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Chicago Terror


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Here's is a design that I made one day when I was bored during class, I liked it enough to remake it on my computer.

I got the idea for the eye from Gordie's "Demons" Design.

It also has the look of a wing.

So what do you think?


I fiddled around with the colors, changed the red to purple and made the gray and gold darker for the new one





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It's an interesting design. Is that supposed to be an eye with a pupil slit? If so, you might want to make the wing extend around it more to define the eye. I think it's got a lot of potential, especially on a football helmet.

What sport is it for?

On a separate issue, the name "Terror" might not be practical these days, but that's a different discussion entirely.


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I know that the name Terror would probably not be a name that would be used now a days, I just used it because of the look of the eye. I thought that the eye was more like a monster or demon eye so I decided that instead of a name that is used often I would think of a name that kind of combined the emotions that come up with monsters and demons.

Thanks for the comment, It's great to see a positive comment for the first one I've posted.

I don't have a specific sport for it to be used. I thought it would look really good on a black football helmet thought.

And the Design itself is more of an eye than anything else I would say, and the pupil is actually a T for the name Terror.

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