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Detroit Lions - New Logo


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I think removing the gradients was a great start. The lion is my favorite animal and I think a lion head logo is by default cool. The one thing I would say to further improve the concept is to add some life to the eyes. The blankness of the eyes creates a lack of intensity. A bold look to the eye would bring the Lion to life and would add that certain something its missing.

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Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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No offense but it looks like a logo that would appear in Madden Create-a-team

That's actually the first thought I had as well.

As a fellow Lions fan, here are my thoughts:

- The logo and the uniform clash a lot. A very edgy logo with a very simple, somewhat boring uniform set.

- The thick black outline should probably go the whole way around.

- The logo honestly doesn't look that much like a lion. I realize it's supposed to be edgy, but it's not rendering enough like a lion.

- The lions should always be blue, white, and silver. Black in their color set, especially as a primary color, is blastphemous.

- The numbers could use a white or silver outline on the uniforms. They would'nt be visible on the field.

- The bottom half of the socks must be white according to NFL rules.

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OK All feeback from you guys is comming together. Sure its more of a 'madden/fantasy' type logo, but as I said before, Im looking for ANYTHING other than the current one they have.You know how they have the logo with the circus letters underneath it? Well when I see that instead of it sayin Lions, I see Losers. And as for the uni's. I just did a minor pic representing the black uni's they have, I didnt put all that much time into them, just wanted to see what the Logo looked like with the black jerseys...

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