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Duke Done


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I would go with J.J. over Morrison in the pros anyday. J.J. and Adam had similar years as top scorers in the nation ... the only difference is J.J. did it in the elite ACC while Morrison did it in the scrubby West Coast Conference.

Yes, even I admit that the WCC is pretty subpar.

And I agree 100%... JJ is by far the superior player.


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Somebody can also tell Morrison he's not allowed to travel, like he does a dozen times per game, in the pros either.

No the limit is more like 30 in the pros



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I think Duke was a pretty overrated team this year. Williams and Redick are great -- but ANY team that starts two freshman in the tournament and doesn't really have that much depth is in trouble at SOME point in the tournament. That said, Gonzaga was extremely overrated.

JJ Redick was a better college player than Adam Morrison. Similar numbers, not-so similar conferences. JJ did it against some of the best players in the nation.


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