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Re-design the MLB Logo

Mac the Knife

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This is an exhibition. It is not a contest or competition. There's no judging, just an opportunity to offer critique on one-another's designs, so please, no wagering. :D

Hard to believe, but Major League Baseball's logo design is now over 35 years old. Given that Bud & Co. have a deliberate eye on the future, I'm curious how some of you would modernize MLB's look to bring it up to date with the times? Would you keep the same basic elements of the batter silhouette, or go with something completely new and fresh? Do you keep the color scheme, or change the hues of the red, white and blue?


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This is an exhibition. It is not a contest or competition. There's no judging, just an opportunity to offer critique on one-another's designs, so please, no wagering. :D

Hard to believe, but Major League Baseball's logo design is now over 35 years old. Given that Bud & Co. have a deliberate eye on the future, I'm curious how some of you would modernize MLB's look to bring it up to date with the times? Would you keep the same basic elements of the batter silhouette, or go with something completely new and fresh? Do you keep the color scheme, or change the hues of the red, white and blue?

Just off the top of my head, probably add a lot more muscle to the batter's arms, seeing as how the longball is being praised so much more nowadays.


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...and I think his head should grow a full hat size. That would be realistic, right?

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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