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the first DiscrimiBattle vote is now official, i will announce the medal winners...and also jabber on about nothing

if you have a fetish that your family might disapprove of, you might want to consider your own apartment and a good paying job :D (no, not what you might be thinking)

anyways, onwards to the judgement as chosen by the members of the CCSLP Boards......our third star with 5 votes, winning the Bronze TV Dinner presented by piggly wiggly, Sabres7200!

*organ music plays*

aaand....our second star, with 6 votes, we award him with the Gorton's Silver Fishstick...the49erfan15!!...that, and an added bonus to ya, niner: i liked the name and colors so much i created the 'Lappers for my NCAA 2004

*BYU fight song plays*

and finally...the first star of the game with 15 votes...the inaugural winner of the Tombstone Golden Pizza...for his Wentzville Indians concept...STLFANATIC!!!!!!!

*'When the Saints go marching in' plays on Discrim's badly-tuned piano* (hey, it's the only song i know how to play on the piano, sue me)

all hail the FANATIC!!! the people have spoken, he ran out to a sizeable lead early and never relinquished it! now that's the way to do it, STL!!!

and now, i will reveal teh objective of the next DiscrimiBattle...in a new post coming shortly.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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