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We Play On Tonight


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My alma-mater-The University of Louisiana @ Monroe-is going ahead with their home game tonight VS Northwestern State,which is in Natchidoches(pronounced "Nackadish") about 2 hours from here. ULM rarely makes ESPN except for when they are getting blown-out by the likes of Auburn or Florida,but they have a crew here and everything and are doing reports on this right now.I never thought we would play the host to the State's first major event since the dissaster.


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I can see why it's such a big thing for the state. They need something to keep their minds off of the nightmare that surrounds them. Seeing UL-Monroe play against Northwestern State (LA) could help start the healing process.

Yes, I know that it might sound trite to play a football game, but it's needed to help the healing. Remember 9/11? If it wasn't for baseball coming back, this country could of been just like those stereotypical moody people who slit their wrists and complain about life.


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