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NHL Logo


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Saying "not cool" instead of "gay" isn't "PC." It's intelligent.

I hate to beat this to death because it has been an issue in other posts but why are people becoming PC police here or watching their words when they don't really need to? I don't get to much of a negative vibe here, thats why I keep coming back. Ya, occasionally their is some hostility, but it isn't rampant.

I hate when people sanatize their speech or posts. What's the big deal for using the word 'gay'? If you meant to use gay, then use gay. Why is it more INTELLIGENT to NOT use it? In the new American English vernacular, gay doesn't just mean happy, or homosexual, anymore. I think most people would understand the context of the word when it is used as an adjective. Is it the best choice of words, probably not, but all of this mommy and daddying towards one another is getting to be a little annoying.

If you feel insulted than just say why, don't hide behind a comment like: "IT'S MORE INTELLIGENT". People today are more concerned with what the connotation of a word or phrase MAY be not WHAT IT IS. Just because one person may think it is inappropriate, does that mean the ENTIRE board should abstain from using the word? Isn't that what's wrong with this country right now? Censorship.

I don't here anyone scolding people on the board for using the word 'retarted' which I've seen many times on this board. That word can be seen in the same manner as 'gay'. Thing is we are turning a blind eye to the word 'retarded' because it has metamorphisized into an acceptable adjective used to help describe something deemed out of the ordinary or perceived as stupid.

I'm not saying we should all start berating each other, by no means am I saying that. I just want people to be consistent.

I'm not trying to come across in a harsh tone. I apologize if I am. That is not my intention. I hate censorship of any kind, especially when people are expressing themselves. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, I just think that it is no coincidence that the very first amendment deals with 'freedom of speech'.

Sorry to go off topic. I just had a moment.

To go back on topic...The NHL letters being switched to down and up is a smart design change. I understand that we read from top to bottom, left to right etc. But this is not a page of text, it is a logo. In logo design things are a little different. The NHL type direction change was a good subtle move on their part...design wise.

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Unneeded serifs courtesy of NFL Properties


The serifs and the letters at an angle create a very odd look.

Amen to that. There are far too many logos and packages using that awful pointed serif, it seems like the current default setting. I want to single out the Philadelphia Eagles for the blame but that's probably not accurate.

IIRC John Deere went through a similar analysis when changing its logo from a deer landing to a deer leaping. edit: Yep, see http://www.deere.com/en_US/compinfo/student/2000logo.html - in pertinent part:

In 2000, John Deere unveiled the latest evolution in the trademark, the eighth such logo in the company's history. The updated mark is true to the strong positive associations inherent in the revered John Deere name and symbol. Yet its sharpened antlers, angles, muscularity and attitude give the trademark an energized and dynamic edge. Coincidentally, after being perceived for decades as the "leaping deer", this latest version, for the first time, actually illustrates the deer pushing upward rather than heading toward a landing position -- a positive attribute noticed almost unanimously by all who participated in the recent identity review, research, and approval process.
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The new John Deere logo sucks.  I can just imagine some company chairman saying "Gimme the old logo, only with attitude."

I suspect there was much time and money wasted performing that analysis. No doubt you've noticed the proliferation of Deere-logoed merchandise in the last several years. Eventually the fad will fade and it'll be time to juice the logo again.

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I think the new NHL logo is significantly better, from a readability point of view; noone likes letters to be back-slanted; the current logo puts the letterforms themselves into normal italics, which push the reading along the word, instead of sort of backwards and uphill.

I don't support gradients, and their proliferation as of late through the work of such companies as FutureBrand (see UPS) pisses me right off, but the NHL logo is nice and subdued and doesn't lose any of its aesthetics when toned down for the embroidery.

Oh, and for the record, all this was discussed at length when the new logo was first unveiled.



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