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Cevelian Soccer Federation Team 4/95


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Well, hello to all of you board members out there. I hope that your day has been well. I have had a fictional country for about a year now, and it also came with a little inspiration from the Alton pyramid by the amazing @TheGiantsFan.


So I welcome you to the country of Cevelia! This country is made up of two islands in the middle of the Atlantic. The main island is home to 18 states, and the smaller one has two states. Maps will come in a few posts. But let's get to the league!


This league is probably the most stable in all of the world, being around for 89 YEARS!! I think that's a record. It survived through World War 2 because the real "pyramid" aspect didn't get going until the '50s, after the war, and the President at the time, David T. Kraatz, loved soccer so much, he actually declared all players exempt from the draft. But after that, the league slowly expanded, and with the last planned team added to the mix 4 years ago, the league is now at a grand total of 95 teams. Here is how the pyramid is divided.


League I: Premiere

25 teams


Promote 3 and Relegate 3


League II: Champions

30 teams


Promote 6 and Relegate 6


League III: Professional

40 teams


I'm not going to simulate the league, so I won't go into scheduling of matches.


The league has a few rules when it comes to the uniforms, which is why we are here today. Here is a list:


  • Each team must have a white, yellow, tan/cream, or light pink jersey for home games, and a dark jersey for the road.
  • There is no standard font and colors for the numbers and NOB
  • The team crest does not necessarily have to be on the uniform, unless the team custom makes their jerseys or sponsors themselves
  • The jersey must contain the suppliers logo on the uniform, doesn't matter where


Now that that's out of the way, and we have a template thanks to the amazing @TheGiantsFan, let's get this ball rolling. CFS Project, Initiate!!!!!


First up:


League I

Royal Saint City

Nickname: The Royals

Location: City of Saints, Morgan

Founded: 1886

Last Promoted: 1983

Championships: 15




This team, based in the most religious, and oldest, city in the state of Morgan, is the most prestigious team in the league. They are always competing for the championship, year after year, and always find a way to recruit the biggest names in soccer. The club goes for a traditional look, and it all starts with the crest, and its simple shield design makes it one of the most recognizable in Cevelian sports. The home kit is a simplistic white kit with red cuffs. The away kit is a traditional half and half red and blue with yellow accents, appropriate for the patriotic colors of the flag of Cevelia, red,blue, and yellow. The kit supplier is Nike, and the sponsor is Morgan Electric, the state electricity company.


C&C Highly Encouraged, I do have 36 teams done, so if anyone would like to submit some sponsors, that would be highly appreciated.

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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Nobody? OK, moving to the next team.


League I

St. Mark AC

Nickname: The Angels

Location: St. Mark, Teller

Founded: 1890

Last Promoted: 1993

Championships: 11



The St. Mark teams have had a boatload of struggles, and this is the more successful one. Although they won 9 championships in their early years, founding the first and second dynasties in the league, until 3 years ago, they hadn't won a League Cup since 1951!! That's a long time, then they reeled off back to back championships in 2013 and 2014 to break "God's 11th Plague" as known by fans. Now to the design, they have used a simple crest with the "S" having a halo(I have no sense of proportion, so forgive me for the letter error). The home kit is the classic white with a yellow sash, and before you ask, the shorts are always available to be interchangeable, so there are possibilities for an all white set here. The away is a blue shirt with yellow arms with a single white stripe separating the colors. The kits are supplied by Addidas, with the sponsorship being recently picked up by Culligan Water.


C&C Needed, I can't grow as a designer without your guys' critique. And send in some sponsorship and team ideas. I would love them, as it also helps me in thinking.

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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On 1/26/2017 at 11:52 AM, osctheg said:

Royal saint city looks very FC barcelona, like the look. St. Mark has good clash jerseys

I never thought of a Barcelona vibe for the Royals, but I see it. I'm glad you enjoy these!


Sorry for the long wait guys, life is a thing, but I'm back with another. This time, we visit the third division.


League III

AC Eastwood

Nickname: The Eastside

Location: Eastwood, Teller

Founded: 1983

Last Relegated: 2010

Championships: 1





This team had glory days. They were once in the Premiere League. But they never left the reputation of controversy. Even in their one championship win, there was controversy behind the goal they scored to win it. But now, they have just sunk. They are mid table League III at best, and will be for a while. Their crest is a simple logo, pointing east to their proximity to St. Mark(Eastwood is a suburb of St. Mark). But their kit design is radical, with a magenta gradient on the home, and a green arrow pattern on a grey kit, that is actually how most roundabouts in Cevelia look sign-wise. The kits are Under Armor made, with Eastwood Financial Solutions, a financial help company.


C&C Needed

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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On 1/31/2017 at 11:53 AM, osctheg said:

i like the fade of the home jerseys

Ya like the gradients huh? There is going to be more of those.


Lets get to traditional looks, shall we?


League I

Rialto FC

Nickname: The Capitals

Location: Rialto, Collak

Founded: 1900

Last Promoted: 2000

Championships: 9


The Caps have won at least one championship each decade. Their crest is a simple R with 4 championship stars down the arc, and the gold one in the center, representing the other 5. The home is a simple yellow kit, while the away is brown with a yellow stripe. The team custom makes the jerseys, and sponsors themselves.


C&C, well...


Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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You need to improve a few things before you will get more C&C. Your hand drawn designs need to be cleaner. Right now they look sloppy and juvenile. It takes high skill level to pull off crayon. Maybe try colored pencils for more precision. The sizing of your lettering and numbering is inconsistent and doesn't match the sizing of real soccer jerseys. Maybe use a template that is larger, where one jersey fills a complete piece of paper.

Hand drawn doesn't need to be perfect, but they need to show appropriate amounts of time and effort were taken. Presentation matters no matter if it is hand drawn or computer drawn. Keep working at it. Improve your presentation and you will start getting that C&C you want.

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My question is, Axis or Allies? 

This is a cool idea, but it is...very ambitious, I'll say. You have a lot of teams to do here and the quality of the work shows signs of being a little rushed. For example, that's clearly the Under Armour logo on AC East Wood's kit, but your description says they're made by Umbro. 


You were inspired by @TheGiantsFan, right? Do you notice that their work is usually pretty clean? I would, maybe, concentrate on one team at a time and work more on polishing your work a bit. If I were to make a suggestion, I would say start with Royal Saint City. It's my favorite of the set you have up so far. I think the crest is great and would love to see that look cleaned up a bit more. 


Good ideas here so far!

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Guest darkpiranha

Agreed with all the comments above.   Some really good ideas you've shown so far, but you need to clean up the presentation.  It's hard to give good C&C if you don't know whether a problem with a design is at the design stage, or if it's just sloppy work.  


Great start, though!  

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