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Athletes With Tattoos


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Hi Everyone! This is my first post so I thought I would kick things off with a thread dedicated to images of athletes with tattoos. Personally, I'm a big hockey fan so if anyone can find images of hockey players, that would be bonus! But this thread is more for you guys out there... so add as many as you wish. I suppose I'll start with a picture of Jordin Tootoo of the Nashville Predators hockey club. Can't wait to see what pops up :D


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Tribal tats are such a fad now. A tattoo should have meaning, you will wear it for the rest of your life, I have 7 and they all mean something.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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