manitoba Moose alt is the best Moose logo I've seen)

Colours-Originally--for some reason I can't remember, the Moose originally resembled the Chargers unis of the 60's--it didn't work--so when I changed the colour set of another team--because it didn't fit the team--I used it for Portland-

The colours are--obviously--borrowed from the Minnesota Wild-with a bit of tweaking.

Unis--I like the use of red & green when done well--as the Wild do (I know many here disagree), and for the alts I played up the cream--and added another non white road uni.

Comments are welcome...Thanks...

Left to right-home, road, home alt, road alt


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(If I may be so informal)

This has been an intriguing project

I can't tell whether you are just making these up, or they're based on history.

The colour combinations are not always what I would have chosen, but then I can't imagine any team being taken seriously when they are wearing orange or anything flouro looking.

While you're on this project, could you re-design something for the BC Lions?

Their Black Silver and Orange just doesn't do it for me. Plus I hate their Lion logo.

Perhaps they could utilise the Navy, Claret and Sky of their neighbours?

My favs are: Scorpions name and Home uni.,

Jackson Stingrays name and Alt Home uni.

Least favs are: El Paso (Blue and Green should never be seen, didn't your mum teach you that?)

Columbus. Hammerheads=Sharks=Sea colours. More Orange, see above.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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Hey--thanks guys, glad you enjoyed at least some of them...

Some comments/answers on rmered's comments-

The first 7 teams & their primary unis are based on the 7 actual US based teams seen in the CFL from 1993 to 1995.

The others are made up.

The Scorpions and Stingrays unis are among my favorites as well--if I were to do a top 10 of all the Madden unis I've ever done the Scorpions home and both the Stingrays home and home alt uni would be contenders. Glad you like them.

We do disagree on blue & green--I like them together--

But I still don't like El Paso's alts--I am very open to suggestions on those ones--

This colour scheme worked much better in 2002 than in 2004--I'm not sure why...

As for the Hammerheads, the more I think about it, I think it came from the NFL's Ohio teams use of orange.

(The 32 team all Canadian CFL, however, does have a team called the Sharks--and their primary colour is blue...)

Oh well there is still time to change them...

Maybe I'll try the Canuck's colours on them...

Hmm--you're giving me ideas!

Well thanks guys--and still 2 teams to go--and possibly some updates--

Next team posted will be the Norfolk Knights...

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OK, I consider this a work in progress, and humbly request feedback.

This is what I meant above when I said about changing the BC Lions.

Amongst other things I'm not happy with the sky Blue Helmet, but I can't think of a way to make the Blue Mountain Lion work any other way. Also, my alternate looks like an Aston Villa soccer shirt, but I wanted to have more Sky to contrast the Claret.


(Once again, thanks to the original designer of the Miami Canes unis for an excellent template, and whoever made the Mountain Lion/Cougar.)

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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So--is this the US based team thread or the BC Lions one?

Oh well it is connected--I'm working on the Hammerheads makeover--and will post the new unis once I decide on them--they keep reminding me of the NY Giants--so I'm trying to get away from that a bit without going overboard...

The unis rmered posted aren't doable in Madden, but they look good...

2nd last team-

Norfolk Knights...

Why Norfolk?

Again--a rumored city for CFL expansion/relocation back in the mid 90's.

Why the Knights?

All the good nautical names seemed to be taken--and I don't remember what put the name Knights in my head--but I liked the sound of it...

Colours-after the name I searched for a logo--and the one I liked the best had green & black-so I used them...

Unis-just experimented a bit--the primary's pants both have stripes with the jersey colour in between one of the 3 colours not in the jersey or pants (green, black, or white)

I know some won't like the all green alts--but as an alt I like them--but I wouldn't use them as the primary unis...


Comments welcome--Thanks...

Up next the last team, and then a Hammerhead make over...

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Well, here we are team #16.

When I first tried this in 2002 you could only have 31 teams so I did 15 US teams--now for 2004 I made some changes--but also needed a new team--so after much deliberation (okay it wasn't that long--I checked an Atlas) I decided on Louisville Kentucky--I debated over team names for awhile--and after designing 2 different unis--one for a previous team name, and another for the team name I did use, I decided they weren't right, and then I found a better logo which suggested this colour scheme...

So I present the Louisville River Kings. named after Louisville's river & river boat history...

The first logo was too abstract and the colours all wrong, but too hard to change--so the logo changed as well-there is a foam blue green ccolour on these that blends with the blue, but it's hard to see here--not sure why the picture got smaller like that---well without further ado--the unis-

Left to right -home, road, home alt, road alt...


Comments welcome, I still have time to use your suggestions, just as I used rmered's suggestion for two teams & combined it itnto one--the new Hammerheads will be my next team post, so it's not quite done yet--then I have an Iguana's makeover too...


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See page 1 for the Hammerhead update--I've editted the original post to show the new colour scheme suggetsed by rmered.

1 more update to come, possibly 2...

Comments certainly welcome

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Well this brings to a conclusion--unless someone else gives me a great idea--the unis for the 16 US based teams in my CFL-US.

I have 2 things left to show you--and ceertainly welcome comments as well

First-at the top of page 2 is the new Iguana look--I've tweaked the colours to different shades, and used them a bit differently--so look it up, up there...

Second--Originally I gave the Stingrays a white helmet--I've been experimenting with a blue one that matche their home jerseys--and I have decided to use that one--for reference, here's a look (I haven't editted the original Stingary post)


That's one of my favorites of all the Madden unis I've done--thanks for looking along with me, I still welcome comments...

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